I like the way you think, Sheree! Sometimes you just have to surrender all sense of propriety and open a can of whup-ass on a bitch. We've all been there. Which reminds me--I'm so glad you own a gun now. I shall sleep better at night knowing that you, a person with a history of impulsive violence, are packing heat.
So it's the second episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta, and if your comments are any indication, you are already OVER it. Me too. But are we quitters? Are we going to stop watching this show and do something productive? NO. We are Americans, and what does America stand for if not guns and lady fights and a multitude of baby mamas? We will soldier on, and we (I) will watch this show even if we hate every goddamn minute of it. Here is the recap.
1. Sheree goes out for lunch with her friend Tania.
Sheree recounts her fight with the Top Level Executive and says "I wasn't scared, but the average person would have been scared." Of course.
2. Lisa and Ed are talking about having another baby. Lisa's original Ed baby (AJ? EJ?) is beyond adorable, so I don't know how she thinks she can improve on that, but ... I'm sorry. I'm having trouble focusing due to the, um, GUN SHOW.
WOW, Ed. Anyhow, Lisa's blatantly plugging her businesses during this conversation when the baby starts delivering some painful headbutts to her. Sadly, she doesn't take the hint.
3. NeNe calls Kim and asks for a sit-down with Sheree and Lisa. The panic in Kim's mascara-caked eyes is unmistakable. She claims that she cares about NeNe, but not those other two bitches. She convinces NeNe to meet with her alone at their "usual place," Cincos, which I'm guessing is a chain Mexican restaurant in a mall. (can you confirm MFAMB?)
4. Kim meets with her personal fashion designer, Dean Pardue, at her house.
Kim announces she's single (translation: NO MONEY), and bless his heart, he doesn't turn around and head back to his car. Instead, he follows her upstairs to her boudoir, where we all see a big pile of crap lying on her floor. Dean asks about it and she says with practiced nonchalance, "Dolce & Gabbana sends me shit from LA all day long." Note to Big Papa: CANCEL THE CREDIT CARDS. Good God, man.
Then we see Kim debating whether she should keep a $3500 purse she's not crazy about, and what about the $3000 belt that her assistant (!) thinks is a rip-off? She decides to buy both. "I shouldn't spend money like I used to," she sighs. But don't feel sorry for her--"I will shovel shit all day long for Dolce & Gabbana," she tells the camera. Such fortitude. Brings a tear to my eye.
We then are treated to Kim trying on Dean's creations, or rather, Dean literally trying to shove Kim's tits into his skin tight ensembles while she tries not to burn him with her cigarette.
I tell you, these outfits would make a hooker blush.
5. Whose foolishness is next? Kandi's!
She's on the internet, getting upset about bloggers talking shit about her fiance. "That's the bad side of the entertainment business," she laments. "You're always being talked about."
Kandi, if it makes you feel any better, I had no idea you existed prior to RHOA.
Kandi calls her mom (who is probably writing those blogs) to be consoled. One of my favorite moments of this episode comes from this scene, when Kandi's mama shouts, "I TOLE YOU TO STAY OFF THOSE DAMN BLOGS!" Amen.
6. Sheree and Tania arrive at a shooting range in leather pants and stilettos. Apparently, Sheree wants to learn how to shoot a gun so that she can back up her belligerent personality. "I am a survivor," she proclaims as she aims for the target's "kitney."
7. NeNe and Kim meet up at Cincos. They drink and NeNe tries to figure out if what Sheree says is true--that Kim has been spreading rumors about her. Kim says that Sheree is a liar, and soon finds herself agreeing to meet with Sheree to confront her on this. Did you see her face when she it dawns upon her that this is a really bad idea? Anyhoo, they end up having a good time that culminates with Kim on NeNe's lap.
I have a feeling Kim's been on a lot of laps, if you know what I mean.
8. Kandi goes to the hair salon. We know there's something fishy going on with her engagement when she says that she didn't get a chance to tell her family about it before the word spread. Yeah, when you're as famous as Kandi, news travels fast. I bet she had to flash her ring around for only a few weeks before it hit the blogs.
9. Lisa and Ed go to a fertility doctor to talk about risks of getting pregnant at Lisa's age (38?).
This is a perfect example of why healthcare costs are skyrocketing. LISA, GOOGLE IT. Jesus Christ.
10. Kandi is headed to her mom's and is NERVOUS. Mom diapproves of the engagement and Kandi knows she's going to get an earful. When Kandi arrives, it starts with her mom tiptoeing around the issue saying, "I feel like you could make a better choice" and ends with "It's bad enough with one babymama, but 4 babymamas? Mo' drama." FOUR babymamas? She has a point.
Kandi counters with "at least he's taking responsibility!" which sounds a bit crazy in light of the fact that the man apparently puts his penis in anything that moves. Her mother ends the argument with a classic line: "Don't worry about pleasing me; you just please yourself." Game, set and match to Mama.
11. Then there is an entirely too long scene devoted to Ed and Lisa getting ready to make babies (i.e. FOREPLAY). You know how I love Ed, especially topless Ed, but it is WEIRD and AWKWARD. It just felt like...filler. Ed and Lisa scenes are becoming the baby's breath of the FTD bouquet that is RHOA.
12. Kandi meets with famous producer Jazzy Pha and records a song for her album. Music helps her work out her problems. Yawn. Sorry Kandi, if that hurts your feelings, but I TOLE YOU TO STAY OFF THOSE DAMN BLOGS!
13. The meeting of NeNe, Sheree and Kim. NeNe and Sheree arrive first and sit bitch (which is my husband's way of saying that they sit on the same side of the table with no one across from them). The tone of this little gathering has been SET.
We see Kim arriving, and she tells the camera that she's not even sure why she came. She's trying to act cool, but she is without a doubt on the verge of diarrhea.
She sits across from NeNe and Sheree and puts on a helmet, trying to defray the tension with humor. "I thougth I'd wear my helmet in case you put your fuckin' heels in my head!"
Nice try, Kim, but nothing can distract NeNe and Sheree from the fact that they are prepared to EAT YOU ALIVE, wig and all.
The fight begins. Did Kim spread rumors about Gregg being broke? Did she tell everyone that Sheree was bouncing checks? Denials and f-bombs fly between Kim and Sheree. Kim stands as if to leave, and convincingly appeals to NeNe, reminding her that she has been a good friend to NeNe while Sheree has been a complete asshole. Kim, in a bold move, comes around to the other side of the table, where NeNe tries to act as peacemaker. But it all falls apart after Kim calls Sheree a "fuckin' liar" and Sheree calls Kim trailer trash.
Kim storms off. Sheree makes the decision to kick Kim's ass, leaps up to grab her sweater (nothing's worse than getting chilly when administering a beatdown) and NeNe follows, yelling weakly, "I can't run in heels!"
And it's over. The fight is "to be continued," although if you're one of those types who secretly opened your Christmas presents early and then rewrapped them, you can see the rest of the fight here here.
So what do you think? Are you on board with this season of RHOA, or are you just hanging on until Flipping Out returns? Tell me.