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    Who wants to talk about healthcare reform?

    "But Sheree, we need to ban the underwriting practices that have made private insurance unaffordable. Now where the fuck is my Chardonnay?"


    1.  This is exactly why Jessie never should have done NYC Prep.  Mark my words, she will never recover.

    2.  Lisa Wu Hartwell and Ed get the boot from their home yet somehow have the cash to buy a 10 acre property.  I need to meet their financial planner!

    3.  The tequila business is not doing well.

    4.  Big Papa is really Teeny Tiny Papa with a great big crib.  Aw!

    5.  Kim's 911 call.  Desperate, illogical, retarded, etc.


    Reader Comments (5)


    August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermy favorite and my best

    NeNe, Lisa, ShereƩ...Have any of them NOT been evicted or foreclosed on?

    I expect Kim and her daughters to turn up at a hobo encampment down by the railroad tracks, heating up cans of beans over a sterno fire and trying to trap squirrels...

    What my favorite and my best said.

    August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarol @ gatheringshome

    I love how Kim calls her choker a "cast member". What a joke! Aren't 911 responders supposed to stay on the line or ask more questions like, "are you safe now?", "is the choker, er....cast member still at large?".....that was weird.

    August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterannoyed

    The d-listed article on Jessie is so mean, but so true! The poor girl has no redeeming qualities.

    August 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaloma{LaDolceVita}

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