The 'Live Like a Real Housewife' Sweepstakes! (home foreclosure not included)
Bravo has clued in to the fact that we are becoming less and less enchanted with the Housewives series and has made the wise decision to bribe us into watching:
Bravo's "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" is kicking off the "Live Like A Real Housewife" sweepstakes, with special Housewives style giveaways for fans, including a grand prize – a trip to Atlanta to attend the taping of the season two reunion special. Viewers who watch the series' fourth episode on Thursday, August 20 at 10 p.m. ET/PT will get the chance throughout the episode to enter to win prizes including a luxury spa treatment package, a designer bag, a $1000 shopping spree and more. Hotlanta, here you come!
As an added bonus, the semi-literate Kim will announce the winner's name at the end of the episode.
I hope Big Papa's wife wins. Do you hear me, Andy Cohen?
I didn't even watch last night. Sometimes you just have to let your man catch up with Entourage and watch the end of The Last Dragon for the 297th time. Did you watch? Tell.
Reader Comments (13)
When I watched the 1st episode this season, I thought Kim looked ...good, better than last season. Now she says she just gives her credit card, doesn't know how much she pays and does velaspa (whatever). I think Nene's hair/bangs look like an old lady's wig. Taking a break from RHOA is a good idea, just about anything would be better to watch.
I believe I must set the record straight. First, SGM did not "let" me doing anything. I tole SGM to stay off those damn blogs and that I was going to watch Entourage before switching back to catch the end of The Last Dragon. I keep my pimp hand strong at Casa del SGM. Next, it was not exactly like I had to beg her to watch the episode of Entourage that had guest appearances by Tom Brady and SGM's white rapper love, Marky Mark. (Do make her tell you all the story of her craziness for that man.) In fact, I believe she was more disappointed than I was when HBO's warning came up and it did not say there was nudity in the episode. Last but not least, I do not get SGM's complaining about seeing an classic American film that gave the world its first glimpse of DeBarge and that has characters named Bruce Leroy and the Shogun of Harlem. You do not hear me whining about watching Pretty in Pink for the 300th time. Ok that is not true, that is a time when I have to put my foot down and axe her to turn that crap off.
How many baby-mamas does Frank have? I am not likin' his sass one bit.
EC, esp with Flipping Out on the horizon. It is def okay to take a break.
Frank, hello, my love.
Harv, GOOD QUESTION! He certainly has enough sass for four.
Kim that freaking hair, ya mean that she just has a little bit of real hair in the front and then no more? and the wig is the rest, that is wacked and Sheree s/d have yanked it off, now that would have have been a good show, Kim is starting to have a horse face and how does she pay her bills ?? Ya gotta Love NENE she just calls it as she sees it, and that is keeping it real!
Later the funniest think that Andy said was Brooks and Dunn have decided to split up, Brooks and Dunn... who are these people? OMG too funny
I watched, I'll tell.
The enormity of Kim's boobs continues to startle me everytime they appear on screen. It's just scary.
Someone had a party. Maybe with clowns and an elephasnt. I don't think we got to see the actual party-somehow I missed that part.
The new housewif-ish lady, the one engaged to a dude with 47 babies, asked a friend to a party. Maybe the clown party, not sure. But the friend was all, "Uh, yeah, we'll see. If my boss sees me on this show he's gonna fire my ass on the spot so maybe I'll be available."
A scene with NeNe and Kim talking about whether or not they want to hate on each other or show some girlfriend lovin' . They may have decided to show the love when no one else is around. I was too distracted by Kim's boobs to pay attention.
Sheree had a party. Not the big party, She's poor now and is damn lucky she's not homeless so that party will have to wait. Plus she can't find a party planner who will work with her. So a friend bakes a cake and 7 or 8 women come to celebrate Sheree's independence. NeNe and Lisa Wu-Who don't like one of the ladies and so they are rude to her. Sheree tells them to cut that shizz out and to start over so NeNe and Lisa think this means they have to leave the house and come back in ,in order to start over. Because they are both stupid. Then NeNe stinks up Sheree's house by burning some magical root that will bring Sheree whatever she desires while Lisa offers up some wacky prayer. I couldn't help but notice the lovely Wal-mart sheers hanging limply in the background. Don't think Kim was invited.
Lisa Wu-Who, because she too is broke,has decided to start a clothing line so she can waste away what's left of her money. Lisa thinks Sheree isn't a real designer. While Sheree has other people "do her line", Lisa has someone "put her vision on paper" . Somehow this is different. Sheree thinks she's the real designer and in case we're not convinced, she has a friend come over to tell us so. The friend tells us Sheree f-ed up bad last year with her "fashion" line and if she f's up again, she done.
Next week, the same mess all over again but in different clothes and Kim's breasts continue to grow.
I remember reading somewhere that Lisa didn't have custody of her other kids. Thought that seemed strange because she seems to have herself together, and it's rare that a judge awards sole custody to a father over a mother. You have to read this:
She had too many businesses and robbed her husband in front of the kids?! wtf does that even mean?
It was one of the poorest episodes of the entire Housewives franchise. Dead on arrival.
I watched it but I discovered that if you drink enough you don't remember any of it.
Also, I discovered your blog address changed without my knowledge (after you moved here) and therefore you have not been updating on my blogroll. !! I hope I'm the only one having this problem.
P.S. Semi-literate? You are very generous...
HG, I know. The address will not change again. ARG, I hate being stupid.
TrishaB, thank you so much! Nice job.
Lazy LA, that is the only thing I've ever read that even touches on the issue. She must have had some MAJOR problems to lose custody. Thank you so much for the teenytinyurl.
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