Are you sure you want to claim this, Father God?

Alexis and Jim Bellino on Valentine's Day 2010.
Because Jim's faux-hawk, shirt and bloatation look like the work of the devil to me. To see Alexis sharing more of her beauty with the world, click here. Please, bring your "parting the Red Sea" jokes in the comments. (thanks for the tip, Mason.)
And now, buckle your beezers because there is a new preview for the Real Housewives of New York City. You MUST watch it:
(click through if you can't see video)
GASP! Televisionally speaking, I have never been so excited in my life. Did the Countess' song "Elegance is Learned" make your eyes roll back in your head? Me too!
Click below to hear Mason of Seattle's Movin 92.5 and me break down the most recent episode of Real Housewives of Orange County and discuss Mason's failed attempt to look at porn at work. Happy Wednesday, sexy mamas (and you four straight dudes too). xxoo
Reader Comments (56)
Read on Reality Tea that Jill and Bethanny's fight is because Bobby has cancer and Bethanny is not being supportive. Both parts of that sentence make me really sad.
Oh my god, oh my god. That's Father God to you. Anyway... I can't WAIT for NYC!!! Is the Countess really singing? I mean, really. She and Kim's new duet... "Don't Be Tardy for the Party... Because It's Rude."
I love Jill. I hope she doesn't let those bitches get to her too much.
I could watch Alex in that dumb ass fabric chain dress forever. I was mesmerized. Is she on Fraggle Rock? Oh my god. Oh my god. Skeletor in fabric chains. Was that real?
Bethenny is going to make me sick. I do NOT like watching her kiss. And I'm tired of her knowitallness. She had better not eff with Jill.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Can't wait, Father God. Can't wait.
I'm with anon.
He looks a little like Kevin Federline there.
omg, Ramoner is so fucking funny.
RE: the picture of Alexis & Jim; I just threw up in my mouth.
Ramona's eyes when she was walking down the runway....speechless.
NYC is going to be so very, very, good. And by good, of course, I mean awful in a wondeful,wonderful way. Definitely hope Bobby's a-ok.
Sidenote: the other day I started watching OC and honestly couldn't get through the first five minutes without pouring a glass of wine. I don't know if that says I have a problem, or the show is just too, too much. I need Alexis to keep her Christian boobs out of my face and her husband's voice out of my ears.
eewww, gross, and greasy and fat
Jim is disgusting! They're so mismatched - visually. What the hell did she see in him? $$$? Mucho disgusto.
I'm sorry to see there are going to be two new Housewives in RHNY, and they sound like typical Andy Cohen choices: blonde, full of themselves, and hateable. Why not mix it up a little, Andy? Why not a few we can root for, one or two we could genuinely like? I'm tired of the typical Real Housewife "hate fest," to use the hateful Vicki's words.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph.........So she spends a shitload of money/time to look like a Barbie, yet her ridiculous husband puts in no effort. Unless of course, they both think he looks boss.
I know this is going to sound harsh, but I think I think I may have a higher opinion of the weird couple of the New York housewives, Simon/Alex...Is that them? They are too much, but at least they don't get all uppity with the Christian crap. I can take and in fact enjoy watching trite/tacky/borderline mental disorder behavior, but trite/tacky/borderline mental disorder behavior coupled with religious self-righteous is where I draw the line.
Anony, you don't have a problem. How else could you get through it? Much better to have a headache due to a wine hangover than a headache due to trying to find out how Lynn's daughters could survive looking/acting like they do and listening to Vicki bitchbitchbitch.
One thing about NYC, at least they all actually have money and we KNOW where they got it.
And hallelujah, Susannah! Couldn't agree more.
Jim is a fat slug.
Is it just me or do they all look like they've had makeovers? What the hell is the countess doing singing? Badly?
Nude colored fabric chain dress?
I'm sorry but those OC hags look like where Pamela Anderson is headed compared to these NY broads. Love the look on Kelly's face when Bethanny is telling her to go to sleep. She's always been good at comebacks.
Oh, and I see there's another "I threw up in my mouth" comment here. It's not because it's gross - it's because it's tired.
Ramona FINALLY got good hair-crazy eyes still there though. That Mario seems to have gotten better hair too. Kelly wants to have rully rully authentic relationships! Those poor kids of the countess. Isn't it enough their dad wears lavender tinted sunglasses all the time? Love you SGM:)
Don't you think the Countess' ex-husband looks like Bernie Madoff?
Everytime I watch the RHOC I order another jar of sunblock...
Throw the OC bitches in the ocean. Bring on New York.
Scarlet, if you think the I threw up in mouth comment is tired, so is the Christian bashing.
Countess elegance may be learned but singing in key is not! Can you hear yourself? I'll ask politely: please refrain from singing! Why do many housewives record songs when they cannot sing? I'm waiting for Lynn's new rap song or Jim and Alexis's Christian album. In the words of Kelly please stowp!
Eyes, I couldn't agree more. Maybe she's smeyezing?
Going to listen to the radio shenanigans now.
I have no words about Alexis except for the fact that her ass surprisingly looks like Kim K's. Has she had the reduced lately? I don't remember it looking like that at Tamra's pool party.
Dear Father God, forget the Red Sea..part Jim's hair so that he looks somewhat age-appropriate. These two look like they just left one of Patty's meat markets..I mean mixers! over at Millionaire Matchmaker and are about to go on the worst date of their fuckin' lives. The Countess made my freakin' day with her caterwauling "Elegance is Learned"... even the title hurts my ears! Let's see...RHOC had Jo, RHOA had Kim, RHONJ had well..nobody yet..and now The Countess. Do they think this show is a springboard to the music biz. More like a nonstop flight to the D-list if you ask me. Bring on NYC...I really am tired of watching RHOC practically fist fight for camera time. Note to Gretchen...the BEAU-tay bullshit crap will never sell..just based on the name alone. Consult The Countess about coming up with a classier name.
People aren't bashing Christians, they are bashing people who use it as a tool. And they're bashing Christian posers. Who might be tools.
"Caterwauling" is just such a perfect word choice. I spitlaughed.
I have to say, even the tags make me laugh.
Silver Rings, let's be clear--I am making fun of Alexis and Jim, not Christianity. Jim is mean and Alexis wants to be famous. It's obv that "being Christian" was their gimmick to get on the show. If I thought for a minute that they had good hearts and good intentions, I wouldn't be picking on them (and they wouldn't be on RHOC).