Are you sure you want to claim this, Father God?

Alexis and Jim Bellino on Valentine's Day 2010.
Because Jim's faux-hawk, shirt and bloatation look like the work of the devil to me. To see Alexis sharing more of her beauty with the world, click here. Please, bring your "parting the Red Sea" jokes in the comments. (thanks for the tip, Mason.)
And now, buckle your beezers because there is a new preview for the Real Housewives of New York City. You MUST watch it:
(click through if you can't see video)
GASP! Televisionally speaking, I have never been so excited in my life. Did the Countess' song "Elegance is Learned" make your eyes roll back in your head? Me too!
Click below to hear Mason of Seattle's Movin 92.5 and me break down the most recent episode of Real Housewives of Orange County and discuss Mason's failed attempt to look at porn at work. Happy Wednesday, sexy mamas (and you four straight dudes too). xxoo
Reader Comments (56)
Okay, I just listened to your radio discussion.
Is it bad that everytime I see Kelly B now, I see her naked?
I'm so over OC. I feel like this season is never ending.
I cannot make any comments at this time because I have been hypnotized by Ramoner's runway eyes.
Alexis is brainwashed.
You know Jim has verbally abused her into thinking that no one could ever love her but him, and that she is lucky for that... why else would she work so hard to look like a plastic surgery mess - uh, i mean 'stay young' - for a guy so increadibly unattractive in all aspects of life?
There can be no other explanation.
"Runway Eyes"! I love that.
Like the title of an '80s song, by Hall & Oates maybe.
Ramoner was modeling She by Sheree' and thnking "who gonna check me, boo?"
OMG - so excited! Ramoner's hair looks so much better short, is that sad this is my first thought? I'm sitting here right now watching a rerun from Season 1 where the "Countess" takes Bethenny to task for introducing her to the driver as "LuAnn" not "Mrs. de Lesseps" which reminded me why I can't stand her. Which makes the "singing" in the clip even more hilarious.
Did I use enough quotes? Ugh....
"Televisionally speaking..."
I just know that when they get nekked they motorboat each other's cans. I KNOW it.
The Cowntess is singing "Elegance is Learned?" I'm gonna sound like an idiot, but I completely misheard that. I'm sitting here thinking "how is elegance love?"
Anyway, SGM, looking forward to your NYC recaps!
seeing the rhny preview was like your first breath of a warm spring day. they have their issues, (thank god!), but at least they are interesting, smart women! even kelly looks like a genious next to anyone in the cast of rhoc. and rhoc has just gotten depressing! the way the prioritize their lives! and i hate the hair, make up, clothes, houses and cars. i might even not like palm trees anymore.
i love jill. she fing rocks.
Oh, fuck!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for RHONYC to begin!!
OMG - Vicki Gunvalson, star of The Real Housewives of Orange County, has been photographed cheating on her husband of 15 years.
Oh, I hope this is not true. A 25 year old? The thought of Vicki "being a good kisser" sends a wave of revulsion through my entire body.
anyone over the age of 28 should never have a faux-hawk unless they are a professional athlete and have washboard abs.
NYC is going to be off the hook insane crazy
I like the faux hawk...otherwise agreed.
I can't wait to talk about the current episode, especially as it relates to Alexis and her mom, and thus what Alexis "should" look like.
"Elegance is Learned" is going to be my ringtone
OK I clicked over to -- laughed my ass off at Vicki "I WORK" Gunvalson making a total ass of herself. The guy in question makes Jim "Smelly Dork" Bellino look like a prince and a really Godly man.
I know we will discuss this episode at a later date, but I just have to say that Tamra was itching for a fight when she and Simon went out for her birthday dinner.
I tivo'd OC now I just have to force myself to watch. I'll do it after I do something really bad - for punishment. I saw that article on Reality Tea about Vicki - now we know why Donn's never invited anywhere. Also, did you go down the page a ways and see that Tamra's husband accused her of cheating on him and she's in a romantic relationship with his best friend? Explains why she was always so worked up about Gretchen.
ooohhh gooody goody goody goody gooooooody FUCKING GUMDRRRROPPPPPPPPS!!!!!!!
countess=lesbian. awesomeness.
silver rings -
Alexis personifies what people dislike about christians. A hypocritical show-off who is at once attacking and judging another human being and the next minute grandstanding and leading the group in prayer.
I've seen it my entire life. The closing the eyes, the deep breath, getting everyone's attention and then once you're center stage rambling on and on and on. That prayer had nothing to do with Briana.
Oh Ramoner and her ...ahhh... strange dancing .. I just dont know if i can take it.
Silver bells, you know what is REALLY tired, using the term “Christian bashing.”
And for the record, when you go on national television and open the can of Christian worms, you're bringing it on yourself. Alexis is a perfect example of why people criticize religion, specifically Christianity. She uses it as a crutch for her behavior. Let me explain: she self-admittedly spends a great deal of time on how she looks. She has had breast augmentation, botox, tans, has hair highlights, uses tons of makeup, dresses provocatively, and stays very thin. In order to justify this she/husband/pastor all come to the conclusion that Jesus wants her tits to be huge and she can help people. So now she has conveniently found a way to redeem any guilt/contradiction she may feel in maintaining an unrealistic and unhealthy persona all in the name of God. I am quite sure that her husband's belittling/condescending behavior that he exhibits is justified in the Christian arena as well.
This is why people hate this bullshit; if she lived her life looking ridiculous, so what? And she is a Christian, so what? It is when they use their religion as a component for behavior and the behavior is bad. Look, if you want to spend that much time/energy on your image, then go for it. The problem lies in the fact that young women are watching her on television and she is sending a message that not only are breast augmentation, botox, tans, hair highlights, makeup, dressing provocatively, and staying thin are womanly requirements for happiness/marriage/children/husband, but Jesus will love you!! It is irresponsible and why people “Christian bash” in the first place.
I don't go for that "young women watching" and "sending a message" stuff. I doubt young women are watching RHOC and looking up to them and if they are, there are bigger issues. I don't even think taking care of yourself and having highlights and implants are much of a problem. Like, I think Dolly Parton is a good christian woman.
It's the "everyone stop what your doing and watch me while I pray at lunch" that is the real offense.
Christian-bashers are winning. Fake Christians not holding their own.