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    Entries in skanky celebrities (16)


    Elegance, thy name is Pam


    The battle of the jumpsuits!

    Who would have guessed that ass-tastic Kim Kardashian and the arrogant Countess from Real Housewives of NYC have the same taste in clothing?! Here they are, in the same Stella McCartney jumpsuit at two separate events. So, I shall ask the age-old Us Weekly question, who wore it better? Is the answer as obvious as as I think it is?

    Speaking of bony chests vs. boner-inducing chests, I think we all need to band together and nominate this J Crew model to be on Intervention.

    Seriously, how is she not buckling under the weight of her clothes? Gross. Shame on you, J Crew.


    Hooker Chic

    What kind of gd outfit is this? And why is it being worn to a McDonald's event? Who knew that McDonald's even had events (with stained, littered asphalt in lieu of red carpets)? You know some of the dudes having lunch at that McDonald's were all "I got your Big Mac right here, baby!"

    Oh, how the mighty have fallen, Kim Kardashian.

    photo courtesy of Tressed Out


    It is done, and let us never speak of it again

    I have put money into the pocket of Jessica Simpson, and I will probably wear her shoes with the big dumbass loopy signature whilst watching Denise Richards' reality show (tomorrow on E! at 10pm EST).

    Please forgive me.


    I need to start receiving emails like this


    From here on out I would like to be called L.C. I feel that I bear an uncanny resemblance to Lauren Conrad (my Avon representative agrees) and since my Avon/mark.addiction has reached an unprecedented level, L.C. just "feels right."

    I am slowly watching The Hills. I tivo'd a bunch of them as I have no life.

    I love Heidi. Is there something wrong with me? While Lauren is nice enough, there is no doubt in my mind that there is a tape out there with her legs behind her head. Please let me know if I need therapy as I aligning myself with Team Heidi.

    Thank you for your continued support.


    You really need to be reading Leslie at Reclaiming Miss Havisham for many reasons, one of which is to possibly beg to be on the email list of Leslie's sister, the author of the above email. It's kind of like a poignant "I'm going to be having a sex change operation soon and I'd like to have your support" type of letter. It feels weighty like that, yet it's about The Hills. Leslie's commentary makes it even better.

    Not only is Leslie so so funny, but she has tons of style. You should go check her out if you haven't already. Go on now. Shoo!