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    Entries in Frank's Butt (7)



    Yardwork featuring trashcan and outline of Blackberry, 2010 (part of the photographic series Frank's Butt)

    Flipping Out's Jeff Lewis with client Chazzzzz.  Finally, I understand what Katy Perry means about hottness melting my popsicle.

    Tonight on the everlasting Real Housewives of New York City reunion,  Sonja teaches Kelly how to count to four and Ramoner's neck retreats further into her shoulders:

    (click through if you can't see the video)



    Open to interpretation

    Frank's Butt being touched by Adam, Palm Beach, Florida.*


    So!  The plan is that I will recap last night's Real Housewives of Orange County.  Don't wear yourselves out talking about it in the comments of this post because I need you to save it.  Lynne can use our help and we have to put it all in one place for her (for obvious reasons).  Sound good?  Okay. 


    *For the newcomers, a short history of the photographic series Frank's Butt:  it began with an unintentional photo of my husband Frank bending over.  I liked it.  I posted it.  I took more photos.  Sometimes Frank cooperates, sometimes he does not.  Frank is now an international playboy and gay icon. 


    Let me see that booty POP

    The things this man does for me. 


    The happiest place on earth

    Hey everyone!  I just returned home from vacation.  I'm going to watch last night's Flipping Out (I'm very concerned.  VERY.  Don't tell me!) and will be back to chat.

    p.s.  Don't make fun of Frank's backpack.  I made him carry it. 

    p.p.s.  Also, his butt looks a little lumpy in this photo and I assure you, IT IS NOT.

    p.p.p.s.  Frank would like the record to show that he thought this post should be titled "Every princess's dream."  OVERRULED.


    Two of the most glorious views in God's creation

    The view from the summit of Pikes Peak and Frank's boo-tay*.  I persuaded him to lift up his jacket a little so we could get a better view.  You're welcome.

    It was snowing up there, can you believe it?  At least I think it was snow; it looked suspiciously like Dippin' Dots.  And GOD NO, we did not hike it, we took the train.

    Don't forget Rachel Zoe tonight.  Taylor throws a fit, Rachel gets stressed like never before, and Brad DIES.

    Same old same old, but of course we're going to watch every minute.


    *For those of you who are new around here, Frank is my sexy y smart husband.  Although I occasionally lust after other men on this blog, I do so only to keep Frank humble--the man is shamelessly adored in real life.  And his butt?  BING IT.  ( I have no idea what that means, but I like the sound of it).