The happiest place on earth

Hey everyone! I just returned home from vacation. I'm going to watch last night's Flipping Out (I'm very concerned. VERY. Don't tell me!) and will be back to chat.
p.s. Don't make fun of Frank's backpack. I made him carry it.
p.p.s. Also, his butt looks a little lumpy in this photo and I assure you, IT IS NOT.
p.p.p.s. Frank would like the record to show that he thought this post should be titled "Every princess's dream." OVERRULED.
Reader Comments (16)
i love disney. i love frank's butt. glad you are back. please tell me you were able to watch the season finale of rz inc? let me tell you something SGM...i would like to go on record as saying rachel zoe is a fucking twat. seriously...and who in the fuck is her doctor? what a numbskull....vertigo. nice dress by the way doctor retard. here rachel let me tell you what you're fucking problem is, you are emaciated. there are no nutrients supporting your organs or your blood. nothing. a starving lion would turn their nose up at you. but hey, nice work fitting in those clothes.
I think that kid in the blue hat would agree with Frank.
All I ask is you please, please, please comment on why this celeb hairstylist is wearing a 80s claw hairband to manage his bad hair day.... I tried to find a pix of it, but I am hoping that you'll know what I mean when you see it.
P.S. "Every Princess' Dream" - my hubby would totally make the same comment - jokingly, but not really. Even though I think my hubby is this kitty's "meow" and tell him often, he sometimes lets the hype go to is head... ;-)
"My Favorite": All that anger, about people you don't even know. You're going to give yourself a stroke.
I'm so glad you captured Frank's butt enjoying itself at DW! I don't think it looks lumpy at all.
I can't wait to hear what you have to say about FO. It's a good one!
loving frank's butt. and strong muscular legs. thanks for sharing. glad you're back-dying to know what happened.
sign me: cable-less and internet dependent
Of course those aren't lumps. That's just Frank's butt trying to tell us that it needs a nice, firm massage.
Frank let's you tell him what to do? That concerns me more than the obviously lumpy butt. Own it girl!
I bet I know a queen or twenty who would call Frank's butt Every Queen's Dream.
that's not real anger anon, that's blog anger. you might know it better as bl'anger.
bl'anger? I don't even know her.
As soon as I saw the top of his bum in the air till I scrolled down I thought "hey it's Frank's Butt!"
We're so happy to have him back with a guest appearance lumpy or not we love him so.
My Favorite: I'm sorry, but I am an anon who has to agree with you. I'm feeling the "bl'anger" (which is TOTALLY different than regular anger-- I'm actually a nice person). But that's what I wanted to scream at the TV when she was in the doctor's office. You're nauseous? You don't feel good? You're exhausted? DAMMIT, eat a freaking sandwich!!! Duh! She's so hungry she can't even close her mouth properly. It's always hanging open with that dumbass look. Anyway, why did Taylor get promoted? She's such a whining baby. She should be grateful to be working, considering what her job is in this kind of economy. Thousands of people who are still paying off college/grad school loans, who've put TWENTY years into a job are finding themselves, POOF! without a job! And she is bitching about not going to Paris? And doesn't she know that you NEVER walk into your job late holding a coffee? EVER! Even if you have to waste it and leave it in the car. If your excuse is that you got your boss one, then you'd better not have also gotten one for yourself, too. What is she, a high school intern? I hope Rodge sets her straight. I think it'll be good for us to see Rodge busy.
I blame Taylor's behavior on Rachel because she refuses to discipline her. When kids are brats, you have to blame their parents for it. I bet Taylor was much more professional and respectful when she first started working for Rachel, but her brattiness eventually started to come out and she realized that, rather than be disciplined for it, she'd be catered to. When she came in for the meeting with sunglasses on and refused to take them off when Rach asked, I was pissed at Rachel. Why would you allow a member of your staff to disrespect you like that? I don't see how Rodger is going to be able to deal with it. At this point, it's completely out of control and I don't think Taylor is capable of reigning it in.
Taylor is a selfish little bitch. i can't see anything she does that is so worthwhile that she needs to stay there. She needs to push that bleached straw hair out of her eyes and grow up.
Rachel please fire her!
Hire someone that others will actually LIKE to work with and be around.
I'm getting so turned off the show because of her whiny attitude! ugh!
I am sorry I am so late on noticing this...
Franck, I will be your princess any day.