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I was perusing Lucky magazine's Cute Outfit of the Day and went all the way back to November 4 to bring you this gem:
A oversized chambray blazer with rolled-up sleeves, paired with a patchwork shirt. What I want to know is, why stop there? Why not go all the way and accessorize it with an Olgivie home perm, high-waisted pants, and these babies:
Some nude pantyhose and Santa earrings would finish off the look nicely. What I'm trying to say is that chambray jackets, especially of the XXL variety, are never, ever cute or even appropriate. Unless you work at the DMV--that's the one exception.
I'm not going to talk about Top Chef, except to tell you that I couldn't even watch the last 15 minutes. Much to intense for my sensitive soul--I had to turn it off and take a breather. Then someone spoiled it for me, and I have to admit, it was a relief. Now I don't have to witness Padma crushing anyone's dreams, nor do I have to watch the winner supress the urge to fistpump and scream with joy. If you want to watch it, knock yourself out. The three finalists are on Watch What Happens Live tonight. I think I will actually watch because I love my little Porky Pie Kevin.
On the Real Housewives of Orange County tonight, Lynne and Raquel get their faces all cut up while Gretchen and Tamra have a fight. Again.
Love you bitches. xoxo