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    This post brought to you by Advil

    I was perusing Lucky magazine's Cute Outfit of the Day and went all the way back to November 4 to bring you this gem:

    A oversized chambray blazer with rolled-up sleeves, paired with a patchwork shirt.  What I want to know is, why stop there?  Why not go all the way and accessorize it with an Olgivie home perm, high-waisted pants, and these babies:

    Some nude pantyhose and Santa earrings would finish off the look nicely. What I'm trying to say is that chambray jackets, especially of the XXL variety, are never, ever cute or even appropriate.  Unless you work at the DMV--that's the one exception.


    I'm not going to talk about Top Chef, except to tell you that I couldn't even watch the last 15 minutes.  Much to intense for my sensitive soul--I had to turn it off and take a breather.  Then someone spoiled it for me, and I have to admit, it was a relief.  Now I don't have to witness Padma crushing anyone's dreams, nor do I have to watch the winner supress the urge to fistpump and scream with joy.  If you want to watch it, knock yourself out.  The three finalists are on Watch What Happens Live tonight.  I think I will actually watch because I love my little Porky Pie Kevin. 


    On the Real Housewives of Orange County tonight, Lynne and Raquel get their faces all cut up while Gretchen and Tamra have a fight.  Again.

    Love you bitches.  xoxo

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      Scented Glossy Magazines - Scented Glossy Magazines - This post brought to you by Advil

    Reader Comments (13)

    poor ginger dumpling. someone spoiled it for me too. although i have to say the jerkiest of the voltaggio bros was looking xtra sexy in it. except in the end when he was crying like a bitch. i guess it's either that or the dreaded fistpumping. fistfucking? oops. sorry. he really did look hot for the first time all season to me.

    December 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermy favorite and my best

    Damn. Sorry - it was me wasnt it? I wanted my little pork tender to win so badly.

    December 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    "... And I remember God saying to me not to let this guy go... And the devil..."
    What the fuh?

    December 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    mfamb, he has always had the sexiness going on for me.

    anon, if your name is Susie, then YES. But as you know, I don't like surprises. I'd rather just someone tell me rather than watching the excruciating-ness of it all.

    2nd anon, what?

    December 10, 2009 | Registered CommenterSGM

    That outfit... I think you finished it off perfectly, except that you forgot the matching patchwork scrunchie that we can't see from the front view of the picture. LOVE the Santa earrings!
    What is going on!!!????

    And I forgot. Why doesn't that God Whisperer Alexis listen when God tells her that 32 year olds don't need to eff up their face with Botox so they don't "grow old and get frumpy." Does she know Dorian Grey sold his soul to THE DEVIL for that shit? And doesn't she remember when God told her it's not nice to get two year olds professional manicures? And did she listen when He told her not to let her boobies hang out in broad daylight? Jesus Christ.

    December 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    Oh SGM (regarding the Christian commentary), you must not have seen RHOC yet? Just wait until Alexis tells you why she decided to marry her stinky cigar smoking ugly goatee sporting tacky deeeZINER jeans wearing husband. It is NOT because he buys her sparkly jewelry or because of his fabulous personality!

    December 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    I know, right? It's like sometimes I think there is someone who is VERY FACETIOUS working at Lucky Mag.

    At least, oh, god, I hope.

    Lynne looks windblown. Well-rested, but also stuck in a wind machine. *sighs*

    December 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChloe

    I quit subscribing to Lucky because I was tired of seeing ugly shit like that in every issue.

    December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

    At first I thought you were saying the outfit was cute....I had to scroll back to the top to make sure I was reading the right blog.

    Freaking disgusting.

    Dear SGM,

    I know precisely what you mean about ladies' weekends. Gayhooker and I are planning to take Frank on a gentleman's retreat shortly.

    you're totally hurting my feelings in 1987!!! and i rocked that outfit with many-buckled shoe/boots that my boss at the time said made me look like i had muscular dystrophy. WHOOOOOOO <-- vicki yell

    December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterL

    (High-fiving Harvey Millstein, Certified Interior Decorator)

    December 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergayhooker

    I think Lucky has it in for me. First, my older sister (she's not geriatric) wears clothes like this all the time, except instead of plaid she wears Winnie the Pooh and Keds and scrunchies, which requires me to make fun of her all the time. Things like this make her think she is right and I am wrong.

    I watched Top Chef (THE ENTIRE SEASON BECAUSE I AM A GODDAMNED TEAM PLAYER). Once again, the wrong person won (I'm not saying The Ginger should have won, but the other brother was definitely better) so Top Chef is dead to me again. Let's never talk about it again, okay?

    Also, I know I am tardy to the party on this post, but please tell me you have since caught up on RHOC?

    December 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersarah

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