Inside the mind of a Lucky staffer

"Okay, WHY did they pick me today?! Is this some sort of joke? Isn't it obvious that I woke up late and still drunk? HELLO, I put a belt around my neck. Thank God my little sister left her jean skirt at my apartment or else I'd be wearing the jeans I wore last night, and that has Jaeger all over it. Fuck! Last night my hair looked like Whitney Port's but now it just looks flat and reeks of smoke. I feel like I'm going to throw up . . . oh, God, maybe if I put my arm in front of my stomach I won't barf in front of my boss. No! I will not smile. The only thing you're getting is my bitchface because I am NOT amused. Are you finished yet? Good. I'll be in the bathroom."
Reader Comments (14)
I worry that the "belt around the neck" thing is a cry for help.
That's fashion vomit right there. And I use the word "fashion" loosely.
You're also elevating the word "vomit."
I had something witty to say, but I cracked up at the "elevating the word vomit" comment. Nothing tops that!
Spot on!
Spot on!
doesn't that fact that she has on booties cancel out the word cute? isn't that like the fashion equivalent to a mathematical proof or something?
She looks like she washed her hair with the wax from a Yankee Candle.
I'm a fashion tard and I would know better than that!!
If the Lucky Staff are the fashion arbiters of the nation, then God help us all!
You, my friend should be running this country. If SGM was my President, I would wake up feeling safe and happy each and everyday.
You inspire the masses. Don't ever stop.
Jumping ahead to your next post...
Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Jill's beauty secret. AKA-nose-licking dog! I think I just threw-up a little.
Oh design 59, my psychic friend, how did you know that I would zoom in on that? Ick. Super-ick.
Bwah ha ha! Another well deserved burn on Lucky, done by the master. All I can say is thank you!