Oh no . . .

Lucky's Cute Outfit of the Day for May 22
This is Julie, the ACCESSORIES DIRECTOR at Lucky.
[this is where I close my eyes, pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh heavily]
Someone shut this place down already. Jesus!
*Head on over to Mamacita's to see some serious magical genius concerning Lucky's Cute Outfit of the Day. You will not be disappointed. *
Reader Comments (21)
Well that explains alot.
WTF?! I'm not really sure a younger version of Mrs. Roper would qualify cute. Gag!
I know my comment totally dates me but that was my afterschool latch-key kid fare, Three's Company.
Yes, not cute at all.
And Sarah- I LOVED Three's Company. Come and knock on my door... :) Oh great, now I have that song stuck in my head!
Even the model wearing it hates it!
All she needs is an oversized chair, a rattle and her thumb in her mouth alla Lily Tomlin.
How ya supposed to get laid in that??
I can only imagine what the ugly outfit of the day looks like..... It looks like one of Dorothy Spornak's outfits from the Golden Girls. The matching palazzo pants must have been ripped off by an escalator.
that has to be the frumpiest sack, and she looks thrilled to be wearing it.
i'm 'team julie' what. i love the underdawg.
oh. and i might need to lean over and whisper 'jules, OWN the look. come on girl. it's all about your body language. that's right. OWN it' pat, pat on the knee.
a few things:
1. This girl showed up to work at Lucky looking like this. Some retard there decided that she had the cutest outfit in the office. I quote Design Junkie: "what did the ugly outfit look like?" YES. That is the question. Everything about this outfit is unappealing, except maybe the shoes.
2. Did anyone else see the Intervention about Chuckie? I cried buckets. I am so drained.
3. I'm more of a Mr. Ferley fan myself.
Sweet Jesus.
if that woman is the accessories director I should be named The Editor and Chief.
BB8, I think she got dressed this morning and thought, "now they will be FORCED to fire me! I can stop living out my mother's dream of writing for a fashion magazine and write for a publication that's actually worth a crap."
Her plan totally backfired, she is completely stunned, ergo, she is having trouble owning it.
Oh Richie! Why didn't I think of that? So perfect.
My god. I'm speechless. That rarely happens.
um, oh but no
Loved the Three's Company reference... she's totally going for the Mrs. Roper look.
Just about died when I read the palazzo pants/escalator comment...
SGM, I don't even know if the shoes even work. They look a little orthopedic with the thick sole.
One last thing. Can someone please tell me whether or not she is wearing nude colored tight?! At first I thought she definitely was, but now I am not so sure (and I'm concerned).
Even Julie looks like she wants to jump ship from Team Julie!!! This outfit looks like "Everything I own is dirty or at the cleaners but who cares, it's Friday and I don't give a shit."
Styled by Stevie Wonder.
Frank may be falling in love with me. I just wanted to give you a heads up.
She looks like a tranny stewardess, ca. 1967.
I suspected as much. Here's what to do: tell him you have multiple piercings in your nose and eyebrows and that you have big Oakland Raiders tattoos on your butt and boobs (really play up that you love the Raiders). It wouldn't hurt to add that you are deathly allergic to potato chips and Blizzards from Dairy Queen. He will never bother you again.
Thank you for warning me and helping to save my marriage!
Love 4fr,
It's like their very own Ugly Betty. Ewww!