Lucky Magazine and the French Revolution

This has been the main feature on Lucky's website for a few days now, and every time I see it, I think I must be hallucinating:
I can't even process the fact that we are supposed to be clamoring to win an outfit from Target.
Nothing against Target. Who doesn't love Target? I own clothes from Target and I understand that Jonathan Saunders is a big deal. But if I bought this outfit at a store, it would be tossed in a dirty cart with my Velveeta and toilet paper. WTF, Lucky? You feature luxury items in your magazine and get your readers drooling, but then when it's time for Lucky Breaks, you go all Marie Antoinette* on everyone by offering a chance at a Target outfit? WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM? You are SO asking for the guillotine. Or at the very least, a paper shredder.
In other news, I am emotionally devastated over my loss of The Most Perfect Mirror Ever on ebay. Like, seriously, I can't even write about it because my heart will fall out of my chest and onto the floor. WHY, God? Why does the sneaky and mysterious h**w now own my mirror?!
I'm going to eat some Halloween candy right now and try to make some sense of my life. Have a lovely night. Or day. Whatever. I love you.
*By the way, I did read her biography and I know that her reputation for excess might not be deserved and that she never said "let them eat cake." But this is her legacy, and please just let me have my reference to French culture here.
Reader Comments (12)
that outfit is pretty fugly. and it would be even fuglier on someone that weighed more than 110 pounds. you'd think they could've at least chosen something that would be universally appealing/flattering.
oh...was that have a lovely night...or day...directed to me? like a super-personal shout-out to your number one fan? {yeah...shout-out.}
because my day is your night?
no? {sigh.} we're not stalking each other nearly enough. i blame my crap lack of good telly. xoxo.
There are NO WORDS for this outfit.
AND I'm sorry about your mirror. I lost a pair of tall lace-up Frye boots yesterday and I was very angry. Have you ever had the urge to email the winning bidder and make them a bigger offer? Pathetic, I know.
Aw! I'm sorry you lost your mirror. :( Which one was it? I've been mirror shopping lately, so maybe I could help steer you toward something similar. You have my condolences.
I was so pissed when ebay changed their policies on privacy. You used to be able to snoop at h**w's feedback score and see all the shit they've bought in the last few weeks. Also, once they won your fillintheblank you could make fun of how lame their screen name was or where they lived. "Dayton, Ohio... pshhh I am SO better than them." ebay is going downnn! :[
katinkap, I know! It's not even cute.
Kareym, of course it was a shout out to you, my Jordanian love! And it also spoke the fact that it was 11:30 pm when I posted it.
Jessie, I have not thought about emailing the winning bidder. You are a smart cookie! Never give up your lace-up Frye dreams!
B for D, it was a Hollywood Regency mirror with the fake bamboo. It was just the perfect size and everything.
M--haha! Back in the day of no anonymity, I would think, "oh, the winner's from LA? I was probably in a bidding war with Ruthie Sommers! I have such great taste!"
Ruthie Sommers? I knew her when she was turning tricks on Sunset.
That outfit would only look good on a skinny, flat chested, no hipped tween who has never birthed a baby. I guess that is why the model looks 12. I think they made a mistake and it is an outfit from the jr section at Targ. Lucky disappoints.
Most of the clothes in Lucky magazine are FUGLY anyway. I have just decided I am not renewing. How many women are into the homeless hipster look?
You are a glutton for punishment. Cancel that subscription already.
OMG what would I do without you?!
I think girls under 14 would love free clothing...Lucky needs to remember who pays for subscriptions.