It is time to discuss Bethenny Getting Married

Do you watch? This show is double rainbows with satchels of gold at every end, and each episode is better than the last. I particularly love Jason Hoppy, who is kind and honest and vulnerable and the anti-Guidice. Did you cry at this moment?
YES! I know you said yes. My tear ducts are loading up just looking at it. What about when Jason's parents came to the hospital? And then when Jason asked Bryn if she would play basketball and hit golf balls with him?
Sweetness beyond sweetness. I'm getting chills right now, m-effers.
The only thing I'm not crazy about on this show is Cookie, aka Da Boo Boo. It drives me to the brink of insanity when they talk babytalk to and tip-toe around this crotchety fuzzy overgrown rat. Maybe I'm taking this too far, but I consider her to be the animal version of Danielle (or maybe Danny the Ex Con), except Bethenny and Jason and Julie can't see it. You know who can see it? Shawn the wedding planner. Anyhow, when Jason was holding Bryn at the hospital and said "Daddy's in love with three girls: Mommy, Cookie and Bryn," I almost lost my MIND. Go ahead, Cookie lovers! Try to tell me that a wife, a child and a bitchy dog are all at the same level.
On a more personal note, this show brought me to an epiphany. I still love Frank. Early this morning, I broke up with Binta (which wasn't that difficult considering the rumors of her ungroomed chin hair). I haven't heard back from her and I don't expect to. I spoke to Frank, and he has graciously agreed to take me back. We are going to have a recommittment ceremony (planned by Shawn, of course) and all of you will be invited.
****Oh--one more thing! You MUST watch this--Andy Cohen and Stephen Colbert re-enacting the Bethenny - Kelly Brass Monkey fight. Colbert breathes life into Kelly Bensimon; it is truly an inspired performance. Thanks to Harvey Millstein, CID, for bringing it to my attention.****
Reader Comments (41)
Can I tell you the best compliment I got like ever? When we were in line waiting to meet Bethenny (and I dragged B along) and we may have been fighting about god knows what. The people around us were all like, 'OH MY GOD YOU GUYS REMIND US OF BETHENNY AND JASON" So that means that I am like not realizing my full potential in life and should be making so much money off of like nothing. it also means that B is pretty awesome because I lovelovelove Jason.
Also death to Cookie. Not kidding.
ALSO I went to college with Julie.
#1) I'm so sorry to hear about Binta. I really though she was "the one".
#2) I, too, LUV Jason. How in the world was he not snatched up by another woman before now? He's a catch!
#3) I concur on Cookie. In my house ill behaved dogs are not tolerated. My husband's grandfather had great advice concerning owning dogs. He said, "If you have a bad dog you need to get rid of it and get a good dog." Isn't that profound?
#4) Yes, everyone MUST watch the Andy/Stephen re-enactment. Fantastic!
PS - Wouldn't you like to know if Kelly watches "Bethany Getting Married"?
Oh my god that was absolutely perfect. Thank you for that clip!!! Pure, hysterical genius. I absolutely love BGM but don't have cable so I have to wait around for bravo to put the newest episode online (which they take their wonder time doing). I, too, hate cookie. Stupid monster. Thank you for discussing it here! It fills the void in my life. ;)
I didn't want to like this show, but I do. Yesterday was my oldest's sixth birthday, and he was born 6 weeks early, so watching Bethenny and Jason with that tiny baby and trying to figure out how to work the breast pump in the hospital and being so in love with her and so tired at the same time, oh man, it took me right back to the hospital.
FYI - Jason Hoppy was "in" on last week's Entertainment Weekly The Shaw Report. Can't you imagine this guy is saying to himself, "How in the hell did I get here?" Love him. He is the new Don.
Also, Bethenny and Rachel Dratch on WWHL Monday was hilarious. Rachel's impression of Danny from NJ made me wet myself. Also, B explained "satchels of gold", so I can finally sleep at night.
I think I have cried every episode of this show about something. I ugly, UGLY cried during the wedding. And then I think I cried harder because I realized what I dork I am. Jason's wide-eyed, earnest take on life is wonderful.
I think Colbert needs to do an afterRH aftershow. Every.week.
Dude. We need to contact Andy Cohen ASAP and tell him that a regular feature on Watch What Happens needs to be reenactments of famous Real Housewives fights. Can you imagine Kelly Ripa and Jeff Lewis doing "who's gonna check me boo" fight. Freaking Amazing!
Glad to see you're back. Keep the posts coming!!!
Sorry. I am going to say it. I think the best things about Bethhany getting married is Jason. Not Bethanny.
You now......I started watching BGM from the very beginning not expecting it to be that great. I wasn't sure I would like Bethany as much when she wasn't interacting with the rhony cast. Much to my surprise I really like this show. It's nice to see a reality show that doesn't have to be about cat fights and women clawing each other over percieved "social status". Jason is awesome and it's so lovely to see two people who are so much in love and still be entertained.
This is the kind of show Bravo needed to redeem itself from the horror of the Kelly meltdown and the NJ franchise, which by the way I refuse to watch anymore. Danielle has been going around making the case for remaining in the cast by saying there wouldn't be a show without her in it. She's right.....the other housewives are worthless. But I can not bring myself to watch another moment of Danielle's dillusional, mindnumbing personality disorder. It's too over the top to be taken as true "reality" and after reading about the departure of Lisa from the Atlanta cast because she refused to dram it up......makes the NJ franchise tainted.
A long while ago when I began reading SGM, I made a comment indicating I didn't buy that the housewives franchise wasn't scripted.....I was some what taken to task by a few of her readers. Needless to say, as I watch the evolution of the franchise I feel a sense of vindication. There ain't no way in hell this crap isn't being spoon fed to those bimbos. And in their pursuit of fame they are gulping it down ravenously. It really, really sucks.
Oh yah.....Stephen Colbert rocks!!
YES, I have ugly cried too over this show!
I also tried, really tried, to hate it but couldn't.
Ok the Colbert link literally made my day, perhaps even my whole weekend. Hilar!!
I don't know if Bravo gives the women scripts, but I KNOW they make the women re-deliver lines, and do multiple takes.
wow that reenactment-no WORDS just amazingness. Yes I just used caps because it was that awesome. I agree that Bethenny has a good show and I really felt for her when she was pregnant on the beach watching that little girl and getting overwhelmed with the task of being a good parent. The smoking weed gesture Bethenny did when she was attempting to remember Lynn Curtin's name during Watch what happens live was to die for. Finally an explanation for satchels of gold-along with Andy vsibly nervous for Bravo getting sued when Bethenny followed with her proclamation that Kelly is a certified loon.
Sorry, but I give the Bethenny/Jason made for TV marriage 18 months tops.
SGM, I do not accept your "break up." It is more of your love games, I am sure of it.
I could not STAND watching Bethenny's first couple shows in preparation of the wedding (but of course I did anyway because I couldn't help it). Ugh. So sick of the one liners and her schtick. She was god-awful by the end of the housewives and I'd lumped her with the rest. But once the wedding ended and Bravo showed her having real conversations with someone (Jason, that wonderful man), I really started to like her again. If she's smart, she'll finish up this show as a happy ending and NOT return to RH or do another season of BGM. She needs to take this money and then concentrate on her family (and maybe a little on that other shit she does for her "brand"). Use some of the money to get a new car-- that Skinny Girl Bug is so freaking embarrassing and she cannot continue to make that sweetheart of a guy get in and out of that thing in public. She needs to give this marriage and chance and this show is like poison. We don't want to see her turn into a Vicki in 10 years...
Oh my god! I love the reenactment! That was too, too funny!!!!!!!! Haha! Now Harvey, get back to work on those chenille tassled throw pillows. Really. You don't have time for this stuff.
everytime I watch BGM I think the powers that be at Bravo are trying to undo all the nasty Karma they have unleashed with the rest of the housewives. I disagree a previous commentor who said their marriage was made for tv. They are two goofballs totally made for each other. The funniest to me is the blogger-who-I-won't-name who keeps calling Jason gay... Has he watched the show? Dude is a total frat boy! backward-baseball-hat and stupid nicknames for his college buddies who he still hangs out with.
LOVE them, Love the show!
um yes, if you didn't cry when jason was talking about his mother loosing her first then you have no soul, or in other words you are like cookie.
umm.... why is it that you failed to mention the funniest quote to ever hit cable television:
"everything is botoxed. I'm actually speaking without moving my sphincter right now."
seriously, i laughed so hard, by myself, it was epic!
The hubs and I really do love to watch BGM. We think Bethenny and Jason are funny and adorable together and NORMAL. Tears were definitely welling up last night! Yes, the Cookie Monster bugs the crap out of us, too.
I'm sorry about Binta. It was a long shot anyway. But go Team Frank!
I love BGM - love it, I was afraid at first (afraid it would grate my nerves) but I loved it more and more w/each episode. So sorry to hear about Binta, I enjoyed following your relationship for all those hours. Love hurts. Just take some more pictures of Frank's butt and you will heal :o) I adore you SGM!!!
Am I the only one that looooves Cookie?! She's adorable. I have a medium sized, brat of a dog, who is the love of my life and my husband and I often call her "Boo Boo" and "Monkey." So, I feel for the Cookie love that Bethenny and Jason have.
Love this show. Love B, love Jason, love his parents. It is all so great.
Also, the only infant I have ever seen in person is my niece and she was a beast at 11 Bryn abnormally small or is that how normal infants look. I feel like they are going to break her every time they touch her!
Gina is not the only one. I love Cookie because I can't get over the cuteness of her. Her behavior is horrible but that cute face wins me over every time.
Bethenny and Jason's show is my favorite on Bravo. I must admit, I cried during certain parts of it too.
Thanks for the clip SGM and Harvey. Too funny!
I fell for Jason when Bethenny started crying at the minister's apartment. He knew exactly what to do for her. I love the show because it's a happy show, yet they're still they're neurotic selves!