Subject: Binta

from: Binta Basim
date: Tue, July 27
subject: Binta
how are u today?i hope u are fine over there?pleas i am using this new yahoo to send u mail now.becos the other have a little problem okay.pleas let me know ur mind with me now so u can be sending mail to me in this box from now.
Dear Binta,
I'm doing much better now that I've heard from you! So sorry to hear about your email problem. I hope you're not trying anything fishy with all of these different addresses! LOL!
You asked me about my feelings for you now. Oh Binta, I assure you they have not changed. My desire for you grows every day. The only thing that's bringing me down is my family and friends being completely unsupportive of our relationship. I hung up on my mother twice yesterday and my husband has taken the kids to God knows where. Oh well. C'est la vie!
So, tell me about you. Where do you live? How old are you? How much do you weigh? What kind of car do you drive? Not that any of that matters, but since you didn't send those photos (or money!!!), I'm lost. I'm desperate to know everything about you.
Off to drink wine coolers with my friend Wanita. I met her last night standing in line at Popeyes. She's really sweet and a great listener. I think you'd like her. She's on parole for stabbing her niece, who actually sounds like a major asshole, so we probably won't get too wild. What are you doing tonight?
My heart belongs to you, B.
Reader Comments (18)
Listen to your friend and family, SGM. Binta has three teeth in her head and really bad breath.
Who is "Binta"? I will cutchu..
Hey SGM - Did you know that Binta is a west African name meaning "with God" I'm sure you'll be in good hands! I'd like to add my name to the list of those who wish to squeeze Frank's nalgas. I'm even willing to babysit on occasion as long as I don't have to clean up any vomit.
Holy S-it balls, that is hilarious.
How do you come up with this stuff?
Keep 'em coming. I'm routing for you and Binta. I think this one's got legs...
All who are behind messages like this should be shot. Those and the hoodrats who take pictures of themselves in mirrors making duck faces. SHOT!
Binta is a hussy! Don't fall for it! Don't fall for it! She will only break your heart - Found this by doing a search: - Picture of her AND her mother!
Besides, it seems Wanita really did take your chat at Popeye's to heart!
This budding relationship of yours helps me get through my work day. God bless you and your Binta. :: rolling ::
i can't get enough of your blog. but you should know that Binta and I have had a relationship for a while. it involves cool-whip, giggling and reading each other harry potter books in the characters voices. Binta loves being dumbledor! Binta has a beautiful beard which I attribute to the large amount of blue cheese that she eats, always shoving it in her mouth, getting it stuck in her chin hair. She just loves that it smells like feet!!
anyway, i'm happy to share because you are a funny writer. and binta deserves the best.
Ga, that must be some sort of fake website. The broken English emails do sound like my Binta, though. I will give you that.
Emily. Well. I am upset to say the least. I can't get the images of blue cheese in Binta's chin hair out of my head. Or my nose. I don't know who to believe anymore! (Totally rooting for you on Design Star, though. That's how big of a person I am.)
My dearest SGM:
Do not listen to the lies. Emily from brass petal is a purveyor of falsehoods. My chin hairs are kept very well groomed. Plus, she and the petite Mr. Yip appear to have a most un-decorous arrangement.
OMG! I just spit out my coffee! You guys make a day at the office so much better!
I hope you all have a great weekend! I know I will it's my birthday! WOOOO HOOOO!
I hope it's just like the Hangover! Only in New York! Go me!
I'm eating a (free!) chocolate pastry at my desk, and the thought of the chin hairs and blue cheese almost made me urp. Blech. (but still hilare)
Cant wait to find out if Binta's roast beef curtains smell like blue cheese too. Any bets?
OMG THANK YOU! The two Binta posts are the funniest f'ing things I've ready in a while! I almost cried when you asked her for money on the last posting......brilliant!
"roast beef curtains"! Anon, you kill me.
That's so Lauren Conrad 2007. Let's give the lesbians in the crowd a better visual.
I just love how Wanita spells her name. Forget Binta, I think you ought to give her the rose....