It is time to discuss Bethenny Getting Married

Do you watch? This show is double rainbows with satchels of gold at every end, and each episode is better than the last. I particularly love Jason Hoppy, who is kind and honest and vulnerable and the anti-Guidice. Did you cry at this moment?
YES! I know you said yes. My tear ducts are loading up just looking at it. What about when Jason's parents came to the hospital? And then when Jason asked Bryn if she would play basketball and hit golf balls with him?
Sweetness beyond sweetness. I'm getting chills right now, m-effers.
The only thing I'm not crazy about on this show is Cookie, aka Da Boo Boo. It drives me to the brink of insanity when they talk babytalk to and tip-toe around this crotchety fuzzy overgrown rat. Maybe I'm taking this too far, but I consider her to be the animal version of Danielle (or maybe Danny the Ex Con), except Bethenny and Jason and Julie can't see it. You know who can see it? Shawn the wedding planner. Anyhow, when Jason was holding Bryn at the hospital and said "Daddy's in love with three girls: Mommy, Cookie and Bryn," I almost lost my MIND. Go ahead, Cookie lovers! Try to tell me that a wife, a child and a bitchy dog are all at the same level.
On a more personal note, this show brought me to an epiphany. I still love Frank. Early this morning, I broke up with Binta (which wasn't that difficult considering the rumors of her ungroomed chin hair). I haven't heard back from her and I don't expect to. I spoke to Frank, and he has graciously agreed to take me back. We are going to have a recommittment ceremony (planned by Shawn, of course) and all of you will be invited.
****Oh--one more thing! You MUST watch this--Andy Cohen and Stephen Colbert re-enacting the Bethenny - Kelly Brass Monkey fight. Colbert breathes life into Kelly Bensimon; it is truly an inspired performance. Thanks to Harvey Millstein, CID, for bringing it to my attention.****