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    It is time to discuss Bethenny Getting Married 

    Do you watch?  This show is double rainbows with satchels of gold at every end, and each episode is better than the last.  I particularly love Jason Hoppy, who is kind and honest and vulnerable and the anti-Guidice. Did you cry at this moment?

    YES!  I know you said yes.  My tear ducts are loading up just looking at it.  What about when Jason's parents came to the hospital?  And then when Jason asked Bryn if she would play basketball and hit golf balls with him? 

    Sweetness beyond sweetness.  I'm getting chills right now, m-effers.

    The only thing I'm not crazy about on this show is Cookie, aka Da Boo Boo.  It drives me to the brink of insanity when they talk babytalk to and tip-toe around this crotchety fuzzy overgrown rat.  Maybe I'm taking this too far, but I consider her to be the animal version of Danielle (or maybe Danny the Ex Con), except Bethenny and Jason and Julie can't see it.  You know who can see it?  Shawn the wedding planner.  Anyhow, when Jason was holding Bryn at the hospital and said "Daddy's in love with three girls:  Mommy, Cookie and Bryn," I almost lost my MIND.  Go ahead, Cookie lovers!  Try to tell me that a wife, a child and a bitchy dog are all at the same level. 

    On a more personal note, this show brought me to an epiphany.  I still love Frank.  Early this morning, I broke up with Binta (which wasn't that difficult considering the rumors of her ungroomed chin hair).  I haven't heard back from her and I don't expect to.  I spoke to Frank, and he has graciously agreed to take me back.  We are going to have a recommittment ceremony (planned by Shawn, of course) and all of you will be invited.


    ****Oh--one more thing!  You MUST watch this--Andy Cohen and Stephen Colbert re-enacting the Bethenny - Kelly Brass Monkey fight.  Colbert breathes life into Kelly Bensimon; it is truly an inspired performance.  Thanks to Harvey Millstein, CID, for bringing it to my attention.****



    Reader Comments (41)

    Cookie rocks my fucking world.

    July 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLittle Edie

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh! LOVES the colbert bit. SOOOOOOO funny.

    July 31, 2010 | Unregistered Commentererin

    I would like to see Cookie go after Jill Zarin. I love Cookie! She is a reality bitch and many could take a lesson from her.

    August 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrosebud

    I don't know about all that. Gingah may be small, but she's wily.

    August 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStacy

    colbert killed it.

    August 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermy favorite and my best

    ok so i did it. it took two days of this show nagging me from its spot on my ON DEMAND channel.

    and i've been crying all afternoon, nursing bloody marys (dont judge)

    i LOVE them. Bethenny is serious hilarious and I wasn't sure they make guys like Jason.

    August 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commentercourt

    i hate myself for liking this show so much. jason is amazing but i also find bethenny so likable. she's extremely self aware which to me makes her lovable - it's one thing to be a total nutjob (kelly) but it's another to know you're a nutjob control freak and to embrace it. i really hope they work out.

    August 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterruthie

    on the Jason love-in...isn't anyone going to mention the morning after his bachelor party? how hot was his bare chested, sash-wearing, bed headed, ass-smelling breath self? i can't believe andy didn't comment about jason's hotness. yum.

    love the show completely. i hope they have another baby asap and i hope they do another season.

    August 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEC

    The only thing I'm not crazy about on this show is Cookie, aka Da Boo Boo. It drives me to the brink of insanity when they talk babytalk to and tip-toe around this crotchety fuzzy overgrown rat.

    I TOTALLY agree!!! I hate Cookie. Bethenny is making a big mistake not training this little rat. She [Cookie] should not be allowed the exhibit this bad behavior [the aggression].

    This sort of thing is often tolerated in small dogs because they're "cute, but it's aggression in any form. It should stop.

    August 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKokuanani

    I looove the show! But, I have to disagree with you on Cookie. Partially because I've been mom to more than one...feisty animal friend. In high school, there was Rudy, my chemically imbalanced cat that was on a high dosage of Prozac. And my Pit-mix, Paco, has been known to bite more than a few asses if people come to close to me. It's really unfortunate, and I've tried every trick in Cesar Milan's book, but the m.f.-er just loves me too much. And this, I think, is Cookie's problem. I LIVE for seeing her interact with Shawn the wedding planner!! O.M.G. "Don't look at her. Don't even look at her!" Priceless.

    August 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe Lil Bee

    Bethanny turned me around. She wasn't one of my favorites in the first two seasons of housewives but I grew to like her and her show is really sweet and honest. I have cried watching more than half of her shows!

    I hope she doesn't mess up the Jason thing. He's a keeper.

    I know cookie has some issues but doesn't she look like a muppet? but the baby tawk...not so much

    August 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrichie

    Shit day yesterday and like a little gift from up above is Stephen Colbert and Andy Cohen. I weep. I'm now whole again. THANK YOU SGM!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you're back!

    August 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBL

    SGM, hope you reminded Frank that you only have for his butt only, from here on out! You made the right choice.

    August 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGA Girl

    ugh. I'm so over Bethenny and her forced 'funny'. She's so entertained by herself. I guess it's good that someone else is as well. And Jason, boy for someone who was just a regular schmo, he certainly has embraced fame with a hearty appetite. What with taking a shower in front of the world. Where this is going is anyone's guess. What I do know is that to keep her lifestyle, faux fame and mass adulation going will require an incredible amount of energy.... and then what....

    August 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermegan

    OK, so I'm admittedly in the minority here, but I think Jason is a complete tool. If that guy kept calling me "momma' every 15 minutes I'd have to deck him. I predict they will tire of each other quickly...

    August 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenteraShark

    I'm so glad to read that there is a normal train of thought out there. Cookie is a little monster! I couldn't understand why no one was addressing the fact that this dog has behavior problems. I totally was put off with the "tip-toeing" around the little beast as well. Cute dog? Yes. Troubled dog? Most definitely. I love animals, but they're a bit cooky about it. Ha Ha - cooky cookie.

    August 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJeanine

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