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    Two astonishing facts revealed on The Rachel Zoe Project last night

    1.  Taylor did some bad shit that got her fired and despised.

    Team Zoe, not to mention Bravo, must have incontrovertible evidence that Taylor stole from Rachel.  Tay's reputation as an employee and as a human being was destroyed in this episode, so Rachel clearly isn't afraid of any slander lawsuits.  She crawled through stacks of shoes to burn Taylor's picture in the fireplace!  That's hate. 

    I too feel betrayed.  Even though I couldn't stand Taylor on the show, I bought her whole "I'm really a nice person!" act in this interview and I even bought the perfume she recommended!  (fyi, it smells like crap on me.)

    What do you think about the fact that Taylor didn't even contact Rachel to apologize?

    2.  Rodger loves football.

    What the hell?  Does this look like a man who enjoys football?

    NO.  I'm still trying to process this.  I didn't think he was gay but I never, not once, pictured him as the type to stretch out and watch football with his hand in his pants.  I'm not convinced.   


    Please feel free to also discuss Demi, Brad, Rachel's speech patterns, liquid eyeliner, and the fluttery feeling you get when you see all of the shoes and clothes.

    Reader Comments (37)

    This show is sooo draining. Can't handle any of them. BTW- Rachel's real age is 49. Bitch was born in 1961.

    August 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBL

    ok, so i watched it and i can say that i am 100 percent convinced that this episode was completely staged, written and acted.
    next time one of those stupid bing spots comes on that her and rodge do watch very carefully their "acting" as if this was all real.
    i don't buy this bullshit for one minute. i am not saying taylor is innocent of whatever it is she is supposed to be guilty of but this whole episode was written for the storyline it provides.
    i mean a dead giveaway for me was the whole scene in rachel's bedroom where rodger is supposedly watching can see the tv in the background and it looks like a football game that was recorded and then paused so they could reshoot shit.

    August 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermy favorite and my best

    I'm shocked and heart borken about the Taylor situation, but R watching football was definitely the strangest incident in the episode. It seemed so unnatural?!?

    August 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMalina

    My Favorite/Best:

    Probably all reality shows do retakes. The fakiness of the production is a different issue entirely from the believability of the accusations against Taylor.

    August 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    i mean the whole thing is staged...not just the reshoot part...

    August 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermy favorite and my best

    So Taylor agreed to let her professional reputation--her ability to make a living--get trashed, because Bravo said it would make a good storyline?

    August 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    I feel really bad for taylor. I cant believe bravo wouldnt have given us ONE more interview... or that they let the firing scene go untaped!

    I honestly dont think taylor stole from rachel. But she did have one bad attitude. Not that I blame her.

    So how old is rachel? 49? Cause I was gonna say she looks like she is in her 50s. And why does rodg look like he is in his 30s? She needs MAJOR plastic surgery and botox. And 10-15 pounds.

    Also her speech patterns are so bizarre. Didnt she grow up in NJ?

    August 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSketch42

    Ohh the clothes and shoes, it does give me a flutter.....

    August 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStephenny

    I loved Taylor, and she was the perfect counterpoint to the vapid Rachel. And all of the vague accusations just don't add up. They say she stole clothes, but all of the clothes came back, and Taylor is nowhere near a 0. But Rachel is. Remember last season when Rodger was busting Rachel on spending too much money on clothes? He made her take some stuff back. It might be a more likely scenario that RACHEL was acquiring clothes and expensing them to the business, and then threw Taylor under the bus when Rodger tried to figure it out. And maybe that's why Taylor quit, because the bitch betrayed HER, not the other way around.

    August 9, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon (the other one)

    And she was born in 1971, not '61. She says.

    August 9, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon (the other one)

    Rachel's voice is the epitome of annoying. Her voice gets caught in her throat and it's so whiny, irritating, spoiled and childish.

    What does she really do all day? Any of us could do her job, and I know you know that you could! Her new assistant looks like a deer caught in the headlights, and wasn't even introduced to clients properly. It's as if Rachel still wants to bash "Teller" and keep her energy/eggs drained on this.

    August 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSD

    Sorry, its a medical fact women must have a certain % of body fat to conceive. Surely Rachel does not and her age 39 as of this Sept. 1st,( although she looks 10-15 years older) puts her in a slim chance category. She is very unhealthy, does she ever eat? She is unhealthy physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is not an ideal situation for a child. Rodger, may need to consider his life options, his deep love for Rachel may not be enough to save her or their relationship.

    September 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGoldendoor

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