Two astonishing facts revealed on The Rachel Zoe Project last night

1. Taylor did some bad shit that got her fired and despised.
Team Zoe, not to mention Bravo, must have incontrovertible evidence that Taylor stole from Rachel. Tay's reputation as an employee and as a human being was destroyed in this episode, so Rachel clearly isn't afraid of any slander lawsuits. She crawled through stacks of shoes to burn Taylor's picture in the fireplace! That's hate.
I too feel betrayed. Even though I couldn't stand Taylor on the show, I bought her whole "I'm really a nice person!" act in this interview and I even bought the perfume she recommended! (fyi, it smells like crap on me.)
What do you think about the fact that Taylor didn't even contact Rachel to apologize?
2. Rodger loves football.
What the hell? Does this look like a man who enjoys football?
NO. I'm still trying to process this. I didn't think he was gay but I never, not once, pictured him as the type to stretch out and watch football with his hand in his pants. I'm not convinced.
Please feel free to also discuss Demi, Brad, Rachel's speech patterns, liquid eyeliner, and the fluttery feeling you get when you see all of the shoes and clothes.