My favorite moment from last night

was when LuAnn, in her gravelly bass-baritone voice, said "I don't know where that drag queen comment came from."
!!!!!! And then it got even better when Bethenny lied and said something like, "it was just an alliteration" instead of "dude, look at yourself!" Oh GOD. I can't stop smiling.
Also enjoyable slash frustrating: Kelly's continued inability to follow a conversation. Too many examples to count. Did you like her constantly bouncing leg and parroting of her Systematic Bullying PSA? She is quite a miracle of science, this person who has a big wad of chewing gum for a brain.
I have to add this about Bethenny. When my first baby was 13 days old, I was living in pajamas, crying three times daily, and bleeding heavily from the cooter. A short trip to the grocery store exhausted me for hours. And here she is, her skinny ass in an evening gown, listening to Jill spout the bullshit and Kelly describe an alternate reality. Why? WHY WHY WHY? If it were me, I would have murdered someone in the first hour and as the police dragged me away, I would have screamed "IT WAS WORTH IT!" Anyhow, I thought she was visibly strained.
Still chuckling about LuAnn.
What else?
Kathy Griffin on tonight (WHEW) and Real Housewives of DC is on deck (thanks Rachael).
Reader Comments (65)
I agree with Boo about the flogging of Jill. There are only so many times/ways she can say she is sorry. The problem is that this is a reunion show where they rehash everything that occurred over the course of the season/ Unfortunately, the only thing Jill did this season was act like a schmuck, so there is nothing else to talk to her about. The other problem is that after making all those apologies she goes on Twitter or Facebook and rips apart the other housewives.
It's so draining - I watched it all in 20 minutes on the DVR. I don't think I can't anymore of this. I didn't even watch NJ or WWH! I don't know if I will continue to watch the RHO ANYTHING! It's so exhausting to keep up with these bitches, it's literally killing me! I don't even want to think about DC!
In other fabulous news, JEFF IS COMING BACK TO BRAVO IN AUGUST!! WOO HOO! Now that's a show I could watch year round! I so LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him!
I was dying over all of it. The systematic bullying was too funny. How about systematic insanity and selective memory? LuAnn is a drag queen! She has the hugest feet! Is that an adams apple too? LOL
I love your blog and kelly is freaking crazy.
Cooter! Oh my gosh - you're such a funny hooker!
How can you all like Andy Cohen? He's so...creepy. Plus, he adds nothing to the show. I just think he's such a yawn.
I think the tag "love, love, love" is going to become our "throw up a little in my mouth"
love and light,
I don't feel sorry for Jill - if she was sincere and "a changed person" - she wouldn't have needed to hire a PR crew to tell her how to handle all this.
BL- if you don't like Andy, you prolly should just move on to another blog!
Loved the exchange between Andy and Bethanny during the "KellyAde" recipe!
SGM Luvah, it's bc of you that I'm going to stay on the blog and show my girls how to fight systematic cyber bullying- because it's not okay.
satchels of pooh xox
Andy is smarmy. He just is. I did enjoy his squirming when he had Seinfeld on WWH and of course, Dina is awesome for stepping off the crazy train.
Dear SGM,
You need to change the name of your blog to "The Ham Game."
I think I figured out the main thing that makes me crazy about Kelly. While she is attempting to explain that she is a victim, she is acting like a complete bitch. The problem is she is no good at either.
All right, dammit - WHAT IS THE HAM GAME?????
kelly needs to find jesus
Shan - The ham game is from RHNJ. Caroline's "kids" were playing a game in the kitchen where there were throwing ham at one another & mom & pop Manzo cam home & busted them.
Have you people no decency?
You are talking about the AMBASSADOR OF WOOL.
I have only seen clips of the reunions so far, but I am wondering if someone would transcribe everything that Kelly says and shows her, on paper, her exact words, would she see that she makes no sense?
Also, this is a pretty interesting post about RHONJ Danielle's "memoir" if anyone is interested:
I think the only thing we will ever know for sure is that she is a terrible, horrible human being.
Danielle's house just went on the market.
Danielle's house listing forgot to boast "Gawdy floral wallpaper in master bedroom as seen in owner's sex tape."
"you're all white noise." "ok, you be white noise, too" memorable Housewives of NYC moment!
Is Bethenney leaving? Do we know for sure?
BL - Dig up some of the videos on the Bravo website where Andy answers viewer email. You'll see he is funny, charming and witty. The way he handles the nasty emails is the best part.
I will give Andy another chance and check out the old clips. Thanks Lil' Edie (that's your rapper spelling)...
PS- Love that we continue to have a full blog without a recap!
Did anyone else notice this - earlier this week Jill shut down her Facebook page because of "spam." It went back up yesterday with all posts since July of 2009 missing. What's up with that?