Big Monday

The second installment of the Real Housewives of New York City reunion airs tonight. Watch this:
If you are for some reason unable to watch the clip, here is a visual summary.
If there is a God in heaven, Andy Cohen will also ask Jill about the fake book review. I will personally send him flowers if he does.
So, who's leaving Real Housewives of New Jersey tonight? I'm boycotting that shit so report back. My guess is Dina since she's the guest on WWHL tonight.
Here's a juicy piece of gossip from Real Housewives of Atlanta. I can't bring myself to watch it, but maybe you can. (thanks jenjen)
Reader Comments (29)
I keep scrolling back up to the picture of Jill and giggling. And giggling again. And thinking about it, and giggling more.
And here we go, the Fucking Train Wreck Part 2 has left the station and heading to a crash site near you!
Jill better behave herself tonight, because I'm in no condition for her shenanigans. I'm synching up with the rest of you ladies. I woke up this morning, looked in the mirror and staring back at me was a giant, grouchy tampon. A used one. Fuck you Jill, in advance.
Hahahaha.......I love this blog and I love the comments just as much. You made me to a spit take Marriedtoachimp.
Just WOW. On one hand, I'm almost sorry for the dumbshit since she's so obviously clueless about how the internet can bite you in the ass. On the other, I'm laughing so hey, it's a win as far as I'm concerned.
Ugh. "Affecting my livelihood" has to be the stupidest statement. Forgive me, but I thought the whole premise of this stupid franchise was that they ALREADY had a freaking livelihood and we were lucky to be able to get a window into that. It just makes them all look stupid when they say that "not filming a scene with one other cast member" affects their wallet that much. Boo effing hoo.
I never bought that Greg was an "entrepreneur." Never, never, never.
I've got my zuzuvela ready for tonight...
FYI LuAnn: I AM the Mexican version of the margarita you stupid bitch.
I am also syncing up with you all, and Kelly is frustrating me to no end!! I keep sighing and the headache is just building and building. I think, Jill, that we're done. For good. I miss the fun Jewish gal from Long Island. :(
ummm...just watched reunion part's happening again...that scary feeling inside like where i want my mommy.
andy and grandma wrinkles - i am about to to die. DIE!! maybe the best thing that has ever happened to me xx
NENE is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Real....Real FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!! bwahahahahhaha! Haven't watched RHoAK (that's real housewives of any kind) tonight. YET!!!
Um hey SGM when's the last time you actually did a recap? If you don't have time don't get our hopes up. You've had 2 posts now where you say "oh I'll be doing a recap this weekend blah blah" and then I check for it like 4 times a day and nothing. The comments are also awesome but I don't like feeling manipulated.
Yeah SGM, stop being a dicktease! If we don't get a recap, we should at least get a picture of Frank's ass.
Who left The Real Housewives of New Jersey?
No big surprise, Dina left NJ Housewives. Hated that they felt the need to bring Grandma Wrinkles to WWH's but at least we got a peek at Dina's daughter Lexie. She's turned into a beautiful swan.
My biggest wish is Kelly won't be returning to NY. She never shared her jelly beans anyway.
Was it on last night? I only got a marathon of the Jersey Girls. I must know what happened!!!
Dina left...I am sad. LOVED her bringing Grandma Wrinkles to WWL. Awesome.
Jill said that she was trying to be like Bethenny with the one liners. Really? Seriously?
I LuAnn not talking during this reunion or did I miss it? She seems very quiet.
Watching Andy trying to follow Kelly was priceless. He tried so hard. He really wanted to give her a podium and the same chance as everyone else got. You could see in his face, and all that eager nodding, how hard he was working to follow that thought process. Andy should know by now that one doesn't exist. Not in Kelly Killorean Bensimon, the mother of Sea and Teddy.
Kelly vs. sAnItY was the pinnacle. You are so right Stacey: Andy's seemingly earnest attempts at following (forget about UNDERSTANDING) her was genuinely funny; akin to my father trying to understand my barely three year-old babble through her speech impediment. Andy's face, my father's face: same/same. Two thoughts: is it possible that Kelly isn't a clinically crazed nutter/meth head and that she is just a textbook narcissistic, socially retarded moron who's behavior has gone unchecked for most of her adult life? What we saw on St. John was a temper tantrum? That said, last night she seemed medicated.
Looking forward to part three to finish up with Kelly and watch Ramoner's complete destruction of Jill...Moner looked very Ramotional (Andy!) in the teaser, but I agreed with her point. Humility, Jill, is a crucial lesson it seems you will nevah learn.
Grandma Wrinkles on WWHL had me laughing so hard I that I burned some serious calories. Thanks Dina, and good luck. You are clearly too level headed and responsible to remain on the is show. Bon voyage!
Love your take on RHONY. You need a Twitter button so we can post your blog there and on Facebook.
@gayhooker --
Gawd, LuAnn's an idiot, isn't she? "A Mexican version of a margarita" -- I nearly choked on my own spit! As if everything was invented in the Hamptons. Right, Lulu, and did you know that Champagne is a French version of sparkling wine? Oh, and by the way? The Mexican version of a margarita is called...a margarita! Mo. Ron.
Anon and Liz totally called me out! ALL OF THIS will be addressed. Soon. Promise. And I'm not being a dicktease this time.