I was almost dead of an overdose and last night was a shot of adrenaline to the HEART.

Oh, the truth hurts, doesn't it Jill Zarin? How about all of that damning testimony from Bethenny, Ramoner and Alex? Jill wasn't helping her case by shouting "PROVE IT" over and over. Part 1 of the Real Housewives of New York City reunion can be watched online here. If you haven't watched it, you must. I'll try my best to recap it this weekend.
What did you think of Bethenny, Getting Maddied? (That's not a typo, that's "married" in a Chinese accent.)
Huge large major congrats to our beloved KCS Cougar, whom we have always known to be one of the funniest em-effers out there--Andy Cohen showered him with love on WWHL last night.
What are you waiting for? Head on over to the comments and spill your guts! xxoo
Reader Comments (49)
I enjoyed Bethenny Getting Maddied. I wish Bethenny and crew HAD throught to bring along their proof, they should have seen the defense coming. Perhaps I should have played the "Jill can't handle the truth (omg another chug! kelly messes up another quote!!) so she runs away" drinking game.
I loved Alex's calm, cool, and collected eviseration of Jill Zarin.
It was so fabulous. I LOVED how useless they made Kelly on this first installment. There are TWO MORE? Can you handle it? I thought Jill was terrible although she wins best dressed. Those shoes. Die. Anyway, she goes back and forth about how she has changed and then two seconds later she says she is who she is and can't change. Wha? Jill - you are hanging with ol' Satchels of Gold too much! Obviously all these women have serious insecurity issues (would they be on the show if they didn't?) but I feel that Bethenny has actually evolved past all this drama. She's a wife and mother now and has shut the door (her father passing) on a very horrible time in her life that probably made her the rough and tough talking broad she is. I think she is softening but I have to hand it to her for serving Jill up on a silver platter. That women has TOTALLY let all this "fame" go to her head. I think she was dead on that the show has changed her. And the scenes for next week of the Ramonacoaster look epic.
My favorite was Jill marching out in those green shoes...hahaha!
Alex was on fire last night & she looked really good, less skeletorish. I didn't see one hive on her, she had a mission & she delivered.
Not sure if it was Jill's PR team or acting coach that made her be all tearful & play up to Bethenny, but she was looking very pained & needy. Maybe she realized she is stuck with the Countess as her new BFF & not regrets that decision. Speaking of the Countess, other than the one shoulder dress slap, she was pretty decent last night.
Ramoner was kind of evasive, she didn't seem like she really wanted to be a part of it. I lol when she got up to fan her dress & said she didn't think the camera would notice she was gone.
Glad to see Bethenny's jaw was back to normal. Funny when she hit on that. I think she hit the nail on the had with Jill & the fame thing.
I only watched 1/2 of "Bethenny Getting Maddied?" (insert Long Duk Dong voice). I was entertained. Bethenny & Napoleon Dynomite was funny!
I wish I had Andy Cohen's job. He just said there looking from one side to the other. Piece of cake.
Enjoyed the BgM? show. I was actually surprised they didn't add in all the usual Bravo drama stuff.
jill is an evil shrew
Bethennys new show is excellent, no drama, just laughs and laughs Her honesty is something that a few other housewives might want to learn about...and yes, I 'm talking to you Jill Zarin! I remember how she was in the past seasons, and I miss that Jill.
Crazy Kelly screaming at Ales CROSS YOUR LEGS
The big surprise for me was to see Alex be so assertive and actually make sense. But, getting of theme here, I couldn't keep my eyes off the furniture......I'm in love with the couches and ottoman......and I hate pink, but these are beautiful!!
Kelly needs an intervention of sort, hopefully it involves a medical institution.
Alex is a new woman! She was leading the discussion last night. LuAnn and Kelly were on the defense. Where was single Sonja? Completely needed her rational, analytical input on that conversation!
Jill sooo wanted to be sitting on the other couch.
I was having multiple gay gasp moments during the reunion...and I just love Bethenny's show. :)
I always wondered if Alex kept her mouth shut a lot because of her career. Maybe she isn't as worried about that anymore. She's by far the most mature of the group.
LuAnn and Kelly were really in defense mode. I also think Kelly hates the fact that Bethenny is getting all of the press and she is not. I think the reason Kelly signed on was to get exposure and endorsement deals like Bethenny, but that's not the case. Now Kelly's drying up like a raisin in the sun b/c she can't buy airtime. Poor Kelly, oh well.
I was prepared to hate the new Bethenny show, but I loved it. She makes me laugh & as long as that happens, I will love her. This may be a character flaw on my part, but it's one I can live with.
To the Houseflies of NYC,
Luann: your beauty pagents are O-V-E-R, enough with the one shoulder. We get that "dahling" really means "listen, fuck nut", sooo the jigs up. I've seen the phrase "lap dog" used to describe you several times this season. Dead on. You jumped off the Count's lap and onto the Cunt's. Shut up now.
Kelley: u looked like a day-glow orange praying mantis sitting there... interesting considering you have the same IQ and social instincts. See? Sometimes the insides really do match the outside. I expect to be further stunned by your idiocy during the reunion, but I'm done with you. Comb your hair already.
JILL: You looked structurally unsound in those shoes. Plus, they were ugly (Louboutin shmoobitan, just because they cost 600 bucks and have a red sole doesn't mean you should wear them). However, the shoes perfectly complimented the rest of your look: rapidly aging stripper. Another case of the insides matching the outsides. Whadayaknow? You are a liar and NO ONE appreciates being taken for a ride. You insult everyone's intelligence with your plays at manipulation, bold faced lies and antics. Your complete lack of self-introspection is *stunning*. Your attempts at hyper-complimenting Bethenny were transparent. Your "prove it's!" were obnoxious and petty. Your tears were of the crocodile persuasion. Your comparison of your "we're done!" to Kelley's "zip it!" was brilliant, keep that up and you'll win us all back before you can say "satchels of gold!". Your "I've changed, I've changed!" was laughable. The biggest sign that someone hasn't changed is when they insist they have. Finally, a tip: when you have the media consultants sleep over next time, be sure to give them the good, cushy room that Luann got and not Ginger's spare doggy bed, maybe you'll get better advice. You suck.
Bethenny: Of course you're right: the fame went to her head, and then had a baby with her jealousy. End of story. Your show was a breath of fresh air. Sometimes I'm in the mood for stale, bitter air but when my reality-TV-induced emphysema kicks up I may tune in. No promises. You are funny. Jason is sweet. Max is lover-ly. Really, really, really lover-ly... Cookie IS a bitch. Seems that you've moved on and left the Lords of the Houseflies behind. Your wit is your fortune so stick with it sister. You're not perfect and NOT totally innocent, but you own it. It does seem that you learned from your often too-catty remarks in the past and now save them for the appropriate time. They are gold now. Best of luck.
Mona, Mona, Mona: If you were in my life [shudder] you would be kept at arms length...at best. However, I would bust you out for the parties and Mommy-needs-a-fun-night-out. Your montage was hysterical and one of the funniest parts of the show. You are unpredictable to say the least. But what saves you is the frivolity, coupled with the fact that you are real. That's really you! I get it. Keep doing your thing. Godspeed Avery
Alex: Like a lot of people I've come around to you this year. Why? The assertive you is a good thing. Your husband is definitely a less is more kind of person: seeing less of him has made me enjoy you more. I needed a break from your little angles, Carpe Diem and Steinway. Sticking up for yourself is always a good thing - clearly you're still learning, better late than never. I like your concise, intelligent insight...even if your lockjaw scares me. Go gurl.
Sonya: It was very nice to meet you. Stay off the roads, capiche?
See you next year - same time, same channel.
I know this is completely unexcusable as a regular watcher of this show and a SGM fan....but can someone please explain "Satchels of Gold" to me....I must have missed that line along the way.
Thanks in advance for the info!
It was one of the things that Kelly was mumbling to herself in St. John. There are a variety of thoughts as to what it means: anti-semitic slur (?), a prize from some FaceBook game, who knows? Only Kelly, and you know we'll never get a straight answer out of her.
Carpe Diem and Steinway! I just shit myself.
Are we really still saying "capiche"?
Hey anon, systematic cyber bullying is never okay.
I couldn't help it - I was so distracted by Jill's green shoes (fab), her bracelets (LURVED) and her hair - TRES Valley of the Dolls, that I almost couldn't concentrate on what she was saying. Almost. The I realized it was a load of shite. I've changed, you'll seeeeee, I've changed. That's just meeeee, I'm not going to change, and we'll nevuh be friends...whatEVER. Totally agree w/whoever said she wanted SO badly to be on the left side of those couches (which by the way were BANANAS - hot pink velvet? sign me up...)
It must be said - the more I see the renewed Ramoner, the more I love her. Couldn't stand her last year, and she and Alex have become my faves along with Bethanny. And dammit, now I'm going to have to watch her damn new show because eveyone here is raving about it. Like I need another craptastic reality show to add to my schedule.
Holy hell, is this post a rambling incoherent mess, or has Kelly taken over my body? Good Lord, I hope not.
Satchels of gold!
My fave part: Kelly, "You should never call your daughter stupid." Ramona,"I really don't, I was just saying that to make you feel better."
PS- Marriedtoachimp-amazing!
Why does everyone love Bethenny's show? It made me so uncomfortable to watch how she treats Jason; she argues about everything, it is exhausting.
You have probably already seen this...but...wow! Jellybeans, bedazzling...sigh.