I was almost dead of an overdose and last night was a shot of adrenaline to the HEART.
Oh, the truth hurts, doesn't it Jill Zarin? How about all of that damning testimony from Bethenny, Ramoner and Alex? Jill wasn't helping her case by shouting "PROVE IT" over and over. Part 1 of the Real Housewives of New York City reunion can be watched online here. If you haven't watched it, you must. I'll try my best to recap it this weekend.
What did you think of Bethenny, Getting Maddied? (That's not a typo, that's "married" in a Chinese accent.)
Huge large major congrats to our beloved KCS Cougar, whom we have always known to be one of the funniest em-effers out there--Andy Cohen showered him with love on WWHL last night.
What are you waiting for? Head on over to the comments and spill your guts! xxoo
Reader Comments (49)
Ok...there are rullly, rully a lot of these videos on youtube - 31! I never knew...Check out her Summer Fashion Favorites...
Hah! Chimpwife, I love the label "Systematic Cyber Bully." SCB, baby!
Back to the reunion: That "shut your legs!" moment--couldn't get past it. All that vaginal aggression/shaming. It was like being in the savannah, watching beta-female orangutans fight for alpha position.
Hey, anon (on the first page of comments), you're not alone! I got through the first few minutes of Bethenny's show before I started getting bored and flipping away. I think it was when she referenced her childhood. Yawn, already; most of us who had it rough manage to move on by the time we hit 40, even without the benefits of family money or a national teevee show. And then the coupla times I flipped back I got to watch her bitching at Jason. Blech. So I just flipped away for good. Not going back, nuh-uh.
Bethenny is great at not suffering fools gladly. Alone, with no foolishness to react to, she does not make very good TV.
Dear Jill Zarin,
You're too old and too homely for the sex-kitten get-up.
OK, everyone, 1) Don't we all know by now that the ladies will be sitting on low sofas with their knees up near their ears? I would bring myself a cushion so I wouldn't be so sunk down AND I'd wear a longer dress. 2) Isn't there evidence that Kelly's Max is play for pay? Yet now she seems to be a virgin again. A virgin who is shocked that Ramona could kiss a man, but is capable of wearing a dress cut up to her whatsis on the reunion show and is capable of posing nude in Playboy. Which is so much purer than posing naked for a PETA ad, as we all know. 3) I'm worried about Alex. Not about her becoming more outspoken, a girl's gotta have a storyline. I'm worried about her taking care of Simon. I may be alone in this, but I think Simon may have an illness of some kind. 4) Do you think Jill got up and marched off so she could consult with some of her PR army? (If said army was paid they were overpaid, IMO)
Thanks for letting me vent. No one I know in person admits that they watch this show - so no one to discuss with. LG
Kelly is strangely cut off from sex, isn't she?
Yes, along with everything else, Kelly seems to have sexual issues. Calling Bethenny a ho-bag, mortified when Bethenny said "what are you a hooker?" to Sonja, constantly claiming "I just don't do that," about dating different men, the awkward "close your legs", I could go on. She's a raging puritan who posed for Playboy
Someone on gawker commented, about Kelly: "I bet she's a dud in bed."
I could see that.
Jill probably went on a "Life with Vicki" Gunvalson cruise and learned how not to take responsbility for bad behavior!
kelly has worked her black magic on me because i can't get "satchels of gold" out of my mind!! systematic black magic is not ok!
oh and jill's pursed lemon lips face made me insane too. this show is driving me over the edge - can't wait until tomorrow :)
I agree with Blisterina and anon re. Bethenny's new show. I find her grating in long exposures. I flipped it off when she was talking about the 26 yo "assistant" not wanting to "hit this"/"hitting a knocked up 39 yo". Puh-lease. And yuck! She needs to buy the Countess' CD and get some class. Whoops! Money can't buy that, I forgot. I'm finding her whole shtick increasingly contrived and more than a little exhausting. Like the endlessly repeated gag that Jason "liked it so much he put a ring on it". What's with the self-objectification of her body? It's like she consciously decided on what kind of media persona she was going to cultivate and ended up turning herself into the love-child of Gordon Ramsey and Kathy Griffin. Yeah...that's the ticket!
Kelly kind of weirdly reminds me of Michael Jackson. She's in this perpetual childlike state, gets uncomfortable when sex is mentioned, and is speculated to be using some sort of drugs. I think that her obvious psychological issues could be developmental. I wonder what happened during her adolescence to cause this behavior. 1979, perhaps?
I'm afraid to watch...but listening online right now
meggrs13: Agree! I don't think she has a psychiatric disorder. I think part of her brain is genuinely stunted. All that teen-speak: "You guys!" "Uh-mazing!" "Rully" etc.
I read an interview with Matt Damon once where he shared his thoughts on stardom/success/fame etc. relative to (stunted) social development: if on isn't careful, the age the whirlwind takes over is the the "social" age at which one stops developing. Throw in a little narcism, and a high functioning nut job at the age of 17, who hits the catwalk and photography studios, could be a huge fucking disaster by the age of 40. Kelly Bensimon is a lot of things, socially retarded is definitely one of them. Clearly none of us know what we're talking about, but it sure is interesting to speculate. God does she get under my skin!
I hate to admit this, but I thought Jill looked great. What can I say, I'm a Texas girl and love big hair. However, dear God, she drives me crazy!
I finally got to watch Betthany Getting Married...I thought it was great. After watching it I came to the realization that Betthany is the reason I watch the RHONY. P.S. Cookie is adorable.
Ugggggh. Bethenny Getting Married. Horrible horrible show. I'll wait for the recap, but I cannot HELP but throw this out there because I'm lobbing it around the twop message boards to varying response: She has her PETA anti-fur ad plastered up on her wall, then her friend shows up at her party in a full length fur and she says nothing to her???? Not one snarky comment???? But she makes people take their shoes off to come interview with her, yet it's okay to rub a fur in her face when she's the poster child of the campaign? Jesus. Effing. Christ. I cannot take this attention whore. Really cannot.
Did anyone else hear Omarosa go off on Betthany about Jason being gay?! Oh and that she had a tummy tuck right after giving birth?
1. Andy looked more crossed eyed than normal.
2. Bethenny was "keepin it real" as usual, and I loved her new show. The dynamic between her and Jason was great and I am looking forward to seeing how their different family upbringings meshes together in raising their own child.
3. Alex's sass talk to Kellamity was priceless.
4. Has anyone seen Ramona's neck? Cause it has gone missing.
5. Luann lost the other shoulder of all her gowns in the divorce with the Count.
6. Kelly was absurd as usual and should have just stuck a lollipop in her mouth and STFU.
7. Jill looked drop dead. The hair was maybe a little big but the jewelry and the shoes were to die for. Screw the PR team Jill, spend your money on more outfits like that and we'll all forget what a troll you've been by next season.
8.....I saw Zoila and Jenny on Friday night. They were at a party at the Viceroy my drunk husband called Zoila over to talk to us. We told her I loved her in Spanish and she started laughing and saying thank you. She is maybe 5 feet tall and completely adorable.
Annnnnd it's Chateau de Lu for the win! I salute you, madam, for numbers 3, 4, and 5. Espesh 5.
You do know that the phrase about liking it so much he put a ring on it is part of a Beyonce song, right?
One huge question to Jill Zarin, whose business is it to screw with other housewives income? What you did to Alex what disgustingly childish! We all know you are trying to run Bravo's RHWNY, if Bravo handed over the permission for you to pick the players that is yet to be discovered. Now that Alex is free to tell you how she feels, you state you won't be her friend any more,( stomped your foot) Hissy fit? Try some crow pie.