We're going to need to see some tax returns, Kim
Did you see Watch What Happens last night? NeNe is Andy's clubhouse guest, and Kim calls in, guns blazing, during the last 20 seconds of the show. What to do?! Andy is bouncing around in his chair, devastated that there's no time for the confrontation, but he keeps the cameras rolling for Bravotv.com. What unfolds is a masterful ass-chewing:
(click though if you can't see the video)
What a treat for the ears, especially when NeNe calls Kim a trashbox (so apt) and tells her to "go to bed, Wig!" I do wish NeNe would have piped down for a second to let Kim explain where she got her "substantial income" before she started dating Big Papa. Maybe she was a professional smoker? Drug mule? (her tits are ENORMOUS). Top Level Executive for a slutty circus?
She's so full of crap. And plastic.
Have a excellent weekend!
P.S. For a dramatic reading of Cop Without a Badge (performed by NeNe), please go here.
Reader Comments (20)
Why do we make these people famous! I can't believe I sat through that nonsense. I think Nene is a bit of a hypocrite. Kim was sleeping with a married man when Nene was friends with her but now that they're not friends anymore, Nene seems to have a major problem with it. Not that I condone sleeping with married men, but this is exactly why you don't tell your gfs all your personal business!
Every time Kim was on the show last night, I expected her top to fall down. The way her cups overflowed was incredible. My 16 year old daughter walked in and declared: "that's just gross" and "she should dress for her age"
I concur
I don't watch Atlanta, but from this particular clip, I wanted to punch NeNe in the face! Could anybody be MORE annoying? I think not...she left my ears ringing with her high pitched yelling and repetitive statements. There was no *zing* to that convo at all, it just left me irritated!
"Go home, bye bye, bye bye, go to sleep, close ya legs, close ya legs, close ya legs, bye bye"
And. that. Is. Television?
I don't even like Kim but Nene made her seem like a classy, brain surgeon!
The inane, nonsense rant of Nene's was curdling my brain, I actually turned it off before the clip was over.
Atlanta is my least fav RHW series because of the constant fighting, yelling and screeching.
Thumbs down.
So, which is worse ~ "trailer park" or "ghetto" and why?
The idea that NeNe, with her head bobbing and neck snapping, is more classy than The Wig is perfectly bewildering. She is more entertaining to watch, so there is that. However, anyone over the age of 15 who threatens someone with beatdowns has less class than a turd in stemware.
The commenters' high expectations ("perfectly bewildering" etc.) are cracking me up here. You'd think we were watching a Merchant Ivory production.
I'm a beautiful drag queen, boo!
Oh my...Andy is so fabulous throughout the whole thing. I love him trying not to laugh throughout the entire thing.
Ugh. Nene is not very smart--all she does is call names. Bring back the CA real housewives!
The dramatic reading of "Cop Without a Badge"? WHO THOUGHT OF THIS?
He or she needs to b made CEO of Bravo immediately.
No one gives good TV like NeNe.
Michael K. has a photo of big poppa and Kim up and a clip from her newest single. What ever happened to being a country singer?
WTF? 1.) NeNe (according to Kim) had her cars repossessed in a Home Depot parking lot!? 2.) What exactly does “NeNe mean when she claims never went blind and knows what looks good”, whats the 411 on the new mystery man Charles, has she really been cheating on Greg since January? 3.) And, why do I care enough to ask (it’s just embarrassing)? I’m so over “Boo” but I will probably use “trashbox” daily.
NeNe wins this round I think. Once nicknames you "Wig"--that's it. Game over.
Jesus H. Christ! All that yelling by NeNe made my ears bleed! NeNe came off as a juvenile bully, just talkin' loud and repeating her same tiresome lines so Kim couldn't get a word in edge wise. Grow up NeNe and shut up for once, even for just a minute or two. She acted very defensive to whatever Kim was trying to say. I hope on Andy's show on the 20th when Kim is the guest she does bring "Charles" on with her. Now that would be something to see!
I cannot believe I would ever be taking Kim's side but there's just too much shit being thrown at her and she makes some points to turn it around to make you wonder how much is made up between the 'sistas'. Sheree is a lying bitch and a terrible designer. NeNe is just too full of herself and is starting to believe her press clippings. Which brings up another thing - isn't NeNe wearing a wig most of the time too? It sure looks like it. Her hair doesn't look natural at all.
Nene sounded like a blabbering idiot. Is she capable of having a conversation or is just about yelling and repeating every phrase 10 times. Nene's behavior showed that she is afraid of Kim saying something so she didn't want to let her speak or be heard by others. Nene grow up and learn to act like an adult.
Kim is like a be-wigged rodent.
OMG-I'm actually starting to feel sympathy for Kim. Who would've thunk. But, it is shocking, but true-the nursing board of Georgia does indeed have Kimberleigh Zolicak who did have a license as a practical nurse (LPN) that she held for several years. She let it lapse and is having it resinstated--hmmm. So, the Wig did actually work it appears...her comment she would "shovel shit" for her kids may actually be true-LPN is the toughest gig in nursing. But I think she and Nene, as well as Sheree and Lisa all have so many damn skeletons it is unreal--although in some ways Kim is a little more honest-she did always admit Big Poppa was married. I'm defending Kim---what the heck??
Oh god, imagine depending on Nurse Kim to care for your elderly parent... She'd be sitting there reading In Style and smoking Newports while your mother lay a few feet away, the oxygen tanks running...
Anon, dear you forgot the white wine. Kim an LPN? Seriously? How? I thought she had the brains that God gave a rubber duck. Let’s hope she can dress a wound better than she can sing!
Oh jeez, picture Kim trying to draw blood, with a butt hangin' out her mouth and her wig tentacles dangling in front of her eyes...
No nurse that I know can spend $3000 for a belt. Kim has got to be getting money from someplace else. Of course, Bravo is paying them...