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    I'm alive,

    BUT WHAT IS THE POINT now that my Tuesday nights are as empty as Kelly Bensimon's cranial cavity?

     Also, Susannah reported that Rachel Zoe is a big bitch in real life.  Oh God, oh God, I CAN'T BREATHE.

    To keep you entertained while I try to pull it together,

    1. Speaking of that dumbass Kelly, she gives Bethenny parenting advice here. At least I think that's what it is.  It could also be an explanation of how to get pregnant.  (thanks, Malena.)

    2.  Megan tipped us off to these photos in the comments of the last post and if you didn't look at them, well, you need to look at them.  I mean, REALLY:

    I'm starting to feel better already. 

    3.  Any of you dress up as Kim Zolciak for Halloween?  Send me photos!

    Reader Comments (27)

    I attempted to pull of the K.Z. Halloween ensemble, but the wig I purchased was much curlier than expected, so people just thought I was Christina Aguliera or Lady Gaga... whateves.

    It was totally fun jarring with Theresa, the other Real Housewife from NJ... it was hilarious! In fact, I won our Marketing department's "Funniest Costume" contest :-)

    Yes, she's alive and well and back to blogging.


    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrudie

    I'm having another baby next year just to recreate that hawtness that is that hospital photo.

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzakary

    It seems as thought I need a loofah, leopard print pajamas, an ill fitting wig and is she sitting on a black boa?

    Please say yes.

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzakary

    Am I the only one that feels like reading the words of Kelly kills brain cells.
    That was a seriously painful article.

    But at least Theresa's newborn is already wearing pink and leopard....thank god.

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

    so glad sgm so glad. please tell me during your time out that you watched the RHOATL reunion part 1? train wreck. i felt sorry for andy. he was struggling.

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermy favorite and my best

    I totally agree about the painful article, what the f.. is she talkin 'bout? And Theresa, oh baby! Are these people for real? Seriously!

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAybee

    Look at that family. That poor kid doesn't have a chance.

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMinus75


    the baby, the Pj's, the perfectly made hospital bed. I'm feeling dizzy.

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrichie

    I privately emailed a photo of me dressed as Kim Zolciak but I'll share them here too. The best part was that random straight dudes knew who I was supposed to be. I guess RHOA is a guilty pleasure for everyone!

    I hope there were other Kim Z's out there. Share photos!

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterL

    Glad you're better, SGM! I haven't checked any of the links yet, but I swear that woman's brows get closer and closer to her hairline every time I see her! Maybe it's creeping like those Arctic plates I learned about in Earth Science over 20 years ago. It's unfortunate. (I got a C in that class and didn't care).

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbravothebamboozler

    Um, as a daily "Susannah" reader, I somehow missed the RZ reference...I still can't find it.

    I, myself, have met RZ through a friend of hers one night at the Chateau Marmont (oh, what heady circles within which I travel :) ). She didn't know me from Adam and yet was extremely gracious and nice. I'm just sayin'.

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSparkie

    P.S. I also met Susannah (again with the heady circles!) at an event and she, too, was extremely gracious and nice.

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSparkie

    Hey Sparkie,

    I think our esteemed SGM is referring to a comment I left here--don't know when/where. Or even why. :)
    My sister-in-law is a script supervisor and worked on the promos for a bunch of Bravo shows. She said RZ was a complete diva nightmare horrible trainwreck (I'm paraphrasing). On the flip side she said Lisa Wu Hartwell from RHOA was extremely gracious and gave every crew member a hug, and that Kim Z was a trip and a half (which we knew).

    And you are extremely gracious and nice, too :)

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSusannah

    Wait--I forgot to say how I adore the haphazard rose thrown at Theresa's feet. If there is a next time for me giving birth I am so totally demanding that tiny detail (and you know if I don't get it I am tossing a gurney in lieu of a table).

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSusannah

    Point taken, S. If we had to deal with Taylor on a daily basis, we might have good days and bad...

    And to SGM and Tuesday nights: where's The Hills and The City love? Olivia Palermo alone is worth the price of admission. And don't get me started on Sons of Anarchy.

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSparkie

    where can I send a photo of KIm Z costume?! Mine was GOOD!

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStyle&Grace

    SGM, Ms. Bensimon's cranial cavity appears empty, because she's a "vessel..." In fact, I think Ms. Zolciak is a vessel as her case she appears to be filling it with chardonay.

    November 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermitchelll

    T-minus um...a few days until RHOC!

    I think I'm the only one excited. Aren't I. *sighs*

    November 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChloe

    You've been gone too long!! My first comment here!!!
    I think the nurse forgot to give Theresa her pre-delivery enema; looks like she's still not in control of her bowels (are those feathers she's crapping?)
    xoxox, Katie

    Was she next to you in the hospital while you recovered from Swine Flu?

    Glad you're feeling better!

    November 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhello gorgeous

    AAKK! What is on that childs head??!! I have no words to describe her husband...

    November 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGgmary

    As someone who just gave birth a mere 16 days ago, I can tell you that this photo is nearly identical to my own hospital photo...right down to the oversized begonia headpiece on her daughter and the MAC foundation in Two Shades Darker Than My Actual Complexion. What I identify most with, however, is the subtle, delicate rose that Theresa has placed on her hospital bed. It's sort of like the modern day equivalent of those high school yearbook photos we all took in the 80s and early 90s, where the photographer had us hold a rose to our cheek and look off into the distance.

    And holy shit is that a black feathered boa I see on the hospital bed by her butt?! Yes, yes...nearly identical to my own hospital pic.

    November 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThe Lil Bee

    You were so kind in the picture of Theresa that you posted. That was by far the most normal. You know she went to the hospital with 10,000 outfits and headbands. It makes me love delicate Jacqueline a little more for having such a subdued birth.

    L - The Kim Halloween pictures are too much. You totally nailed it - laughing so hard at the straw in the chard.

    November 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMegan

    I feel as though my own delivery was somehow lacking now. Why didn't I think to bring leopard pj's? Or my entire make up closet? Why was I only thinking about what I might NEED as opposed to what would make ME look good? I am so ashamed that I laid in that maternity ward in a simple white nightgown. I have shamed new mothers everywhere. I am so sorry, my fellow sisters. I let you down.

    November 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMDHousewife

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