Please, just go on without me.

I'm down, you guys. H1N1 has served me my ass on a platter, on today of all days. So I beg you, just go on. Leave me to die.
In other news:
1. Kelly Bensimon will be on the January cover of Playboy. I feel like we've seen her naked already? Anyhow, will you buy it? Should I buy it?
2. Finally watched the RZP finale and was relieved to discover that I still like Rachel. Incidentally, the NY Times writer who skewered Rachel Zoe last fall also penned that nasty article about Jeff Lewis. Clearly, someone was not loved as a child and feels the need to crap on the success of others.
3. Thanks to commenter "Heffah" who noticed that is temporarily unavailable. Do we dare to hope?
4. The Kim Zolciak Halloween Kit: "Everything you need to look sexy as hell." !!!!
Reader Comments (22)
Don't die.
I am very alarmed that Kelly is going to be in Playboy. I feel like this shit just fuels her fire...
Anyway, I heard it on howard stern, who called her KIKI and says they are friends????
Btw, if the NYT now covers reality tv shows, can college courses be so far behind?
I just read the Rachel Zoe article. Um, hello? Who is this person? This writer sounds like she wants to cover the war in Afghanistan, NOT reality TV. Loosen up bitch!
Cough on that "Congratulations, You're a Weasel" card before you mail it to Ryan.
And then get better, pronto.
Oh dear--H1N1, really? That sucks pork.
I've been meaning to tell you: my sister-in-law is a script supervisor in LA and worked on the set for The Rachel Zoe Project promos. She said Rachel was the biggest bitch she's ever worked for, evereverevaH!
She also said Kim Zolciak (separate promo) was funny, both ha ha and strange, and that Lisa Wu Hartwell was the nicest of them all, coming around at the end of filming to give everyone a hug.
I've been dying to tell someone who cares, and you're my best bet :)
boooo h1n1. sorry dude. get better. kim zolciak is awesome.
I still cant believe I saw Kim's cooter. Ewww.
Feel better, sweetness. xoxo
Ooh. Glad to know I'm not the only one that crawls to her computer even in the throes of being deathly ill.
Feel better soon, dude. :(
Uh oh. I guess this means you'll go over your "rollover minutes."
Feel better fast, we NEED you!!!
PLEASE buy Kelly's issue of Playboy and post the pictures here!! I really need to get up close and personal with her to find out WTF is going on in this picture:
please hurry and feel better- i NEED your flipping out reunion recap!
sending healing thoughts your way (yet another of my superpowers),
oxoxo- m21
M21- I was just about to write that! SGM.... we are waiting!
KKB might not be nude in Playboy, she might just be on the cover. But, if she is nude, I would like to see how they airbrush her wonky tits.
Feel better! Poor Jeff in that picture, so vulnerable.
Susannah - I totally care about your bit of gossip. Awesome tidbit.
And the Kim Halloween clip is BRILLIANT!
Ooohh, feel better... You are the only reason I keep watching these shows, to read your recap and laugh...
Feel better soon. Make Frank wait on you hand and foot.
Holy balls, SGM.
I'm sorry you are sick. Frank better do right by you.
I'm lighting a candle in your honor.
We all need to talk about the NJ Teresa baby pictures. It's quite obvious that a Bravo stock photographer was sent over to the hospital to cover the precious, leopard drenched pictures of the mafia princess' arrival:
a bit of RHONY titbit (which you prob already have) here!
Do you really have the swine flu? Seriously? OMG.
Are you ok? Is Frank taking care of you? Come back, please!!