
we begin the difficult process of preparing ourselves for the emotional Flipping Out reunion and saying farewell to Jeff Lewis for now. Brace yourselves and please watch:
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I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT THIS, but I will refrain until I see the reunion in its entirety.
Okay, WAIT, let me just say this before I burst: my darling, precious Jeff, demanding an apology never works. Ever. The only thing you get is an insincere apology and/or resentment. Go ahead, double-check with your therapist. I'm right. It hurts me to watch you flail like this when Ryan so clearly does not give a fuck.
Lots of you have been buzzing about the negative article about Jeff in the nytimes. I can't view it (LONG STORY), so will someone summarize for me?
Something that will distract you from the troubles of our dearest El Jeffe: RHOA's Kim and NeNe (aka Heffah and Moose) are friends again. If they can reconcile, then there is hope for Jeff and Ryan. And the Middle East, now that I think about it.
ALSO, Kim flashed her beav to the paparazzi. What took her so long? Not only is it HIGHLY NSFW but it could potentially result in serious eye and brain injuries. You've been warned; PROCEED IF YOU DARE. (thanks to ~m.)
Reader Comments (23)
How I love irony. The pic of Kim's minge is highlighted by a sidebar advertising "How to keep your leftovers alive!".
Need to read more carefully. Thought it said take a look at Kim's "beau" and I clicked through thinking I'd finally get a look at her Sugar Daddy. Boy, was I wrong!! Now need to chop some onions to help cleanse my already-stinging eyeballs.
holy shit! her finger hut looks like a yeti footprint. see here
The article was VICIOUS. The relevant anti-JL text from the New York Times is below:
"As for Jeff, he (joy!) has lost a third of his net worth. Unable to buy anything with 10 percent or 20 percent down, he is also missing out on some incredible deals, as banks now demand the 30 percent he hasn’t got. If you have watched “Flipping Out” in the past, and observed Mr. Lewis abusing his underlings, screaming at them for not arranging his Evian bottles correctly, and found yourself throwing spoiled fruit at his image, then his shift in circumstance will feel like a Candygram delivered from your television.
That his delusions continue to persist only add to the thrill: “I might have to start off small again, like I did 10 years ago,” Mr. Lewis reflected at the season’s outset. “Maybe buy those $700,000 houses for 450 and put in 50 and sell them for 650.”
His welcome comeuppance has come in multiple ways throughout the series’s third season (which officially concludes with a reunion show on Tuesday). An adviser, for instance, tells him the market will tumble for another 5 or 10 years. With flipping no longer much of a viable career option, Mr. Lewis returns like Cinderella after the ball, to the more debased business of remodeling, figuring that with so few houses selling, homeowners will hunker down and refurbish rather than subject themselves to the indignities of a stagnant market.
Among his clients are an obnoxious couple paying him a pittance. They complain about everything and present him with debris from their garden to prove that his workers are slobs. The couple also feel the need to call and let him know when their midday coitus has been interrupted by the sudden appearance of the help. A study in the psychology of egomania, “Flipping Out” also lays fraud to the idea that misfortune builds character and makes us better people. Mr. Lewis does not become a better person. He remains greedy, petulant, small-minded, arrogant without justification, ill-tempered, ungenerous — singularly detestable.
The real estate agents depicted on the Bravo series “Million Dollar Listing” (shown Mondays) seem to lack his demonic potential, offending instead with an attitude of smarmy imperiousness."
Ughh, my eyes!!! I know you warned me, but I could not resist. WOW!!
Holy schnizzle! I saw Kim's pizzle drizller
I'm surprised she doesn't have a wig down there to match the one on top of her head. Being as they are both bald
Wondering if the " is temporarily unavailable" message (on the deceptive, client stealing Ryan Brown-sponsored website means a reconciliation is about to take place...
Oh my God! Ohmygod! How I hate myself for looking!
But I love that she is totally LOOKING DOWN THERE, like, "Is it showing? Is it showing? Can they see it? Can they? Open just a little more... move my knees and HELLO! Lemme take an extra second to get outta this car. Count to 10 aaaannnd... close! HEY GIRL, where's the party? I need me some wine! Did you see my cooter back there?!"
What, Big Poppa won't put out for some La Perla? Kim is missing a shopping oppurtunity!
All I can hear is NeNe saying - 'Close ya legs to married men!' And now to cameras. Bleh. Skank.
Jeff turns out to be a whiner.
ok. wendell. stop making me cry.
also? finger hut and pickle drizzler. got it. will try to use both in a sentence this week. at church.
such an informational site. why don't more schools make you part of the curriculum? it's what's wrong with public schools.
that is all. xoxo. pickle hut. {dammit!}
oh. god. no. why did I do that? why??? because you warned me, of COURSE I had to look.
her poor children.
Oi Vie! Poor JL. Angry White Man. I hope he and Ryan aren't really on the out's in real life and this is all for ratings. He seems to live a very stagnent exsistance. Nothing ever changes in his world except addresses. No growth, no new experinces, new friends. Ryan has grown both personally and proffesionally. Jeff is still designing using the same old dark wood floors, subway tile and frosted glass doors. He needs to expand his vision and life already. If I see one more kitchen with dark wood cabinets and Carrera marble, I'm gonna scream. What ever happened to him moving out to the beach? That would probably do him a world of good!!
I've got some old blonde barbies laying around if she wants to match the curtains and the rug. scissors, wig tape, and she's ready to go.
little. baby. jesus. why?
Looks just like my nasty surgery scar, cellulite and all!
This is my first season on the Flipping Out crazy train (it's all because of you, of course, that I couldn't resist The Lew) - but the article mentions Jeff taking his cat Monkey into an acupuncturist like it's a bad thing. My cat Louis seems stressed at times, and if holistic therapy helps, I'd totally take him in to an Eastern Medicine Vet.
What's wrong with you, NYT snarky lady? I bet you are not cute and don't love anything in your life like Jeff loves Monkey. Maybe you're jealous because you don't see an acupuncturist, and Jeff Lewis' cat does. I don't know.
I got enough nastiness looking at the NYT article, so I'm going to refrain from clicking through to Kim's Hoo-Ha. *Shudder.*
Oh my godness...I am at a loss for words. Her vajay-jay does not even look real! It needs a wig!
Love Love Love these shows!!!
I seriously almost cried when Jeff broke down at the end of that episode. That Ryan guy is such a weasel- it's so obvious.
And with that, I'm logging off...blechblechblech! BTW do you seriously have H1N1?! Get better soon, sorry to hear that!
Some time before, I needed to buy a house for my firm but I did not earn enough cash and couldn't order anything. Thank God my fellow suggested to get the business loans from reliable bank. Hence, I did so and was happy with my bank loan.