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The Flipping Out Season 3 Finale Charity Fundraiser and/or Drinking Game


The Flipping Out season finale is tonight, and I'd like to make it meaningful, you know?  More meaningful than it already is.  Thus, I have created the Flipping Out Finale Charity Fundraiser and/or Drinking Game.

Here are the rules: 

For those of you who wish to participate in the charity fundraiser, I will post a list of certain events (see below).  If one of them happens during tonight's Flipping Out finale, players will owe one dollar to the charity of his/her choice.  For example, "Jeff wears the green Lacoste shirt" (SO SEXY) is on my list.  If Jeff wears said shirt in tonight's episode, then players will owe one dollar to charity. If we see Jeff in the green shirt in two different scenes, you still only owe one dollar; it is the initial instance that counts. 

Let me know in the comments if you want to play.  Tomorrow, I will post the total amount that everyone owes (we will all owe the same amount and it will be no more than $20) and I will provide links to some reputable charities.  I will also list your name/link and you will receive membership in the exclusive group known as Jeff Lewis' Karmic Angels.

There is also the option to play the drinking game (with the charity or in lieu of the charity).  Each and every time an event happens, you take a drink.  If Jeff appears in the green Lacoste twice in two different scenes, you take two drinks.  Personally, I'm not playing because I am way too old for that shit.  Use your best judgment.  Or play with diet Coke.

There is no entry deadline.

Got it?  Good.  Let's play!


1.  Jeff pops a breath mint or uses binaca/breath spray.

2.  Jeff says the word "feelings."

3.  Jett wears his hair in a bun or topknot.

4.  Sarah chews gum.

5.  Jenni wears her glasses.

6.  Jeff says the words "Vlad" and the word "liar" or any derivative thereof in the same scene.

7.  Zoila says "Jeffrey."

8.  Tears from anyone.

9.  Trace makes an appearance.

10.  Dale is silent for the entire episode.

11.  Jenni or Jeff says the word "date."

12.  Chaz makes an appearance.

13.  Jeff takes a sip of a drink.

14.  Anyone wears a hat.

15.  Jeff curses (evidenced by the bleep).

16.  Jeff fires someone, anyone.

17.  Jeff talks to any of his realtors, on the phone or in person.

18.  Jeff drops the price of Valley Oak.

19.  Ryan rolls his eyes.

20.  Jeff wears the green Lacoste shirt (SO SEXY).

That's it.  We're going to make a difference, you guys!  Leave your comment and let's GET IT ON. 

See you tomorrow!

Reader Comments (14)

Count me in. Spirit would have wanted me too.

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLLM

I'm really confused by this game, but I've been drinking since 4.

Count me in.

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzakary

I'm in! And also hoping there is an animal shelter charity to choose....Jeff would want one. :)

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjenn

Which green Lacoste; the Kelly green or the Sage green?

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGayhooker

"10.  Dale is silent for the entire episode."

BTW, he can give me the silent treatment as long as it included thrusting and hair pulling.

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGayhooker

LLM, you must have received a sign!

z, good! I tried to make it as complicated as possible.

Jenn, you are so right. Great idea.

gayhooker, I was thinking sage, but since I didn't clarify, either will do. What a keen sense of observation you have! You're into Dale? Really?

October 20, 2009 | Registered CommenterSGM

Sure; I'd hit that. I like the mute butch types even though they won't add me as a friend on FB.

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGayhooker

I'm in. What the hell do I have to lose?

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersarah

I'm in too! I'm so excited!

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMinus75

What about if Ryan looks stoned?

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMinus75

WTF? Just double checked le ole Tivo just to make sure we have the finale saved for all time!
and BTW, how'd I miss yesterday's post? Oh yeah, was watching those stupid twits on Million dollar Listing! (sorry :( bout that little faux pas, but their whining is so addictive).

Now just let me get this straight (oops, I mean gay,) what exactly is the contest? Doesn't really matter as such, just let me know what i owe at the end of the show, I have Pay Pal, or at least I think I still do, those M *f'ing idiots in Hong Kong still didn't send me my tripod I ordered three weeks ago! but that is a whole other story. OK, have a great night and see y'all 2moro!

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertinki

Can we make a drinking game surrounding OC Housewives?! Then I'm in fo sho! We can raise money to pay Lynn's rent.

October 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStyle&Grace

I think this is a brilliant idea, S&G!

October 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersarah

I can't believe this is the end! I feel like the season just started and the next thing I know Chloe's saying, "Let's get this party started". You're too cruel Bravo!

October 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChateau de Lu

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