Things that concern you

1. My brother played "Money Can't Buy You Class" at his wedding reception this weekend. As you might expect, it cleared the dance floor but the 4 people remaining (one of whom was yours truly) were singing along exhuberantly and having seizures of ecstacy.
Incidentally, if you ever get invited to a wedding in which the bride's younger sister has the nickname "The Animal," YOU SHOULD GO.
2. I tried to catch up with RHONY last night, but those old hags whine and bicker more than my children, which is really saying something. I'm not up for it, to be quite honest, especially since I can't send them to their rooms and then force them to hug each other.
"Oh yeah? Well, you're a poopy fart face who poops in a fart butt!"
3. Season 5 of Flipping Out premieres tonight. Guess what? This may be the Tylenol PM speaking, but I am having warm feelings for Gage, Jeff's boyfriend:
It was the "good luck to you in the future" that did it. Frank occasionally does that to me on the phone after we've had a disagreement. He'll end the call with "have a nice life" and I'll say something like, "same to you, my friend." And that's how people who love each other tell each other to fuck off.
Fair warning to Andy Cohen if he tries a nudey bathtub scene on this show--
I will fly to New York and personally punch you in the nuts. Think about it, Andy. Think about it.
Reader Comments (11)
Hahahahaha! LOVE this~ I always enjoy a good Frank reference. I will be ALL OVER the Jeff Lewis and his merry misfits as it's been too long. TOO FUCKING LONG I say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great post SGM :)
damn I don't have a younger sister nicknamed THE ANIMAL - maybe she's available for hire for mine?
The rich girl problems are starting to wear on me as well. I couldn't even attempt New Jersey this time around. They've gone guido all over that show.
1. i am obsessed with the jew-dice catskills "country house" epsiode. i have watched it 3 times.
2. the new york donkeys are so over.
4. jeff would never do a naked bathtub scene.
counting down the minutes till my guy comes on tonight! jen said; its been too fucking long!
Dammit woman! I totally forgot Flipping Out was on. Running to set my DVR for the midnight show. It'll be just like Rocky Horror - I can throw rice at the screen and jump up and dance with them.
Bravo has gone overboard with bathtub scenes and rose petal bedroom scenrios. Andy Cohen is a mega douch.
I would pay big money to be at a wedding and hear "Money Can't Buy You Class." Love it!
When me and the hubby are having a disagreement we give each other the middle finger, silent, but gets the point across!
'but those old hags whine and bicker more than my children, which is really saying something." Ugh. I feel you sista. I tried to catch up on the past few episodes tonight, but my husband stopped me when he found me in the living room, vodka tonic in hand (hey - when you have 3 kids under the age of 6 home all summer THEN you may judge!) yelling at the tv, "Hey, you with the fluffy dog, Shut. The. Fuck. Up." I'm not saying I'm proud of this particular moment, but I don't feel like the entire burden of responsibility falls on me. I really, rully, rully, hate them all. Except Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle Richards. Thems I might like to get my ladytime on with.
P.S. I just finished the episode from two weeks ago (I had to do it with closed caption on so Cpt Anti-Reality wouldn't shut me off). And I just have to say, if the good Cpt was ever "tweeting" or "facebooking" or "jacking-off" in the general direction of any of my friends, fake or otherwise, I'd tell him to shut it down like Chinatown. And he'd do it. Even without me threatening to take away his leather mu-mu. Memo to Simon: the only person in the history of the world to even come close to carrying off that look was Laurence Fishburn in The Matrix, and you sir are no Morpheus.
"Incidentally, if you ever get invited to a wedding in which the bride's younger sister has the nickname "The Animal," YOU SHOULD GO."
Ha ha ha!!!!