I promise it will be okay.

This video will haunt you for HOURS, but you must watch it. Not only to see the Countess look like even more of an asshole (I know, I didn't think is was possible either!), but Jill. Oh God. JILL.
via Jezebel
Reader Comments (36)
Catchy~ Kinda dug it (the horror!)
Ladies with an attitude, fellas that were in the mood...
This makes no sense. Chic c'est la vie, c'est bon.... WTF???? Also, my eardrums are bleeding.
This is really bad. In the heavily made-up shots, she kind of looks like Terri Hatcher.
But, if you think this is bad, did you see Countess with her new long blonde hair. Yikes!!
I just rewatched it (yeah, I know I am a glutton for punishment) and noticed that when Jill went to take a sip of her Diet Coke she opened her mouth so wide it looked like she was going to swallow the glass.
I believe I heard the word "dignity" in this little ditty. Quite to the contrary, I have never seen anything so vulgar and undignified. These chicks wouldn't know class if it bit them on their saggy asses.
This totally reminds me of a Saturday Night Live fake commercial.
OMG, just check out the blond extension make over.. at here
who is that person? How can hair make that much difference...? Also, the song is pathetic....but what would you expect?
"the little things can take you down so it's best to brush them off". Sorry, but that's good advice.
I have so many things to say. But I have just now noticed the freaking guns on the Countess, as well as her terrifying laugh at the end. So I will refrain.
Jill, however, trying to nonchalantly and naturally raise the roof killed me.
I'm so embarrassed. For her children.
I don't know what you're talking about -- that's the best Janice Dickinson has looked in years.
Is she serious?
Jill is the worst actress ever! Does Kelly have any rhythm? I think she's nearly sporting the White Man Overbite dancing on a chaise lounge. The Countess continues to be as monotone as always.
Good Gawd Almighty. I didn't think it was possible to hate LuAnn anymore than I did, but I was wrong. She is so pretentious and smarmy and full of herself I just threw up in my mouth. I didn't think Jill was anywhere near as bad as the Cuntess.
The thing about Jill is that no matter how much money she spends to glam herself up, she can never escape the image of big mouth, fanny pack and sneakers. It's almost endearing. ALMOST.
This makes Simon's song almost appealing. Almost being the key word. ;)
Was Jacques tardy for that party?
Drop the Countess crap already. This was bad all around. The threesome looked like a clique of high school mean girls.
Jill looks like the little girl that got invited to the party because the birthday girl felt sorry for her. She doesn't quite fit in. The couch dancing is truly heinous. In the last show Alex summed it up nicely. If I had a photographic memory, or motivation I would find the exact wording. She called the the countess something like pompous, entitled, aloof, ect.
Jill looks like she should be driving Ally to bat mitzvah lessons and contemplating a quick stop at Bed Bath & Beyond.
OhNoOhNoOhNo. LuMann is just awful. And Jill? So *natural*, right? ::eye roll:: I have rebound embarrassment for them. I am shocked and appalled to admit that the best thing about this video is Kelly.
Quote from my 6 year old:
"I don't want to watch this it's too dumb"
The only way this show will continue to hold my interest is another Kelly meltdown. She needs to start a feud with either Luann or Jill.
Otherwise, I'm ready for a new cast entirely.
the lip syncing is off.
she needs better producers.