When I start to confuse you with Pam Anderson, you've got problems

Be careful, Britney. It's a slippery slope.
In other news, there's been a whole lot of silence from my business associate, Mr. Peter Lee. He wrote me an extremely long email last week and I responded by asking him if he was on twitter, because that might help him learn to condense a little bit. Apparently he didn't like that because I haven't heard from him since. That's okay. I'll just hunt him down. Who needs a crossbow when you just can fill a tube sock with $15 worth of change?
What do you think about Bravo's new shows, Pregnant in Heels and Million Dollar Decorators?
I can't think of anything I would rather watch LESS than bitchy over-privileged pregnant women. I would rather watch Tamra Barney have a threesome in a public pool than watch that show, if that tells you anything.
The decorating show, I can get into. It's still bitchy and over-privileged, but at least none of them are reproducing in front of our eyes. What do you think? Will you be watching, or are you just sitting tight
until RHNYC?
Pam Anderson Jr. photo from dlisted.
Reader Comments (14)
The Pregnant in Heels show's previews make me want to vomit so I know I will not be partaking in that show - boring. The decorating show sounds right up my alley and I'm salivating in anticipation for the NY ladies to return!
Oh dear lord, you're right: it's Barb Wire's slightly less talented, squat half-sister. Turns out Brit-Brit is NOT back. Dang it y'all.
When the platform for displays of vile, out-of-touch selfishness is parenting/kids/babies I get antsy and twitchy. Not good.
I have concerns that this decorating show may in some way displace JL. But I'll definitely watch--decorator drama is highly entertaining. But I'm interested in hearing Mr. Millstein's take.
I have no intrest in watching pregnant in heels. I dont think i can stomach it. Or maybe i just cant stomach another BRAVO show.
I watched scary island on rerun a few days ago and im chomping at the bit for RHONY . I thought it was Jill i was anxious to be disgusted and shocked with. But honestly, i cant wait for Ramona and her x-lax mouth, Kellys warped view of reality and our new movie star wanna be LuLu. BRING IT!
Dear SGM,
Mr. Fong Chong has likewise disappointed me.
Sincerely, and bitterly,
Harvey Millstein, CID
I am sad to admit that I will probably watch Pregnant in Heels...I can't get enough of these over the top reality shows on Bravo, even though that one looks pretty bad. And I'm already borderline obsessed with Million Dollar Decorators even though it hasn't aired yet...hopefully, it doesn't disappoint.
Pregnant in Heels looks predictable (mix hormones+money, stir and serve), while Million Dollar looks like it could get juicy. Hell, if I can stomach reading Elle Decor and House Beautiful I can take this-throw pillows that cost more than what I spend in food each month...I agree with Brassy-looks like it's aiming at JL...
Totally going to avoid RH Miami finale tonight. GOOD RIDDANCE!
No one can displace JL. I'm just waiting for Harv to get his own show.
I would rather watch the garbage men picking up my trash than watch Pregnant in Heels. What the hell was Bravo thinking?
Is anyone else surprised that Britney is still touring and putting out albums?
What the h-to-the-e-double-l happened to "Nine By Design"? I really liked that show. Maybe I had a girl crush on Cortney Novogratz. Maybe I didn't. I'm not saying. But I am saying I'd rather see a new season of something I really liked versus something that might make me vomit. Million Dollar Design might make me vomit.
I have to admit I may watch one episode of Pregnant in Heels only because I like Rosie Pope. Her store actually rocks for maternity...and I pretty much hate all maternity clothes. That said, I know I am going to be horrified as I am currently a pregnant Upper East Side woman. However, I am one of the poorer ones and would never think to act so ridiculously. Mu husband would also never indulge me...thank God.
What DID happen to Nine by Design? I miss that show. Guess they chucked it for MORE RHOBoise.
Did you guys know Brad's getting his own show? I. Die.
When's Jeff Lewis and crew coming back?
wishing 9 by design would come back - I can deal with their crazy. the pregnant ladies? I don't think I can do it.
plus rachel zoe, and brad's show yay!