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    Andy Cohen is trying to kill me

    with these concurrent Housewives shows.  I am completely over-stimulated.  This is what I'm thinking:

    Real Housewives of New Jersey

    1.  We may need to shift our focus from Albie Manzo to Chris Manzo.  He's the one with the spark and the hustle, and honestly, his hair is much better than Albie's.


    Their short dialogue, Jersey Girls:  What's not to Love, is the best thing Bravo has EVER put on its website.  I highly recommend it, especially the section on screen names. 

    2.  I could watch an entire hour of the Guidice kids alternately gritching at each other and saying "fabuluuuuuus!" 

    Damn straight I could.  (Thanks to Chateau de Lu for admitting it first.) 

    2.  All of my dreams came true when I saw that there exists an "upscale" women's boutique (in a strip mall!) named Posche.  Elegance is not only learned, but it is taught in New Jersey. 

    3.  The one thing I'm not liking about this season so far is the 4 on 1 dynamic.  Boring.  Bravo needs to hire some friends for Danielle, fast.


    Real Housewives of New York City

    I am counting the minutes until Alex gives Jill a check-up from the neck up.*  Watch the prelude right here:

    (click through if you can't see the video)

    You can't hide in that little pantry forever, Jill.   Mwahahahaha! 

    This episode will definitely be recapped, bitches.  See you soon.


    *Thanks to my friend Theresa from Detroit, who is a living urban dictionary

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    Reader Comments (32)

    Poor Albie, goin' bald.

    May 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    Has anyone seen Theresa's cookbook yet? I saw it at Barnes and Noble today. The recipes actually look good, the pictures are very nice, a pic for each dish and she explains alot of the ingredients that go into making Italian cooking. The whole book reminds me of a Giada DeLaurentis cookbook with all the family cooking and eating together, albeit a New Jersey Giada. It was much better than Bethenny's boring pictureless cookbook and I like how Theresa's title play's off of Bethenny's title- The Skinny Italian or something like that. Except for the last part where she gives her beauty secrets, could have done without that part. Oh and I personally loved "Joe's juicy bits" where he gives a bit of gossip like when he and Theresa invited Steve and Danielle over for dinner and while they were cooking Steve and Danielle were going at it in front of the kids. Joe said he grabbed Steve and threatened him for the make out session and Steve said it was all Danielle. I soooo believe it. I would love to try some of those recipes.

    May 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKitcat

    I actually just yelled at my tv because of that stupid countess. Yelled and I almost threw the remote. I think I need help...

    Chris just doesn't have the bone structure that Albie does. He's a little rodent-y in the face. I'm sorry.

    May 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    jill and Bethenny-make up already so Jill can buy the Baby cute clothes and not "gingah"! Sonja's body is bangin-did anyone else think kelly's legs are equatable to a giraffe's in length? What's up with all the close ups of bling during phone calls? If the Countess actually dates the douchey writer I will vomit, clean it up,then promptly get back to watching the date. SGM you with me?

    May 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

    I officially HATE Jill Zarin. It's official. I so want to bitch slap her across a room, any room. Yay for Alex and her shiny new balls. They look good on her. I love it too that Ramona and Sonja seem to be getting sick of Jill. The Countless is pointless and never really has anything to say other than telling others what they 'should' have or not done to pathetic Jill. That is all until your recap is up.

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBystander

    I agree with you SGM. I am really sick of the gang up on Danielle story line. I can't stand to see her girls parent her and think Bravo's exploiting Danielle's mental health issues. I hope they come up with a more interesting angle.

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrosebud

    Checkup from the neck up = UHMAZING!

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe Lil Bee

    I must have been watching a different episode...the "showdown" was a complete letdown. Alex was her usual pathetic self...she wasn't able to build a cogent argument, nor stay on point. She is loving that she is not in the middle of a storyline that has actually generated interest, but she is not up to the task to make it all that memorable. It's funny, every episode this season has made me more and more anti-Jill, but then Alex involves herself and makes me hate her the most.

    I don't think anyone could have actually talked to Jill. You have to have both people listening to have a conversation. Jill doesn't listen. She just talks.
    I completely agree with Mario's new blog. I made a comment to that effect but doubt Bravo will print it.

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermary

    Ramona: "Bethenny's father passed away today"

    Jill: "But what about MEEEEEEEEE?"

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    Jill did such a complete turnaround personality-wise from last season that I can't help thinking that Bravo offered her extra money to be the bad guy this year.

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSuzette

    i'm ready to find Jill Zarin, or Zarin fabrics, whatever. And drive there and look at Jill in the face with Bobby pouting in the background and I haven't decided yet if I want to spit, have a watergun of food coloring or tell her she is a mean girl in hs. Prob all 3.


    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMODG

    I completely agree on the show "overload" I was spinning last night after NYC was done. And then I go and tune into The Kardashians and before I knew it I was in full panic mode. I seriously felt addicted to reality TV and actually turned it off and went outside for some air. I really do feel I need some detox time. I've been hittin' the remote to hard lately. Everyday there's something else!! I'm starting to feel awkward and ashamed when my boyfriend walks in and these type show are always on.

    Housewives of NJ
    Housewives of NYC
    Basketball Wives
    Say Yes To The Dress
    Girl Meets Gown
    Top Chef Masters
    The Hills
    The City
    Lisa Raye -The Real McCoy
    9 By Design
    Tori & Dean

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen

    If there's a I Hate Jill Zarin Club I want to sign up. Also, LuAnn the EX-countess has the worst singing voice! She's just a fake princess wannabe.

    I stayed up to see Watch What Happens and wasn't aware of the lovefest Ellen Barken has for Caroline. It was actually pretty adorable.

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNasty Nancy

    What a nasty bitch.

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterErica

    Seriously, I hate all of them! I can't take it - I don't even want to watch anymore. It's terrible!

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermary

    I can't wait for the recap---I have to get this out now! :)

    I was AGHAST at the outright selfishness that Jill showed when Ramona made the announcement about Bethenny's father---I mean open-mouthed, Ramona-eyes-popping, aghast. I shouldn't have been surprised because it's always all about Jill, but SERIOUSLY!? I know she was upset that she wasn't there for Bethenny, but her behavior towards Ramona was downright unexcusable. and the Countess!! quit trying to be Jill's bodyguard! Her and Kelly are both in the same flock of sheep.

    Was anyone else annoyed by the Countess' boyfriend's "howl at the moon" laugh? Why does he have to throw his head back? Josie Grosie.

    Also, I was totally proud of Alex, good for her!! Jill completely tried to turn it into a "you against us" conversation by saying, "we just won't hang out in the same social circles." No Jill, the appropriate and mature response would have been, "That's fine, you and I won't hang out anymore." No need to involve others. She's a sly one that Jill, already building her little army when the argument isn't even finished.

    Can't wait for your recap SGM, I'm in love with you!

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlalala

    I am confused about Countless's grody date. Doesn't she have a boyfriend whose name starts with J? *insert otherworldly psychic music here*. I don't remember that weirdo's name, but I paid attention to the fact that it doesn't start with a J. Did anyone hear that new girl Jennifer say that he was ugly and gay?! That CRACKED me up. And yes, @lalala, wtf is up with that throwing-the-head-back laugh?! I hope he is a very nice person.

    I want to punch Jill in that faaaake smile of hers.

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCindy

    there's not much left to say that hasn't already been said..
    other than 'moaner looked gorgeous in those clips.
    tru ReNewal indeed.

    let's get this shitshow started SGM.

    Bethenny is in labor?

    May 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermary


    May 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKKBL

    I agree about Danielle not having any friends. It's torture to watch her interact w/ her daughters. At least last year there was some conflict...face to face. Now it's she said, she said. C'mon Bravo...wag the dog.

    May 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSara

    I feel alone in the corner, dudes. Jill is a mean, insecure idiot, the Countess is worthless, but I hate Alex. Always have. Bitch is a stealth bitch and a coward. And fucking delusional: when she complained to Bethenny that Jill and LuAnn had been meanest to her family, I was like, the fuck? Ramona and Bethenny called Simon "delusional' and "disgusting" and commented MANY times on her ill-behaved kids.

    Alex is really the most dishonest of them all. I have no sympathy for her at all. Jill wasn't 'shutting her down' when Alex was trying to get her bratty fucking progeny into schools season 1, right?

    May 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnony

    Alex is my new BFF

    May 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commentergarrett

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