On to the next one

Real Housewives of New Jersey starts tonight!
(click through if you can't see the video)
Is it too much to hope that Albie Manzo gets on that stripper pole?
I know many of you are over Real Housewives of New York City but I am still riveted. My favorite part of the most recent episode was when Professor Hotpants tries to explain to Jill and LuAnn what "kill the messenger" means.
"And also? The term 'poker face' pre-dates Lady Gaga."
We can only hope she's happy, in a Flowers for Algernon kind of way.
I have much more to say but I think I'd better stop here; I'm sick as a dog and need to get back to whimpering on the couch. Please, tell me what you think about Alex's flustered message to Jill and if you are ready for all of the violence the Jerz promises to deliver.
Reader Comments (35)
OMG...Alex's delivery was so annoying. The fact that she took what seemed like 30 years to finally spit out "the message" drove me crazy, but I felt for her when it came to the nervous hives, I got those on prom night...go figure. I did love how enthusiastic she was about getting to be the one to tell Jill that she is a slimy bitch-face. "May the Force be With You"...funny stuff.
I am super excited to see what kind of delivery she gives next week when she tells SBF that she is "a mean girl, and in high scool".
Hope you feel better soon SGM!!! And PLEASE don't EVER stop writing!
Ughh Alex, I felt sympathy for her (clearly she has no backbone & had to figuratively borrow Bethanny's balls) but giving that message in front of everyone & making such a large production of it.... so tacky & immature. Granted they've all had their moments, but she admits that it was done out of spite with the intention of burning Jill. I think Kelly said her wisest words ever with "that's so mean, what are we in 4th grade." That was totally a mean girl on the playground moment. Next weeks fight looks promising but I have a feeling it's just more of Alex making herself look stupid and sad by pre-adolescent attack rather than a real, effective bitch match like the rest of them manage to perform. I'm also starting to get sick of Bethanny, everything she does is SO CONTRIVED. Jill may be coming off really bad this season, but Bethanny is all about attention & tabloids.
Alex drives me batshit.
Feel better.
I enjoyed Kelly explaining to the others what happens "in literature." Way to pay off, adult education classes!
I like Alex, but I think she delivered the message to get attention and be a part of the "drama." Jill kind of deserved the little slap on the face though, the fame has gone to her head a little.
alex's message only proved what a complete geek she really is. bless her heart. i would have beat her up in high school.
thank you kelly for bringing back the dumb.
i hate jill.
i double hate luann but could be heard singing elegance is learned all weekend long after many gin drinks.
I guess being a mean girl doesn't come naturally to Alex.
did kelly get those shorts from Hooters?
I so felt for Alex . . . with all of those passive aggressive biatches! I now love Alex. She is the only girl I'd want to be friends with. I really sympathized with her when she was stammering and her face was turning red. I feel like I have so been there. But I was also so totally embarrassed for her, because she should have done it privately, and everyone was just ignoring her to try to make her feel inferior.
HOW did I not know you were back? You would think GAY HOOKs woulda told me! Now I have to go comment on all ur posts for the past month.
Oh please, My Favorite and My Best. YOU went to high school? (kidding; love ya.)
Alex delivered the message to get back at Jill for badmouthing little Johannes and Ludwig or whatever those kids' are named. Pluto and Uranus? Beethoven and Dirty Sanchez?
............sorry still laughing over flowers for Algernon.........how do you come up with them?
Listen up Scented Glossy, I am just as into those crazy NYC nutters as you are! Who's over them? Why? And do you not understand that these sort of shenanigans are exactly what propel the evolution of Bravo Reality. If it wasn't for NYC would we have a RHNJ? Probably not. Pop culture Darwinsim at its best (or worst, I guess). Would that make the ladies of the OC a bunch of monkeys? Yes, for many reasons.
I am LOVING RHNY this year! Kelley in her hot pants must be discussed further! Bensimonn, we get it! You've got long, toned legs. What is she going to do when her muscle tone starts to go and her skin sags from all the tanning? I pray we can still tune in to find out. Luanne's creepy obsession with protecting Jill from Bethany is bizarre. Now that she is Count-less is she switching teams and trying to move in on Bobby's turf? Alex and Simon on WWHL were awkward and uncomfortable, and I loved it. Bethany hit the nail on the head: Alex borrowed her balls. As pathetic as the delivery was, Alex made her point. Sadly Alex isn't very good at the passive aggressive smile-while-I-insult-you crap, but that is the price that must be paid for being able to watch her rip Jill a new one next week. I can't wait. So much so that I can't focus on NJ yet. Two RHs in one week? Why's Bravo overlapping like that? Anyone know?
I hate how Theresa sticks her tongue out to meet the straw.
I love that Caroline said that "Michael was very clearheaded about what he had to say" (regarding Danielle) when the man was so obviously shitfaced.
But on a sad note, seeing Danielle's daughter in the back of her car on her rampage to Caroline's party was heartbreaking. Those poor girls. I feel so, so sorry for them. She will be lucky if they grow up and just feel sorry for her.
But yes, why is Caroline throwing this fundraiser for the sheriff's dept? Interesting... Throw'em some food and money and they'll leave you alone?
Where's Theresa's effing $100,000 cash ugly ass furniture in that shiny ugly Red Roof Inn of a house?
The message Alex needed to deliver was merited; however, that was neither the time nor place to do it. I think that was really tacky of Alex and it made it look like she was just wanting attention. EVEN IF the person you are dissing is a complete beyotch, you just shouldn't talk to people that way. I hate to sound Countess-like, but really that was a tacky and lame way of "delivering a message".
Alex was awkward, but she got the job done. She reduced Jill to tears, and next week she looks to be even stronger. For the first time, I like her.
Alex is winning my heart this season... Jill has no soul, I cant wait to see her scrambling back for bethany's love!
I have had a total change of opinion this season - Alex has become one of my new favs interms of being real and Jill has disgusted me : ( - I think CLA is my least favorite of all though - she is so rude and that horrible song! Also - why was Kelly wearing a bathing suit bottom to that event?
OMG..The comments from the Anon's, MFAMB - kill me! So freaking hilare!
Yeah so someone already mentioned it but I'll say it again - Kelly. Dumbass. Like she know what happens in literature. Oh and how fake ass is Lu-freaking-Ann?! Ugh....so full of it. And for them to jump all over Alex's shit for the message from Bethenny is a bunch of bull especially when they have all been shady with the ambushes & speaker phone conversations. (sorry for the run on sentence)
RHONJ - Missed Albie's hot ass. As for the rest of the show - Oh. My. God. I really don't know what to make of it. I'm still in shock...at the train wrecky-ness of it all. But I do think it's time Albie had his own show.
Oh how I wish we could all be in the same time zone and live tweet this shit.
Get well soon SGM! We need you! Love ya beyotch! :)
PS - I was going to send you a link a RHONJ article in the LA Times...if I remember at work tomorrow, I'll send it.
New York is still my favorite out of all the housewives. As for NJ, Danielle's blog is a poison pen letter.
Wow, she's toxic.
Danielle brings nothing to the show. She's painful to watch and every time she came on, I muted and went back to the live feed from the Brownstone.
What was that live feed like? I forgot all about it! Was Danielle there? i haven't watched the epi yet...but these NJ girls kinda freak me out!! LOL
oh my god...flowers for algernon! i was obsessed with that book! and flowers in the attic, and the manson biography! i love the nyc housewives! it calms and relaxes me and i can watch them over and over. i don't know what it is. im waiting for jill to sprout horns and bethany's ventriliquist dummy jaw to crack off.
we are both sick, let's be better soon!
Danielle has completely lost it. "Gossiping" with the priest? Are you kidding me? Gossiping with the girl who's touching her nasty feet (I bet that poor girl loses her job after last night) and then taking her daughters on a ride to Crazyland? And then finishes the episode saying that she's not going to give them the satisfaction of letting them get to her, AFTER she goes driving all over Jersey with her daughters terrified in the back seat. As for the scene in the clothing boutique, I think Danielle is butt kissing for the "tab" she has there and the boutique owner is doing it for her 15 minutes on the show. Neither are as close as they say. And for someone who can't pay her bills, Danielle is sure carrying around some expensive purses and getting pedicures and buying clothes she can't afford. Jaqueline is going to get on my nerves with her Danielle pity. Didn't she say last season what a smart man her husband was, and now when he says he watched Danielle in action he realizes she can't be trusted. And now she won't listen to his reasoning. Dina is an idiot this season, why is she so afraid of Danielle that she won't talk bad about her and is kissing her butt? I guess the only reason Danielle is still on the show is for the drama. I guess she's got the same excuse as Jill, Bravo told her to bring the crazy or get off the show.
am i the only one that noticed the flash of the Hell's Angels colors on the previews of jersey housewives? wtf?!?! more reason to watch!