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    "So are we good?" PART TWO

    Tonight on Real Housewives of Orange County, Simon and Vicki hiss and bare their fangs at each other over...I'm not even sure.  But it makes my tummy hurt.  So does Jim's shirt.  Watch:

    (click through if you can't see the video)

    I'd also like to hear your thoughts on this comment from the last recap:

    Maybe because I'm a guy, but I'm not buying the Saint Donn bit.

    Craigslist is full of Donns, looking for relief from their Vickis. He's got something going on the side that keeps him from vomiting or breaking into sobs everytime he looks at that dog-faced wife. Some easily impressed production assistant at Bravo, or an "escort" from Thailand, or whatever, in his mind, is the exact opposite of Vicki. Maybe a 24-year-old stockboy at Banana Republic.

    Is Donn too good to be true?  WHY THE HELL IS HE WITH THAT BEAST VICKI?!

    Further reading: Simon's most recent super-creepy blog entry here.  "Tammy's" rebuttal is here.

    Reader Comments (41)

    I think the commenter is confused with Tammy's ex-hubby from a couple of seasons ago, who did marry a Thai mail-order bride. Because DONN rocks, and yes, we cannot figure out why he stays with his Victory, but that is why we love him.

    February 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChateau de Lu

    I get very tired of the Vicki hate. People fall in love for a multitude of reasons. And really, Vicki is a doer, a manifestor. She gets shit done. Maybe that's what Donn likes about her. He doesn't want to manage or babysit his spouse like the others. Maybe he is one of the rare, self-confident people who can handle themselves gracefully in most situations. The woman is overbearing and loud but she is also fun. She lives in the moment and takes chances. (though TP-ing Jeanna's house was very mean)

    And unlike Simon or Slade or Frank--Vicki can support herself and her family. She also provides jobs for people in a market where there is 10% unemployment. None of the men can make that claim. (Jim is iffy to me.) That's the real reason they are threatened by her. And believe me, Simon is threatened.

    February 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSabrina Duncan

    These people act like 6th graders! I LOVE it! :)

    I think Vicki has done a lot of growth and realized she was a psycho hose beast in previous seasons. I think she is trying like hell to be all adult and "beyond" the drama - but truth is she loves it. You can' change those stripes, Vic. Don't apologize!

    Also, I love that she rewarded her staff with tanning/botox day. Only behind the gates.

    February 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaige

    When Vicki exclaims in the opening credits "I love my life," I don't believe her. She seems like a completely miserable person who needs constant validation and shits on people to feel better. After seeing her crazypants mother though I can totally see why.

    I'm not saying I don't crave validation all over the place, but I'm surprised she hasn't grown as a person after watching herself on television. That shit she pulled airing Jeana's money problems and TPing her house was deplorable.

    If I were Simon with that dumb mess of a wife I wouldn't want her around Vicki either. They encourage each others hateful drunken behavior. Speaking of being hateful, I had better stop there. This is what happens when I watch 4 episodes in a row.

    February 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersweetshorn

    Himm, I do have those thoughts of "why the hell would this nice man stay with Vicki?" but doesn't that prove his saint-ness?
    We don't kknow what Tamra told Vicki and it is obvious he is very uncomfortable about that. I guess Tamra is trying to play the innocent wife but she is not handling this friend vs. husband issue very well.
    Ohhh I don't like Tamra...

    February 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAybee

    A "manifestor"?

    February 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    Okay. I am finally mostly caught up. I still think Vicki is a huge bitch. She is a doer or whatever an earlier commenter said. But she is Sooooooooooooooooooo judgmental. If you do not live your life like she does, she will tell you how wrong you are.

    She is absolutely interfering with Tamra's marriage. I don't think Simon's that bad (I did not read any of his blog posts). I have never seen a woman spend less time with her husband. She is all "nobody is telling me I can't have a weekend with the girls" but I think I watched her vacation for TWO seasons before she "invited" her husband on any of her trips.

    She has a wildly disfunctional marriage. I think she thinks she is a cougar or something and can get better than Donn (who I really like even though I don't understand why he puts up with her and he really only needs one N in his name).

    When she invited him on that vacation to renew their vows?! It was all about her! All about the 1.5 carat diamond ring she bought him and how often she said they were "falling in love all over again."

    She is a controlling manipulator. You can see it in her kids and her relationships with all others and I have hardly been able to watch this season (only while doing something else in reruns) and only for you, SGM. Otherwise, I have no patience for how these women treat one another.

    Whew. That was a long one.

    February 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterhello gorgeous

    Now I have watched more and Vicki just insulted everyone who doesn't work. I have to defend the Stay-at-Homies (coined by Decorno as far as I know) by saying it's a lot of fucking work to care for your family properly. Which she doesn't.

    I'm done now.

    February 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterhello gorgeous


    I take full responsibility for getting stoned during the RHOC, but someone please tell me did Vicki look like a Kabuki actor in the back of the limo? White face, red body? Am I really that stoned?

    February 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMuffy

    I'm telling you: It's the "good men" like Donn and the monstrous wives like Vicki that keep prostitution recession-proof.

    February 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    Does Donn work? Does anybody know? Don't know if that figures into the equation or not. I think Donn's just a faithful man.

    Stay-at-Homies .... hadn't heard that - LOVE it! The toughest job you'll ever love.

    February 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSharon

    I was sober, and can confirm YES, on the kabuki. Perfect description.

    February 4, 2010 | Registered CommenterSGM

    i am not impressed with donn. he seems to have zero personality. "nice" isnt the same as putting up with someone because you cant stand up for yourself, or express an opinion. in their recent moments of bonding, he seems to be waiting to see what her mood or declaration is going to be so he can match it. i think he just has low self esteem and has settled for someone else running his life for him. he has got to be getting his ego stroked on the side.

    a nice guy would be in touch with how vicki makes him feel, and he would not hold back in sharing those feelings. its what girls like vicki NEED. he'd be doing her a favor.

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjoni

    Holy mess of an episode, and why the fuck would "tammy" get Simon's name tattooed on her ring finger? I find that more amusing than the eviction notice that gets served at the end.

    Oh, ladies.

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChloe

    When did everyone start drinking cocktails through straws? Is it a fad that I missed out on. Looks kind of stupid if you ask me.

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMamie

    Being a stay-at-homy is a very hard job - the hardest job in the world. Of course, two nannies for three kids helps to cut down on the stress.

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVirgie

    I'll admit it, I was starting to get off the Donn-train, but after this conversation, I'm right back on board:

    D: "Just ignore them." (this was paraphrased)
    VGun: "I can't" (paraphrased too)
    D: "What do you want me to do about it?" (maybe paraphrased)
    VGun: "Beat him up." (NOT paraphrased)
    D: "What is this high school?" (NOT paraphrased)

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersarah

    I'm over hating on Vicki. And I still love Donn.

    I would, however, throw Lynn's kids into a swiftly flowing river.

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commentergquaker

    The job question is interesting. Is he buying Vicki diamonds with her own money?

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    OMG--this conversation totally reeks of sexism. Not all men need slutty-looking, idiot, little princesses to stay faithful. (I put money on Jim or Simon hitting the whorehouse before Donn any day.) I think Donn is just a chill guy who enjoys getting to play more because his wife loves to work. I think he has MORE self-esteem for it.

    Vicki might be nosy and jealous, but at least she is smart, hard-working, and fun. I think all the petty stuff is for her own personal entertainment. I mean, hanging out with Tamra, Gretchen, Alex, and Lynn--all totally clueless bimbos--would have to get boring fast.

    Team Vicki 2010!!!

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranonymous

    The Vickster is the only one that works in all of Orange County-maybe the whole state of California. NO ONE works as hard as she does. She is so condescending. I can't believe this business leader disses people who stay at home to support their families. How can this attitude be good for Coto Insurance?

    Rise up stay at homies! Honk the horn in your family van if you agree! Let out a Woo Hoo for the long suffering Donn.

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrosebud

    I don't think Vicki was being condescending. They wanted her to work out with them in the middle of the day and then go out to lunch. I don't know anyone who works who can do that. She is probably tired of explaining why she can't do things in the middle of the day like the rest of them. And yes, Donn couldn't go to Florida because (1) it was supposed to be a girl's weekend and (2) Donn was at work. Nuff said.

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

    OMG--this conversation totally reeks of sexism. Not all men need slutty-looking, idiot, little princesses to stay faithful.

    No, this conversation reeks of realism. Vicki is a boner-killer.

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    Vicky is condescending because she has flat out said that the others don't work.

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrosebud

    Can any of these people hold their god damm liquor!!!???? The only take away I got from last night was I loved Vicki's dress. That shit would look good on me!!

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