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    "So are we good?" PART TWO

    Tonight on Real Housewives of Orange County, Simon and Vicki hiss and bare their fangs at each other over...I'm not even sure.  But it makes my tummy hurt.  So does Jim's shirt.  Watch:

    (click through if you can't see the video)

    I'd also like to hear your thoughts on this comment from the last recap:

    Maybe because I'm a guy, but I'm not buying the Saint Donn bit.

    Craigslist is full of Donns, looking for relief from their Vickis. He's got something going on the side that keeps him from vomiting or breaking into sobs everytime he looks at that dog-faced wife. Some easily impressed production assistant at Bravo, or an "escort" from Thailand, or whatever, in his mind, is the exact opposite of Vicki. Maybe a 24-year-old stockboy at Banana Republic.

    Is Donn too good to be true?  WHY THE HELL IS HE WITH THAT BEAST VICKI?!

    Further reading: Simon's most recent super-creepy blog entry here.  "Tammy's" rebuttal is here.

    Reader Comments (41)

    I am all for giving up work to raise kids, but that is not exactly what these OC ladies are doing. All these noble "stay-at-homies" seem to do is travel, day-drink, shop, tan, spa and work-out while the nanny changes the diapers. No wonder their kids grow up to be vapid, tatooed drop-outs and jail-birds. Let's face it. Vicki's daughter is the one winning the respectable OC offspring award.

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranonymous

    "I am all for giving up work to raise kids, but that is not exactly what these OC ladies are doing. All these noble "stay-at-homies" seem to do is travel, day-drink, shop, tan, spa and work-out while the nanny changes the diapers. No wonder their kids grow up to be vapid, tatooed drop-outs and jail-birds. Let's face it. Vicki's daughter is the one winning the respectable OC offspring award."

    Amen, my friend. Amen.

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDawn

    Simon--"I never controlled you, RIGHT?" He is the posterboy for abusive husbands. I bet Tamra's bronzer hides a few bruises.

    Tamra--"I wanted to show you my INTERNAL love."

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterretromom

    how frustrated are we with these women just watching them week-to-week (season-to-season). imagine vicki living this bullshit. you know she's had that conversation a million times...i can't come to your poolside pilates class because i have to work; i can't come to your boozy lunch because i have to work; i can't come to your horseback riding lessons...

    yes, she's controlling with her family/relationships, but she gets fucking shit done. we all need the person on the girl's weekend/lake have-a-ho weekend to coordinate the car service, the booze, the snacks. give her a break.

    i don't think vicki is in danger of losing her house. the other bitches can't even pay RENT, much less maintain a mortgage. the other women are living like it's 2006 and the money is going to be rolling in for decades. not vicki. she's a workaholic, but it's fucking orange county. she needs to be. she's learned from past relationships that she must be able to take care of herself. the other housewives haven't learned dick. these other people seem to just float around doing nothing. and vicki asking gretchen about the financial stuff. hello, all valid questions. gretchen was there to "pick her brain" about business stuff. she wasn't out of line asking that stuff in that setting.

    it's disgusting that these women won't spend nights away from their husbands, or their husbands won't let them. it's unhealthy and creepy. vicki gets it.

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    "it's unhealthy and creepy. vicki gets it."

    It's Vicki who is "unhealthy and creepy." She couldn't make it through the girls' weekend, she couldn't even make it through Lynne's party. She's a quitter; she's the group's Sarah Palin.

    She's too easily threatened. Bitter. Envious. On that limousine ride home from Lynne's party, she should have been roaring with laughter at the stupidity of the other wives. Instead, she's sobbing and miserable. All that noble "work ethic" and "getting shit done"? What has it gotten her, but isolated?

    February 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    What's wrong with Vicki saying no one has jobs if THEY DON'T?! This isn't a revelation to any of them, is it? And if you have a maid and a nanny, then you are NOT a stay at home mom (your staff are!). You are the birthing cow, Alexis, that's all!

    February 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    Wouldn't spend five minutes alone with any of them BUT at least Vicki and Donn's kids have been raised to do something other than check into rehab and suck off their parents' credit cards. That's not nothing. Plus? Could you imagine if they dared to call their mom a bitch? She is controlling and needy but she gets results.

    February 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLolo

    Vicki has no friends. She can only be close to people she can dominate and push around: Tamra, her kids.

    February 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    Vicki wants Tamra to be happy as long as it fits HER definition of happiness.

    February 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarb

    I know, I know, I am very tardy to the party, but I finally got to watch my dvr'd RHOC ' zodes! For some reason, maybe because they are so friggin' annoying, my usually trusty electonic gizmomawhatsit, has been neglecting to record them for me! While I rully don't care that much about anyone of the self absorbed, six ways from crazy, biotchez, I thought it was interesting that Vicki and Donn (is that the real spelling? tell me it's not!) had to keep repeating the phrase (I don't give a-) "rat's ass" and, at one point, it deteriorated into rat's behind (at least, I think that was it in the limo). Since when did that phrase become de riguer for people to describe how they feel or rather don't feel?(all the while sobbing uncontrollably, a definite sign you dont give a "insert any old phrase" the common four letter word, s&*t comes to mind!). They all need to get a real life, and get over themselves!

    One more thing, why does Alexis flap her arms, like an injured flamingo, whenever she is talking? Now that is trully, trully bizarre!
    Maybe she is just conducting her imaginary orchestra! the one that drinks at 1:30 in the afternoon!

    Can anyone tell me how these people drive anywhere after consuming copious amounts of liquor? and forget getting up in the morning! If Tamra doesn't get up until 9 or 10, God bless her! if I drank anywhere near as much as she appears to, I wouldn't get up before Friday afternoon! no matter what day I went to bed!

    February 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertink

    Actually, Emily, Donn didn't say he wasn't in Florida (initially) because of "work reasons." Victory and Donn both announced the reason was that "he wasn't INVITED." When it finally dawned on him that those words are crazy town, he added, "I was working."

    As for Vicki not wanting to do squat class with the other OC Housewives in the middle of the, the reality show *IS* a job. They get paid!!! I'm sorry of that comes as a newsflash and shatters the fourth wall for you all. Forget the stay at home stuff...five seasons ago this was a it's a paying gig and each season, these wenches demand more pay so they can pre-plan these "outings," horse racing, lunches, cuff parties and we all see all the awnings and the names on screen to know these are promotions. Vicki keeps talking about "her job" and the other ladies laugh because they are ALL being paid to be on camera while she spouts that BS.

    Would the world know about Vicki's seminars and the fabulous play back of her stupid fall while accepting an award for her handiwork, were it not for Bravo...aka, her JOB?? Has anyone here attempted to read Vicki's blog and get past the self promotional Coto Insurance crap? HELLO. The tv show is a job and Vicki is an opportunist.

    For the blog readers who pay attention, Vicki clearly mentioned she had clients leave after her "my boobies want to come out and play" and "Donn isn't filling my love tank." Donn's work suffered too, according to Vicks. It's a concerted effort to have date night, renewal of vows (with a camera crew along) and "I can't drink all day because I am working."

    And to the most recent anon, Vicki's little moment of "well, I'm not having my house repossessed, etc" was passive aggressiveness and not the first time we've seen it this season. Vicki thought it was cool to announce to the world that she bid a very ugly adieu to Jeana because, as she said, Jeana wanted to borrow money from her. Soooo ugly.

    I rully wish we had heard all 85 hours of how Alexis met her really "buff" husband, Jim. If those idiots mention the Palm Desert Marriott one more time.....oh, and could that Presidential Suite been less, well, Presidential???

    PS---unbeknownst to me, last week's drinking phrase must have been "rat's ass." If I had a shot of tequila any time Vicki OR Donn said it, I would have been naked wasted!

    February 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commenternyc

    PS---Emily, you don;t know anyone who work out in the middle of the day and then goes to lunch???

    Can I introduce you to a character named Vicki who indulges in Bravo-sponsored botox and tanning parties for her employees---who she admits are too young for Botox and "couldn't give a rat's ass" about the perks Bravo lets her hand out?

    That's *exactly* the kind of woman who can dash off from the office.... for the same few hours she blew off......instead of giving her self-proclaimed "hard working staff" some cash bonuses!!

    February 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commenternyc

    I don't know if anyone reads the above site too but his little take on Tamra's tattoo is hysterical!

    February 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterM&V

    NYC - Wow. That's all.

    February 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDawn

    I'm still 'team donn' The guy raised another man's children. A truly thankless job.

    btw, I loved the way he handled the whole ridiculous dinner at Lynne's. He tried to add some brevity, tried to laugh it off. end it all with a few hucks. Imagine if everyone of them had his attitude.

    February 9, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbeachbungalow8

    "boner killer" - haw!

    February 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDecorno

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