Intervention, Orange County Style

Tonight on Real Housewives of Orange County, Alexis (who is no Candy Finnigan) tells Vicki that she'd better change her ways because even her friends hate her guts. Watch this:
Looks like they all back off at the end. Enablers!
You'll be hearing from me soon, very soon, about the Kelly Bensimon Playboy pictorial.
Reader Comments (32)
If they were baboons in Kenya, field anthropologists would note: "Power shift: Younger, fertile females ganging up on elderly infertile matriarch."
I am rully, rully scared about tonight's teaser! Puleeez tell me Slimey (I mean Slade), is NOT going to pop the question to serial attention seeker G? OMG, this could actually make me "throw up in my mouth", or even the toilet!
Dr. Anon: alas, the baboons live in SoCal.
tink: brace yourself.
How can they be so mean to Vicki? She works!
Oh, geez - poor Frank! I feel horrible for him, but then the big dope suggests a vacation?!? Jesus.
"Father God" ?!?!?
And she said it TWICE.
OMG. The praying. The red sea. So much to talk about tomorrow!
Alexis' makeup looked like house paint.
I want to know who bought the playboy? Frank or SGM? Or was it a joint effort? ROFL
My favorite quote... the bit about coronas and chicken wings.
Poor Vicki; you're either with her..or against her. Period.
Alexis' "minister" was workin' a Jim Bakker vibe, wasn't he? "Jesus wants you to be pretty."
Anon, what else was the minister going to say? These whack-jobs invite them over for a televised breakfast and then bring up "My wife's breast size". The minister had a pretty good poker face with the whole situation but you know he's thinking 'Oh for CHRIST SAKE!!!'. Bringing up your insecurities to the minister doesn't make them go away.... maybe they should talk to 'Father God' about them since they always 'look to him for guidance'.
And Alexis' prayer..."I want to pray over you' 'Father God I lift Briana up to you'. Poor Briana, that prayer alone convinced God to give her cancer.
I'm down with Jesus and everything, but there are few things I dislike more than a showboat christian.
I wonder if the waiter thought they all skipped out on the tab.
Hypocrite Gretchen's "we love you Vickie" was such bullshit. Actually all the OC are bullshit bitches.
There is no justification for Alexis confronting Vicki in the restaurant in front of her daughter. Not a very Christian thing to do. Also, if you have a gripe with someone then you speak of your issues. You do not say "four of us think you are wrong." Let the other women speak for themselves.
Also, why is this particular eviction so upsetting for Lynne and her daughters? Hasn't this happened multiple times in the past?/
Ah SGM, can't wait for your recap on that gem of an episode last night!
The minister should have then said to Jim: "And God wants you to be fat-faced and unlikeable."
How 'bout when Jim tried to embarrass Alexis in the restaurant over the definition of surf and turf? Somebody should smack the crap out of that guy. He is so abusive. All in the name of Christianity, of course.
Last night's feelings:
1. Lynne, stop beating your husband up over the eviction. That house is a hot ugly mess anyway. It's just as much your fault for not contributing financially.
2. Alexa, you are a worthless, STUPID, ungrateful pile of crap. STFU! And you'll be 20lbs heavier in less than a year and your father may be the last man to ever tell you that you look pretty. Say thank you, you asshole!
3. Gretchen, it's too soon girlfriend. And do you really want your last name to be SMILEY? I didn't think so.
4. Tamra, watching you push a baby stroller was so awkward. Please don't do that to me again.
5. Brianna, you are so level headed and seem to be a genuinely good person. I wish the best for you.
6. Jim, there are no words.
7. Alexis, I have met all sorts of people. You're aggressive nature with other women leaves me thinking you were/are either a 1) Stripper, 2) Call Girl, 3) Phone Sex Operator at some point in your life. Oh, and God thinks your hair needs a deep conditioning.
Surf-and-turf IS lobster and steak, isn't it?
1. Vicki's face is falling.
2. Alexis needs a swift kick in the vagina bone.
3. I really hope Brianna doesn't have cancer.
Depending on which source you use surf and turf is defined as: Surf and turf or Surf 'n' Turf is a main course particularly common in British/Irish pubs and North American steakhouses which combines steak and seafood, typically lobster, Dublin Bay prawn, or shrimp, which may be grilled or breaded and fried.
Vaginal and anal intercourse, whether sequentially by one person or simultaneously by two. Surf is for the shrimpy front, turf is the for the soil and fertilizer in the rear.
Wonder which Jim was referring to.
EEEEEEWWWWWWWWW. Well, I'll never have Surf "N" Turf again. Thanks for the definition, Virgie.
fing awesome! surf and turf! brilliant.
tamara looked so dumb pushing that old kid in the stroller! i am so sure.
poor vicky. she is like a fish on the shore gasping for breath.
alexis and her big balloon breasts are so so so sillly. she can rest her chin on them, for gods sake.
lynn is such a lame mom. i want to strangle her!
Father God? That prayer was one of those babbling things someone who never goes to church or has read the Bible throws out. Alexis is rid-DONK-ulous!!!