Neigh, Neigh!

1. Check out Kelly Bensimon's diet before posing for the March issue of Playboy (hint: another reason to smack her with a riding crop). John Mayer's locker-room interview is in the very same issue! Am I allowed to buy porn with two kids in tow?
2. From Jeff Lewis' facebook page:
If that doesn't get your blood pumping, then I don't know what will.
3. I said in the most recent radio recap with Mason that I am a grammar and spelling freak. Let me clarify. I am a grammar and spelling freak only when it comes to other people. It's kind of like Countess Luann and manners.
4. Something new for your ipod! I have a feeling we're going to hear Tamra's cover of "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere" very soon.
5. Real Housewives of Orange County tonight--Lynne is pissed that Alexa and Racquel's tv watching was interrupted by the eviction notice, and Alexis and Vicki have a heated dicussion re: Who Are You Permitted to Call at the Table when You're Out to Lunch? It looks a little boring, but we'll whip it into something exciting. Meet you back here soon.
Reader Comments (33)
"I threw up in someone else's mouth" would at least be more interesting.
Wow, I didn't know that Alexis almost threw up in Fleur de lys. And then Vicki started gagging. That whole scene was a disgusting debacle.
My hate for Vicky grows every episode. She's had 2 children so someone who spits food into a napkin shouldn't mean a rat's ass to her. I only wish Alexis spit it right in her face instead.
Nasty Nancy - I have 5 children and the sight of vomit or hearing someone gag makes me gag too. It has nothing to do with how many babies you have birthed and raised. I just have a low gag reflex. Hate Vicki for some other reason.
Dawn, Alexis didn't vomit, she spit the food in the napkin, no gagging involved.. Vickie then carried on with those ugly faces she tends to make when she doesn't like what someone says or does. She's a hypocrite and that's reason enough to hate her.
I just read one of the links someone sent about Kelly dating Chef Sam. Why would it be a secret besides the fact that he must be embarrassed?
I haven't watched this episode of RHOC yet, but I'm not really looking forward to the explanation of how in the world there was this mix-up that led to an eviction notice. Oh my GOD! They are, like, so unfair! I WAS RECOVERING from $20,000 in plastic surgery-- how am I supposed to find time to mail a rent check???! Geez, guys!
Also, I know this has been talked about before, but seriously, Bravo NEEDS to revamp these shows with new casts who truly, actually have money. Now, I know that Kennedys and Rockefellers are not going to line up to do these shows, but really, Bravo, get some people who actually have money or rename the show Real Wives in Major Credit Card Debt with Upside Down Mortgages Who are Fighting Off Foreclosure.
And if you ARE going to claim that you have all this money and then let cameras into your home and invade your children's lives, we, the viewers, are OWED an explanation of your source of income. Like, in the credits where they pose with their families, write, "Jim made his fortune selling pool tables for Costco, Alexis does not work."/ "Slade....??", "Gretchen is riding an inheritence, although she likes to talk about how she used to be a major player in real estate and decorating ." But don't let Vicki write her own because it would be really bitchy, i.e., "Vicki is Insurance Queen of the Earth and never, ever stops working for even five seceonds because she is not a lazy, child-raising, massage-getting woman like everyone else."
I just don't believe Jim and Alexis aren't living beyond their means, although he does look a little like he could be related to Teresa's husband, but isn't as tan and shiny.
"Bravo, get some people who actually have money"
Never gonna happen.
We get too much pleasure out of the rise-and-fall of these bitches' fortunes. Who here DIDN'T enjoy hearing that Nene and Shree had lost their houses and were now renting, that Lynne was being evicted, that Tamra was losing HER house, etc. etc.? Schadenfreude, baby.
Wonderful post... Very informational and educational as usual!
Acai Optimum