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    Let's get started

    I'll do an in-depth post later, but wanted to open things up for discussion NOW.  What did you think of last night's Real Housewives of Orange County and Watch What Happens Live?

    (Yes, that is Tamra with her ALLEGED blue aura.)

    Reader Comments (29)

    i think slade needs to be punched in the face. repeatedly.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

    SO. MUCH. TO. SAY.

    Lynn's daughter is conniving. Lynn is perpetually high and her husband is perpetually drunk.

    Not that this is a surprise, but Tamra is attention-starved.

    Slade is a tool bag.

    I <3 Donn. "I've got a hotel room..."

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersarah

    I am not a big fan of Lynne and Frank, but srsly? Slade does not need to be giving parenting advice when he owes an alleged $80,000 in child support AND his son has a brain tumor.

    Slade creeps me out. He treats Gretchen like his little pet.

    I loved the psychic. And I hated the way all the women made fun of his name. The women need to get some culture in their lives. I mean, Doogal is not my favorite name, but why make fun of the guy?

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGina

    By far the best part of the episode were the previews of RHONYC. I. Can't. Wait. Kelly giving Ramona the what for? PRICELESS.

    Oh, and the only redeeming quality left on RHOOC is whatever space and time Don occupies.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBoo

    And you know Slade thinks he looks really, really good with that 70s hairstyle he is working and the unshaven look.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSharon

    1. Slade's "tough love" intensity was awkward to watch and he really ruined festive fajita dinner. P.S. Was that the biggest bowl of salsa you have ever seen?

    2. Lynn truly wasted $30k on that whole surgery thing. As my friend said "she looks like she had a peel!"

    3. Kudos to the two Dbags (Simon & Ryan) for being nice to each other even when the big mouth Tamra was ruining the moment with her uncomfortable, stupid commentary.

    4. The "psychic." Loved his capri pants. Really wished Jesus girl would have gone ahead and said that psychics do the "devils" work. Also appreciated Tamara's synopsis on why Gretchen would be uncomfortable about the reading. Man will she EVER get over it?!
    5. Was COMPLETELY grossed out when the girls went into her sons room. In his bed, under the covers with the laptop- HELLO!!!!??????

    These women spend SO MUCH energy trying to one up each other, compete and be anything but themselves. Looks exhausting. And yes! I'm ready for some Romona crazy at this point.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

    So excited for The New York season. I am over the OC season.

    @Sharon- yes, Slade totally thinks he looks hot and he looks so horrible. Is it just me, or does he look about 25 years older than he did the first season? He really hasn't aged well.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGina

    F Dooganal or whatever the bs his name is. I could have been the psychic of the day and said all that shit and more from watching last season. Oh and I would have said it better.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermartinis or diaper genies?

    I just snorted out loud when Slade got all pompous and "in your face" with the Curtin's. Yeah...he's got a lot of parenting cred. uh huh. And seriously..unless this "psychic" came out from under a rock, he could have Googled any of that info about the girls ..nothing new in any of his revelations. Doogal get ur Google! Don't know about you guys, but I want Jo to show up at Slade and Gretchen's...maybe for the Season Finale. What a sorry bunch of famewhores (except for you, dearest Donn, who didn't sign on for any of this shizz).

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarb

    Slade may be a tool, but what about Simon? Do you really need to call in to throw your wife under the bus? He seems so desperate. He really needs to just shut up and do what he has to do.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen

    Slade has let himself go, he was tall and thin and had dark hair, now is shrunken, fat and gray musta been losing his job was hard on him? or maybe not paying child support is hard on him? or maybe being a douche bag on the show is hard on him?
    When he was going on and on to Lynn, which I would be embarrassed if my boyfriend did that , the look on Gretchen's face watchng him like he was a savior, they ambushed Frank and Lynn.
    Lynne, what is up with her? OMG is she even there? I mean really?? I agree that teenagers are teenagers, BUT, her 1st teenager is underage drinking??? So where will that lead her 2nd teenage daughter???

    I hope the psychic is a real psychic and not one who has watched the show blah,blah,blah because he was right on with the girls, maybe that was why they didn't believe him? Truth hurts?

    Simon is a control freak and will be one forever, Tamra is ready to stand on her own two legs, good for her, everybody needs support, which is apparently what her ex is helping her with

    Very surprised that Alexis came to Vicky's, I thought her and Jim did everything together......but except when it comes to contractual agreements, that say she has to hang with the other wives?

    If these people like to show that they have money, then why the heck are they on the show? Fame Whores?

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie

    Yes, must agree with all about Slade. He is a gross idiot desperate for some face time (oh, wait, I guess they all are...). Lynn is so boring to watch-- I mean, she can't even move her face. How fake was her little 'I'm mad at you, Gretchen' phone call. It was like the producers needed a conflict-- "C'mon, Lynn, give it to her!" and Lynn just couldn't pony up. The TPing of Gina's was just embarrassing. It was like a stupid Teen Scene from a bad 80s movie. This show has gotten so staged it's too ridiculous. And yet, I still watch...
    Do the Curtains really live in that house w/o furniture, except for that gigantic coffee mug Lynn drinks out of (could double as a table) or is Bravo footing the bill for taping days like with Nene? I'll bet they live in the back of the daughter's BMW.
    Don't you people stick up for that idiot psychic. I love how he kept asking everybody's names so it would look like he didn't watch the show. And even if he didn't, gee who couldn't read that Tamra needs to be called pretty and smart and that when she asked about her son who was going to die early while in tears, he couldn't read that he was in trouble. Come on! That was such a retarded scene.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKate

    I can't watch Watch What Happens Live. Andy is just getting on my nerves.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKate

    I'm curious as to why Lynn didn't just say, "it's none of your business," to both of those rejects. That's all she would have had to say.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterscarlett

    what about ramona calling out kelly's KERAZEE boobs??? god i love that ramona!!!

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermsborderline

    I think all of them (except for Donn) need to go work in Haiti for a while as a reality check. Tamra prattling on about "being a 42 year old divorcee with 3 kids living in a condo." OH GOD. No, no that. Just be grateful you could afford a condo and aren't headed back to the trailer park from whence you came. Ugh. Just Ugh.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersaltwatercontessa

    Thoughts on last night's show:

    Slade looks like an aging porn star to me.

    Gretchen talked to Lynn before she met with Alexis. I would say that Lynn's plastic surgery messed with her brain except that Lynn was a ditz before the surgery. And, as much as I hate to admit it, Slade was right when he said that Lynn only knows what her daughters want them to know. Having 4 daughters, I know this to be true. And, dismissing Alexis talking about depression as simple teenage angst can be dangerous. We felt the same way about one of our daughters and she ended up being miserable for years and losing out on life before finally getting the help that she needed. I would have initially probably been pissed if one of my friends stepped in, but eternally grateful in the long run. And may I add, they don't seem to be doing a bang up job with their older daughter.

    Anyone who hires Ryan either hasn't watched this show or wants to get cheap publicity for their company.

    Simon gives me the creeps.

    Vicki's son should move out before his mother invites her friends over again. Seriously, does Vicki know nothing about crossing boundaries?

    I loved Jeana's reaction to them toilet papering her house. I bet she is so happy she doesn't have to interact with them anymore.

    After martinis and wine and jello shots, the women all get in cars and drive home. What is wrong with this picture?

    I want Jeff Lewis for a friend.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTrudie

    Just tell me one thing: this *is* the last season for the RHOC, right? Well, it should be. These people have long since passed their expiration date, especially the poseur Slade, the insecure and yes, mean, Tamra, the controlling Simon, and the fake new couple who live for Jesus (please, let's not insult Him). I am Bored with Vicki, glad for Donn that she's no longer humiliating him on cable television and think Jeana is probably the most authentic person of all and she had the good sense to depart while there was still some dignity to go around. Oh, and Gretchen? Please.

    Andy Cohen on his 'Watch What Happens Show' is like scratching the chalkboard with my acrylic nails, he tries so hard to be "one of them".

    While I used to find them all to be quite terrible, really, I still enjoyed watching for my tabloid TV while I swept the kitchen floor. Now, I'm so bored with the Orange County bunch that I truly forgot they were on last night and only remembered when I came here and read about it.

    What would satisfy me the most is if some real, genuine person would come on and put them all in their respective places, then shutter the joint for eternity. And find another group in another venue, and start over. The same goes for the women of Atlanta too.

    Jury's still out on NYC and NJ.

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjeannie

    OMG! SGM - was that you who tweeted or called in saying Jeff's lips were better than Angelina Jolie's?

    Anyhoo - the episode was meh.

    Vicky - seriously? How much validation does this women need? When the psychic told her she had a beautiful home she just couldn't say "thank you." Oh no, she HAD to mention how hard she works. She swears she's the only hard working person in this country. She'd probably say, "the economy would improve if everyone worked as hard as me." Ugh.

    Even though GretchSlade was growing on me, now I'm ehh. And seriously, Slade? What the hell did you do with all your money? How do you go from black AMEX to nada?! Wonder if he sold all those costumes he collected...

    Tamra - geez, we get it. You don't like Gretchen. You think she's a liar. Move on!

    Simon - douche. I hope to god he didn't let his kids watch WWHL. What a dumbass.

    Overall - ehh. Can't wait for NYC. Oh and I miss Jeanna and Jeff!!

    January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

    Ryan looks as if he should be confronted by Chris Hansen.

    I find myself feeling a little bit sorry for Tamra.

    I am pretty sure the new housewife attends the same church of DDDivinity as Heidi Montag.

    I find myself making facial expressions as I watch Lynn speak because she so obviously cannot, as if me furrowing my brow there on my couch could loosen up her tangering peel mug. (It's just too bad she walked into the screen door and not a glass one.)

    If I had the chance and the cash and the tack of a bedazzled tank top I would totally buy Donn a diamond ring, too.

    January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSusannah/Petunia Face

    I think this is the episode that has really turned me off to the RHOOC. If I could have reached into the tv and slapped her I would have. First of all I think Gretchen is right, Lynn has turned into a Tamra mini me. It's as if Lynn wants to fit in with the popular mean girls and the mean girls have talked her into being mean to Gretchen. And if I heard Lynn tell Gretchen "just wait" about her having children I would have slapped her again. So it's either Lynn trying to convince herself that she and her daughter have a great relationship and Alexa tells her everything or Alexa is planning on her big career break as an actress playing a schizophrenic teenager. She's crying one episode about how nobody listens to her and she's so alone and another episode she's telling her mom about how dare Gretchen try to be her friend and be there for her. I personally think it's both!

    And as for next weeks episode...Alexis...seriously, "don't mess with me"! Why is she so nervous about pretty women talking to her husband, surely her husband wouldn't leave her for another, would he? Hmmmmm, I guess through all her "my marriage comes first", "we're Christians" blah blah blah, deep in the back of her mind she know that he cheathed and left his first wife for her then he'll do the same to her. So much for her little speech to Gretchen about being able to trust her husband not to do anything with another woman because he loves her so...cough*bulls--t*cough!!! And that's another thing that gets me about Alexis, her saying that God comes first, her marriage second and her children last. What kind of crap is that? My children come first over everything in my world. My husband and marriage are important but we're talking about your children that came out of you, for God's sake! I just don't understand. But then again this is a woman that needs to go rest at a spa after an hour with her kids. That woman is a walking contradiction, what comes out of her mouth does not go with what she does (or dress...the temptation conversation as the camera keeps panning to her quadruple D's in a tight low cut dress!!!) I can't wait till the reunion show and Andy questions her on that!

    January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKitcat

    How did the producers miss out on the chance to set up a session between Tamra and Frankenface about their sons? "I understand how hard it is keep up with spa dates and hair weaves while helping your son stay out of jail."

    January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLolo

    I would love an Andy Cohen special with the camera operators for these shows. I know they try to air the best(snort) sh** but I can imagine they would be some entertaining stories. They probably have to sign a confidentiality agreement. Bummer.

    Comment by Jeannie on everyone being past their expiration date - Genius! OC used to be the gold lamé standard for me just because it was the first but it's like wilting, old lettuce now - time to get rid of it!

    January 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLoveHateOrangeCounty

    Orange County is getting boring to me! seems like all their drama is getting old, nothing new an juicy besides them being broke and divorced. I'm so ready for the New York ladies! sooo mucho more interesting!

    January 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarianne

    *I am pretty sure the new housewife attends the same church of DDDivinity as Heidi Montag* - Susannah you kill me!!!
    AMEN to that!

    January 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSpry On The Wall

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