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    Let's get started

    I'll do an in-depth post later, but wanted to open things up for discussion NOW.  What did you think of last night's Real Housewives of Orange County and Watch What Happens Live?

    (Yes, that is Tamra with her ALLEGED blue aura.)

    Reader Comments (29)

    Thank you so much for all of your reviews. I can see that there's no way I'm watching. I have other ways to torment myself.

    January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnn

    I wish they would cancel Watch What Happens and the OC housewives too. I dispise all of them.

    January 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNasty Nancy

    This season is losing me. The new house wife is AWFUL. They need to get their shit together or this might be the last season.

    Tamra and Ryan need their own show. That has success written all over it.

    January 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterZDub

    Oh where to begin...Slade is a douche. His need to be on that show is the only reason he is with Gretchen. His 3rd OC housewife? And he treats her a like a child/property. If my boyfriend/husband spoke to me that way, I'd leave him.

    I agree that this crew is past their expiration date. This season has been a snoozefest which is why I believe the Tamra/Simon 'divorce' is a publicity stunt.The new housewife Alexis is so full of crap about her religious beliefs and her honoring her husband. She didn't honor her first one. She is plastic and her husband is so offensive he makes my eyes bleed. I've had it with Vicki. Donn is a saint.

    Now on to poor Lynn and her husband who have to be the worst parents I have ever seen. Their children are dumb and if those girls say "like" one more time I am going to hurl myself out the window. They need some discipline and an education. Their parents seem high and totally out of touch. I think Lynn forgot that Gretchen asked to take her daughter to lunch and ALL she said was that she was there for her if she wanted to talk. She did not say her parents were crappy (even though they are). Lynn should not try to be a friend to her daughters cause that ain't gonna happen. Be a freaking parent and lay down the law. Lynn is vacant. Get a clue.

    I'm ready for NYC and NJ! Bring it!

    January 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurenW

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