I guess we know why she couldn't pay her rent

Real Housewives of Orange County Lynne Curtin THEN:
and NOW:
Ho-ly shit.
(Huge thanks to the mysterious ~M who brought this masterpiece of plastic surgery to my attention.)
(You don't believe this is Lynne, do you? I KNOW. Here's proof.)
Reader Comments (42)
OMG! If this isn't the magic of Photoshop, then she looks like she got a whole face transplant!
I am literally shitting myself over this. There is legitimate shit in my pants.
Now, I totally agree that thes images are photoshoped, but still...
On another note, have you seen these images that Alex Martinez took of our friends in the ATL?
I want to see the BACK of her head where the missing four yards of leathery skin is probably pinned up.
Holy photohop
P.S. Is that Tamara's nipple in her picture?!!
this is ridiculous.....wonder how much it all cost!
On those Bravo pictures, Gretchen is listed as a "widower" (not widow). Perhaps she's irked someone in copy editing? And Jeana is the best ad for Spanx I've ever seen.
When I win the lottery, I am getting the name of her plastic surgeon.
Holly Hell!!!
The wrinkles, the massive sun damage...did she go to a voodoo doctor? Sell her soul to the devil?
as much as i like the franchise, i am ready for a new cast in the O.C. I am finished with those women.
I am literally shitting myself over this. There is legitimate shit in my pants.
--Martinis or Diaper-Genies
You shouldn't be reading blogs. You should be at a colorectal surgeon, having your sphincter tone tested.
Holy shit, indeed!!
What a masterful job! I'll be interested to see how it looks on camera...
wow...usually I think plastic surgery ends up leaving the victim looking worse ( Bruce Jenner, Mickey Rourke, Terry Hatcher),,,but I must admit Lynne does look better. A lot better.
trishab, i just laughed my head off at your comment!
no. way. she looked fine before - her daughters must think she's a complete whack job.
i heart your blog and so i'm leaving you an award at justsayingblog.com
thanks for making my day with your posts!
You know I won't make the mistake of calling out a photo on your site as fake EVER AGAIN! :) I was wrong before...I guess I just can't believe the lenghts that reality "stars" go to for validation. Just.won't.click.