See, I told you!

I'm back. I had facial tics all day knowing that a Pratt-hole was the last thing I posted about (fuck yeah, I ended that sentence with a preposition). How on earth can I take a blogging break with that strumpet at the top of my blog, offending the eyes of anyone who stops by? I can't.
One of my oldest, dearest and pop-culturiest friends sent me the link to this video today, telling me that it is sunshine. It is. Warm, warm sunshine without the harmful UVA or UVB rays. I can't stop watching it.
I might be a gay man trapped in a woman's body.
See you next week.
(thanks, Car)
Reader Comments (21)
dear lord, that was glorious. what does it mean if i want to be loved on by all of those men at once?
"what does it mean if i want to be loved on by all of those men at once?
That you are doomed to a life of heartbreak and frustration?
Before I watch this video I feel I must say that I am no longer in a state of shock the She by Sheree was a part of the fashion week line up - because, it appears that so was the "Snuggie"! Honestly, the combo of the two seems more like an SNL skit than a legitimate part of NY fashion week. Which begs the questions; which would you rather be seen in She by Sherri or the Snuggie?
MFaMB, you are a gay man trapped inside a woman's body too.
Anon, sad but true.
~M, WHEW! Apparently, you just have to buy your way in (and I guess insufficeint funds work too).
The Wham! keeps me coming back!
I came looking for Flipping Out! entry so I could post that Vlad giving himself a high five was the favorite thing of my day. Now, THIS video is the favorite thing of MY LIFE!
And we are all gay men trapped in a woman's body!
but no one wants to be a lesbian trapped in a... well, anything.
Oh that just made me giddy! So many cute gays at once...I almost can't handle it.
Is that woman who gave Kim the 'medical' advice about being on crutches for four to six weeks due to the fact that she scraped her knees the same "doctor friend" who said, "Kim, I think it's cancer!" when her hair fell out last year? WHY has it never been addressed that people lose their hair from the chemo, which is a form of treatment for cancer (that has actually been diagnosed, by the way)? Hair loss is not a symptom of cancer. But if Kim's doctor friend is anything like her new business consultant in heels, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. And oh my god, her face looked positively Tammy Faye Baker when she was listening to Nene explain her alter ego portrait, looking up at her from the ground.
As for Dwight, I think I've had enough. He's sort of getting into the Bethenny category, as described by a commenter las week-- he's funny at first, a real addition to a party, but then after a while, you want to roll your eyes because his comments and his expert tone on everything get annoying. What is his JOB?
Dammit, I just can't let this topic go-- HOW do these people afford to do all this stuff while they are losing their homes, etc. I need to understand how they do it because I'm starting to feel a little bitter about being a college educated person married to someone with several degrees who budgets out the money every month to pay for the Honda and townhouse and shoes from Target. So WHERE does it come from? (By the way, I am not saying I am jealous I can't afford a gold lame dress that makes my butt look bigger, as Kim's daughter put it, I am just VERY curious... and as mentioned before, a LITTLE bitter.)
that was magical.
I am smiling from ear to ear, this looks like they are having more fun making this then I have had in my whole life. I'm going back to watch again. Thanks, MB
This is great. BTW, one of my really excellent boyfriends once told me he wished he could be a lesbian so he could understand how to really make women happy. Told him he was doing fine as it was.
I hope my son turns out to be gay. That was such fun.
LOL, I totally thought you WERE a gay man! I am totally a gay man (A bear to be exact) trapped in a woman's body. LOVE this video. More, please?
I have many things to say about the latest episodes...please come back to we can discuss.
Um, almost all of them have to do with Kim and her rediculousness.
1. When she said what is an alter ego anyway....seriously.
2. Did we ever figure out how old she really is? I know she mentioned that she is 29...but I am not buying that.
3. What did happen to her hair??
4. How the f*** does she go into a shop and spend $3000 on clothes for her child when she doesn't have a job? (Which spawns her comments that she needs to find a real job...um like a wig line?)
5. The dress she was weaing during the recording of her amazing new song. And worse her response on Watch What Happens when she said "It's Dior" Who cares, its rediculous. She looked liked a disney princess that didn't make the cut, because she smoked too much and her boobs are overly exposed.
And lastly, I am beginning to see more and more similarities between Kim and nutjob Kelly. Netiher of them EVER answer a question or hold a conversation in a straightforward manner. Both are completely in their way out of touch worlds. Imagine the two of them talking together...
I'm sick and that totally made me feel better.
Uh-oh! Have you read the latest about Kim?
I read that she is doing postdoctoral work in neurophysiology at Hopkins.
where the where have i been? look at your spanky new site! and that video, well hell, that just made my day!
i just learned four new dance moves. this wasn't just sunshine. this was a public service.
thank you, sgm! THANK YOU!
{gorgeous site. holy shit, that richie is genius.}
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