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« Second verse, same as the first | Main | Business as usual: Taylor throws a temper tantrum »

RZ Moments.

1.  Rachel kissing Armani's hand, Pope-style.  I thought it was spontaneous and unaffected, very sweet.

(Was anyone else surprised that Mr. Armani does not speaka da Inglese?)

2.  The DVF pom-pom hat.  What the HELL. 

Looks like a church craft fair barfed on her head. 

(Was that too harsh?  I am sorry.  But even someone like Diane Von Furstenberg can't hit a homer every time, you know?  It's okay.)

3. Speaking of heads--did you see Rodger's bed head on Valentine's Day?  Precious.  Absolutely precious, and I'm not even being sarcastic.  I wanted to hug the whole world when I saw that.

4.  The prototypes for Rachel's coat line.  Thoughts?

5.  Rachel trying on different outfits for her gays before the Matthew Williamson opening (check out the intro on his website--supercool).  What did you think about the length of the dress she chose? If it would have been me, I would have pulled out the duct tape to do some on-the-spot alterations.  But that is why Rachel is Rachel and I am at home polishing off a bag of Nutter Butters.

6.  Tay.  I'm kind of feeling for her.  As several of you pointed out after last week's episode, she's the one doing most of the work while Rachel is doing the huge stuff and Brad is busy looking pretty and chit-chatting.

7.  Boca Part II, Return of the Brightly Colored Jacket with Snaps:


What did I miss?  Please opine.

Reader Comments (31)

I dunno, but I am going to incorporate the term, "Pope Style" into everything I possibly can from now on.

Thanks for the kind words today, it's been a rough weekend. XO- Lucinda

August 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChateau de Lu

1. Rachel kissing Armani's hand was awkward for me. He looked at her like she was batshit crazy. I would think a dude like Armani would speak English. Also, I never saw the woman translate Rachel's English into Italian. I think Armani was just making shit up and so was his translator.

2. DvF's hat was weird, but she said she wanted all the dresses to be friends so I will over look the hat. Plus, I love that Brad put the hat on.

3. When she said she "went Richard Gere and ordered one of everything on the menu" I was hoping Rodge would change into a robe all Pretty Woman style. Rodge is all "let's go get a massage..." and RZ is all "let's go shopping..." For free shoes I would be willing to give them some pretty intense couple's therapy. But when Rodge busted out with "we can shop and not buy anything like everyone else in's a recession..." (paraphrased), my heart smiled for him.

4. Wouldn't you just die if you worked for this fake fur company and this tiny woman comes in wanting to try everything on? Those people didn't know what the hell they were getting into. The looks on some of those women's faces (is that proper English) was priceless.

5. When she put on the dress and they were talking about "nip slips" I was feeling so squirmy but I was dying laughing. And even Rodge was rolling his eyes around in his head.

6. I do not feel bad for Taylor. If I am RZ and I have some girl that threatens to quit a minimum of once a week, I'm not promoting her. I am hiring another assistant to take to my fake fur meetings. Taylor: "God, I hate it when my boss trusts me to pull for a fashion shoot! I hate when she lets me pull all of my own looks! I hate it when she thinks I deserve a reward for my hard work so she is sending me to NY during Fashion Week so I can pull clothes without relying on PR reps...sob, sob, sob"
Who would you rather take to visit a designer...a mopey angsty teenager who can't get her damn bangs out of her face or a dapper young gay who idolizes clothes?

I think she saw this coat, it made her DIE and so she bought every color. Should we start an office pool for what color she wears next week?

How come we never talk about Marissa? I don't think I like her.

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersarah

I haven't watched it yet, but plan to today(later)! How come no mention has been made of the fact that Rodg and Raich now live an "apartment"! What happened to their lovely house???? or is it just me who missed it?

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertink

loved last night's show -- so fun to see them in nyc. taylor is such a beeyatch - if i were rachel i would much rather drag brad around then have to deal with miss sour puss puss. does anyone know what hotel they were staying at? i want to stalk it out - thx!

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermom jeans

Armani can speak English...he chooses not drive the point home that the US is not king and English is not the chosen language

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJackie

I've never seen this show either, although I did see the commercial where she kept saying, "I DIE!" 15 times, which was fantastic. I may have to tune in just to see what all the hoo-ha is about. And, btw, her makeup looks fierce in the Boca shot! But that jacket does remind me of dear old granny.

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShannon

I like the chemistry between Brad and Taylor. I like when she is trying not to smile at his silliness but can't help herself. I'd miss that if she left.

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

Also, is it just me or is Rach looking more tired this season?

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersarah

Rach is looking a bit drained, but honestly if she put on about 10 lbs it would help with that. I don't feel bad for Taylor at all, she needs to lighten up! I've heard Armani speak English so maybe he just didn't want to, who knows. Love this show! Makes Mondays way more tolerable...

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDobbygirl

Rodger's excitement over CUFFLINKS!! slayed me, and even made up for the fact that he has that damned extra letter in his name. I die.

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStacy

Did anyone catch the way Rachel said "paris" when she was trying on dresses before the Matthew Williamson show? She said PAR-IS (par, as in, something that happens when playing golf) I though that was a bit weird?

also, has some rachel zoe "outtakes"

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterthatShortChick

I liked the new (to me, anyway) Rachelism somewhere towards the end, synonymous with I Die or Bananas: "No. Words.".

I think the pom pom hats worked or didn't depending on who wore them and at what angle one looked.

In pronunciation matters, RZ said both Dee-ON and Die-Anne referring to DVF. Which the fuck is it already?

I would have attempted to steal that chunky necklace at DVF also. Curses! Foiled again!

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSparkie

1. I am now on the fence on Tay-Tay. On the one hand she is a grumpus sour minx. On the other hand I would have been PISSED if I had done all this work for the wrong assignment for a photo shoot. And I am worried she communicates so poorly that Rachel is just thinking she is being whiny, when some of her complaints are legitimate. It is almost like she is the Kelly Bessimon of the Rachel Zoe world. Her possibly valid points get lost in her inarticulate way of expressing herself. Now granted, Kelly is just a dim-ass-bulb, where as Tay-Tay is a rage filled child. . .And I hate Kelly and I don't hate Tay-Tay so maybe this metaphor is really really off. Anywhoodle, I felt bad for Tay-Tay when she didn't get to go the one meeting in NYC that she would have been interested in and Marisa got to go instead. I think Marisa is boring. How can you work with all these stylish people and wear what amounts to a beret and sherpa plaid top?!

2. Speaking of meeting. . .can I say I seriously hope Rachel puts out a fake fur line. I would buy it in an instant.

3. The Armani Style Church visit was so awkward I couldn't even watch it. It started off funny and charming (Brad and Rach in the car) then got weird and awkward (actual meeting with Armani.) Rach's enthusiasm is sincere, but sometimes she should act a bit more professional and cool. Plus it was also cringy because it was like two gauche american's being shown up by some classy europeans. . .ouch.

4. DVF is amazing. I can't believe I am saying it, but I even liked the hat. I wouldn't rock it all the time, but sometimes it could be cool. Although Rach looked like a homeless woman in it...

5. Valentines with Rodger...hilarious and sweet. Ummmm but when Rodger was stuffing his face with all the breakfast goodies. . .why wasn't Rach eating? This is PRECISELY why we think she has a sever eating problem and isn't just "naturally small." We NEVER see her EAT. She had one strawberry and then watched Rodge inhale the rest...sigh. I love her and I think she would always be a "small" person but she could afford to put on like ten pounds. Her poor little bones were poking out of the back of the M. Williamson dress she DIDN'T wear.

6. Tay-Tay's body is banging. Did you see her in that leopard print dress? Wow. I would like to be that shape. Thin but with all the right bits in all the right places. Rach could learn a thing or two or twelve pounds. Oh and Tay-Tay's Loubie boots were sick.

7. I am looking forward to next week when we see the darkside of Brad. . .looks like our little kitten sharpens his claws. . .

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDCStyleBlender

Rachel's little girl voice she uses when speaking to Rodger is like nail on a chalkboard to me.

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJulia

Just saw in my US mag today a blurb that Rach will be launching her "own moderately priced line (from $30 to $150) with QVC this fall" They show, among other items a faux fur vest, that is looking pretty damn cute to me.....She will launch the line on QVC at 8pm on September 12th, be there!!! (gonna go watch last nights show now)

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRobyn

oh no no no no no. HELL no. Taylor cannot in any way, shape, or form be compared to Kelly Brainiac. Using both of their names in the same sentence is criminal. Taylor is the new Jan Brady: underappreciated, hostile, bitter. "One of these things doesn't belong.." This will not end well, my friends.

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTiffaney

I have to agree with you on the Boca Granny jackets, what is she thinking?! She has this amazing vintage wardrobe and this is what she busts out?

I loved the Matthew Williamson dress, but, did she not think to alter it before she left for New York? A stylist should know better...impeccable fit is the most important thing. It goes to show this "put together" woman can be a bit scatter brained.

I am sorry, but I don't feel for Taylor, I don't...that's the way the fashion industry works. You put in a ton of time doing crappy work, and eventually it pays off. She has a dream job. If she doesn't like it, she should just leave.

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelanie

Yellow jacket? Courreges Baby, Courreges! FAB!

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmpress of The Eye

In 20 years, Rachel Zoe is going to look like a Halloween costume.

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

I would buy the fur vest. it was super cute.

the DVF hat only would look good on a 110lb model who's 6ft tall riding her bike in the winter being photographed by The Sartoralist. That being said, if I was all those things I would wear it.

The girl definitely needs to keep her chest covered. The boney ribcage look is just not flattering at all.

Tay will get a big fat payday if she sticks it out!

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrichie

We can agree to disagree, yellow jacket and pompom hat lovers.

I was surprised about the too-long dress too.

LOVE the mini recaps in the comments.

September 2, 2009 | Registered CommenterSGM

Oh Yah Taylor's fancy dress...girl is got it goin' on!

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrichie

Three "pulls" in three consecutive sentences! Nice work Sarah!

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranonymous

I don't like scenes with Rodger and Rachel by themselves. It's very uncomfortable. And it was icky when she compared her breakfast to Pretty Woman. Like when she got the car last year-- "Dylan McKay's car!" Bleh.

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

"I don't like scenes with Rodger and Rachel by themselves. It's very uncomfortable."

I agree. What's the problem? Is it their marriage? Or are they just terrible at being a couple in front of the camera? Maybe Rachel can forget the camera but Rodger can't?

September 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranonymous

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