RZ Moments.

1. Rachel kissing Armani's hand, Pope-style. I thought it was spontaneous and unaffected, very sweet.
(Was anyone else surprised that Mr. Armani does not speaka da Inglese?)
2. The DVF pom-pom hat. What the HELL.
Looks like a church craft fair barfed on her head.
(Was that too harsh? I am sorry. But even someone like Diane Von Furstenberg can't hit a homer every time, you know? It's okay.)
3. Speaking of heads--did you see Rodger's bed head on Valentine's Day? Precious. Absolutely precious, and I'm not even being sarcastic. I wanted to hug the whole world when I saw that.
4. The prototypes for Rachel's coat line. Thoughts?
5. Rachel trying on different outfits for her gays before the Matthew Williamson opening (check out the intro on his website--supercool). What did you think about the length of the dress she chose? If it would have been me, I would have pulled out the duct tape to do some on-the-spot alterations. But that is why Rachel is Rachel and I am at home polishing off a bag of Nutter Butters.
6. Tay. I'm kind of feeling for her. As several of you pointed out after last week's episode, she's the one doing most of the work while Rachel is doing the huge stuff and Brad is busy looking pretty and chit-chatting.
7. Boca Part II, Return of the Brightly Colored Jacket with Snaps:
What did I miss? Please opine.
Reader Comments (31)
ray zoe is such a trooper, making DVF feel great about the pompom hat. God love her.
What else would she do?
Check it out. RZ for QVC preview:
I totally agree about not liking to watch Rachel and Rodger alone. I find it very uncomfortable and I think it's because of how Rachel acts around him with that fake baby voice someone mentioned. And maybe we all think that he is gay and she is too good for him... or something like that.
Uch. "Taylor is the new Jan Brady" is genius. But what the hell is with calling her fat? If it would fit Anne Hathaway aka Annie it would fit Taylor.
Btw, Taylor has terrible grammar. They replayed that "It's Brad or I" moment a thousand times last season! Did that not torture anyone else but me?
I'll go check that link--thanks lala.
Sketch, it didn't bother me that much until everyone started pointing it out. Also, on the spectrum of bad grammar, Taylor ain't got nothin on Sheree.
"In 20 years, Rachel Zoe is going to look like a Halloween costume."
-She already does; a skeleton...