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Are your eyes drunk?

They are if you've been sipping on the sweet, sweet nectar that is The Rachel Zoe Project. The shoes, the clutches, the jewels, the's all so shiny and sparkling and gorgeous.

For example, is this not the most hubba-hubba look you have EVER seen?

I mean, REALLY.  This is the very definition of buh-nanas.

In other news, Taylor is still acting like a surly 16 year old who has spent a lot of time in juvie.

Someone needs to wipe that effing look off her face.  (But how funny was Brad's imitation of her? Tee hee!)

Frank and I had a big fight (again) over whether Rodger is gay.  (me: no, Frank: are you kidding me?!)  For those of you who watched, please opine on Rodger's new hairdo.  A little on the greasy side tonight.  I wish I could find a photo of it. 

We need to talk about this:

Many years ago, I worked with an alcoholic Southerner who was a bit effeminate.  Whenever a woman would come to our office wearing something pastel and/or matronly, he'd roll his bloodshot eyes and whisper in his thick whiskey-scented accent, "that's so Boca!" (as in Raton) and there would be the inevitable comment about eating dinner at 5pm. Then he would go back to his office and drink more whiskey.

I'm sure this mint green leather jacket is lovely in person but on tv, it looks satin, and...Boca.  But I love you, Rachel.  And honestly, I am sitting here with my muffintop spilling out over some Gap shorts, so who am I to criticize?

All right.  My eyes are threatening to pass out.  Tell me your truest, innermost feelings about RZ, Rodge, Taylor and Brad.

Reader Comments (39)

Okay so I'm happy now. I love Rachel and her team, especially Brad. Omg, that Taylor is an antisocial pychotic head case. She must be a different person with the celebrity clients because otherwise she is a stone cold bitch, even to her boss. I love how Brad can get her to laugh or smile even through her hateful moodiness. Hanging up on Rachel when she feels like it and yelling at her? I think she hates the young intern for trying on the clothes.The clients all looked great on the red carpet except Cameron Diaz - looked fantastic in the gorgeous dress but had shit hair as usual. Love seeing Rachel and Brad picking out unbelievable jewelry and accessories. Next week looks even better.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJasmine

"that's so Boca..." priceless!

hey, if she can get Karl Lagerfeld to alter his couture gown? she can be all kinds of Boca, no?

i kinda like Taylor's surliness.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjeannie

P.S. And I guess we all now know who "Ava" is...ha ha.

and I liked "Ava's" look better than Carmen's...but I prefer Eva to Carmen anyway. She's so gorgeous!

I don't know about Rodger. He just seems me.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjeannie

For Christmas, I would like someone to get me Brad. When he was freaking out about the awesomeness of the bow ties? AMAZING.

Someone needs to slap Taylor in the face. By the end of the season, when she threatens to quit for the 8,000th time, I just want Rachel to say "Don't let the door hit you on the way out, cow" and see what the hell she says.

Rodger is not gay. He is LA. Totally different.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersarah

I luvvvv RZ and team. So far I have to admit while I still want to be Brad's bff, Taylor kind of grew on me. She didn't seem nearly as bitter as she did last time. Rodger, I don't think about.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSarah's Fab Day

I think with Rodger it's his hair (or hair piece which is what I think it is). LOVE Brad! Taylor is so moody and bratty, but I like her. I think she's a good person, but has a hard time showing it in a constructive way. Rachel has allowed her to be her "bratty child" one good time out and she may see the light. How much would I love to work there - A LOT! And yes, Eva's dress and jewels were divine and amazing and I die! I so love this show!

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSpryOnTheWall

i don't think he's gay...did you see him glaze over when she was talking about the chanel dress? total straight guy, MARRIED guy thing to do.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbetty

Betty, that was exactly what started the discussion. Not gay, just LA. We should make a bumper sticker for Rodge.

August 25, 2009 | Registered CommenterSGM

Rodger is gay. He was not glazing over when Rachel was talking about the Chanel dress because he was not interested. He was glazing over because he was thinking about the sweet piece of meat that he had a "lunch meeting" with later that day.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

I remember in an earlier episode, Roger wanting to fool around and she was like, noooo. No way he's gay. Just very LA.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCricket

Frank, that was an oddly specific response.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranonymous

Frank, are you envious of Rodge's name spelling? Is that where this angst is coming from?

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersarah

Brad remains the number one reason I watch this hot mess. Rog has the unfortunate luck of being named Roger, so even if he is or isn't gay it makes no difference to me, he's still named Rog and that pretty much says it all as far as I'm concerned. Tay Tay is such a typical stylist, they ALL act a lot like her, seriously. And if I might add, your former effeminate co-working alcoholic Southerner sounds divine. Anyone who drinks whiskey while at work has my stamp of approval.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChateau de Lu

Frank, you should change the spelling of your name to "Franck."

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranonymous

I'm with Frank, I too get the gay vibe from Rodger.

But what the shit do I know, my first husband was gay, gay, gay.

I'm not really considered an expert in this field due to my busted gaydar.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZDub

I'm gonna tell Frank you guys are talking about him. You're gonna be in trouble!

zdub, now I have to meet him to test my own gaydar.

The alcoholic co-worker was not divine--he was A Mess. He was filling up his car with gas when he suddenly decided to drive off. Didn't even realize he was still hooked up and just kept going and "found myself in Boulder" --and arrested.

August 25, 2009 | Registered CommenterSGM

I was eagerly awaiting your screen-shot of Ta-Ta's surly little mug. I knew it would be divine. Although I think there was a moment you missed. .. when the intern was trying on the dress, holy shit, the look of utter disgust, mixed with minxy jealousy, and a smidgen of teenager rage on Tay-Tay's face...DAMN!!!!

I just don't understand why she is so pissed. Like really what gives??! I will say that Rachel Zoe seems to spend way more time with Brad giggling and shopping then she does with that is either a testimony to Tay-Tay's ability to manage herself or a nail in the coffin of their relationship. Either way I would have slapped the shit out of my assistant if she had said no to my direct orders and hung up on me. What a piece of work.

Brad is the cutest little muffin ever. When he was saying how it was some girls dream to try on couture dresses and then he slyly said and some boys too....hilarious.

I am originally from Southern Cali and I can testify, Rodger is straight, he is just very Cali and very LA. I like him and his silly floppy hair do. :)

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDCStyleBlender

Taylor is a rude employee, but that's Rachel's fault for allowing that behavior over the past 3 years. It's like parents that don't discipline their kids and then wonder why they're so bratty.

I do think it was wrong of Rachel to make comments about Taylor being jealous about Jordan's body. I'm sure Taylor was a little jealous that someone else was getting to try on gorgeous dresses, but Rachel's constant comments turned it into a big thing. Also, who wouldn't feel awkward when it's well-known that Rach encouraged her clients to get skinny-skinny. And they're admiring Jordan's body?? She looked like a 12 year old with buff arms. I'd rather have Taylor's body anyway.

Also--why are they saying that Taylor's boobs couldn't fit into the dress? They're putting these dresses on starlets like Eva Mendes and Anne Hathaway who both have waaaay bigger boobs than Taylor. WTF? If you wanna see how the dress is going to look on these actresses you might want to have someone with boobs and curves try them on.


Actually, Eva Mendes does pronounce her name as "Ava" and I remember Carson Kressley using "Boca" as an insult on Queer Eye.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjanet

People are reacting to the sexlessness of their marriage. I blame that on Rachel. She seems too...bony to have any sex drive left--I wince at the thought of big meaty Rodger laboring sweatily over her brittle, anemic 12-year-old girl body.

If she has any carnal satisfactions, they are probably from her work. Like she would only get horny at Van Cleef & Arpels, not at the sight of Rodger's peen.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

Oh my god, I can't stop laughing at these comments. I don't think Rodger is gay, I think he's one of those yucky guys who thinks way too much about what he looks like. His hair is sooo labored over. Taylor is so gross and dirty looking. I'll bet she smells a little bit. She is such a pain-- the girl who acts like she hates everybody so she doesn't have to worry about if they hate her. But that cute little Brad won't give up on her! Why wouldn't Rachel hang out with him more-- he's so much more fun. Tell Taylor to make the phone calls, he's the one to take out for the shopping. Even her eyeliner is awful-- like a teenager just discovering make-up and really wants to use it, but doesn't know how. She needs to get fired. Anyone else would be at any other job.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

Another word for "Boca"= Cruisewear

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

not liking the video clips that are ads. some are clumsy (the bing one) and others are better, like when they create an outfit on a model with shit from h&m and nine west, all the while purring that it was "totally" something rachel would wear...sure. right. whatever moves ya babe. it's just a bit ooky. welcome to web 2.0.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertb

OK, Just watched it.

Is no one else surprised that they wait till the day of the Red Carpet to try on these dresses? Weird. Also, someone else said it, Taylor seems MUCH skinnier than Anne Hathaway or Eva M. She has a pretty hot body, even though she is so moody. I kinda feel like her rage is justified because Rach and Brad prob just act like babies all day and the work gets dumped on her. Truth be told, she is just a glorified GoFer so its not surprising that she is pissed all the time.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSketch42

I have known SGM and Frank for some time now, and I can assure all of you that Frank is virtually 100 percent straight.

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