So much excellent tv, we might get bedsores

Anderson Cooper is going to pee his pants when he sees this:
My favorite part? "I love a crawl!" Oh, how I have missed the NeNe and Dwight show. For those of you who couldn't get into Real Housewives of Altanta, I beg you to give it another chance. Season 2 starts on July 30.
TONIGHT, we have the Jersey reunion. Instead of posting a clip and causing you to be distracted by the 17 chandeliers and the front-and-center baby coffin (thanks, My Favorite and Best, for identifying it), I am posting a clip of the highly entertaining commentary from the table flipping incident.
My heart aches for a friendship with Caroline. Aches! And I'm not just saying that because it would bring me closer to seXXXy Albie; I really mean it.
AND, don't forget the baby douchebags on NYC Prep, which also airs tonight. Dreadful! (which is exactly how I like it.)
(click through if you can't see the videos, sweethearts.)
Reader Comments (17)
ok so i just watched nyc prep... and i'm afraid to say it might just be the one step too far, even for a bravo enthusiast like myself. they were young, obnoxious (not in an entertaining way) and uninteresting. i'll give it another shot, but it wasn't a promising start. having said that, i'm still on a high from how much i heart the jersey girls!
Oh! Teresa says (screeches): "...engaged 19 times!!!"
OK, now everyone go to to read the latest about Beverly/Angela/Danielle's coke dealing/escort servicing.
Ok, I'll give Atlanta one more try, but only for you! :)
It really irritates me when people use excuses like I'm Italian to justify their behavior! She's an adult who in the presence of children acted like a spoiled two year old. That's nothing to be proud of.
What I'd really like to see is a transcript of what Theresa said during the table flipping fiasco...there were some real juicy tidbits in there I think!
Not that I disagree with you, but why Albie, cause Chris is cute too?
Disappointing reunion show - kinda boring. Everyone was pretty mellow and lying through their teeth. Hope next week is better.
WOW, on the smoking gun stuff. I don't quite know what to say.
Tonight's reunion was a bit uneventful, but hopefully Thursday's night will be better.
I can't staaaand NYC Prep. Too obnoxious for words. I agree with the first poster- I think Bravo has finally gone too far. And you know it's bad when I think Bravo giving a former PROSTITUTION WHORE!!!! a reality TV show is perfectly fine but giving a group of teenaged twats the same spotlight makes me want to retch that really. It's gone too far.
NYC Prep - full of brats. But I'll keep watching for now. All I could think the entire time was, with all that money can't they afford to look better? And I was flipping between that and Deadliest Catch and had a brief fantasy about the NYC Prepers being thrown onto a crab boat during a massive storm. Made me smile a little...
All I kept thinking while watching NYC Prep, is "where the hell are the parents?" Seriously - a 16 year old and her 18 year old brother live in NYC while their parents live in the Hamptons? What the hell? I have a 16 year old son, and the last thing I would do is allow him to be on a reality show acting like an ass. Not one of those kids comported themselves well. In this day and age, colleges are looking at Facebook and MySpace when deciding on applicants. These kids have a whole show for colleges to view.
I agree the NYCPrep-sters are a bunch of brats. And yes, why hasn't that b*#@hy blonde parlayed some of the cash she blows at Barneys on a maxillofacial surgeon? Truly f'ed-up bite on that one.
I'll just say it: The Prep kids are homely.
Camille looks like she might have an extra chromosome or somthing --one of those rare genetic syndromes.
The fashion girl? You don't want to see couture clothes with that face poking the top.
Sebastian looks like something you'd find on the lint screen of your dryer.
PS: The Prep show had NO energy. None.
They're all fairly annoying, but Sebastian kept doing something with his hair, slicking it around with his hand, that really got on my nerves. He keeps doing it over and over.
Again, I love Albie...and Chris was so funny. And Danielle, oy vey. Clearly this woman loves/craves drama...who goes on a reality show with that much crap in your closet.
NYC Prep - could not get through the first episode. All those kids, annoying and very unfashionable for supposedly being "into fashion." And that Jessi girl, she's no Blair Waldorf.