Being a prostitution whore is only the tip of the iceberg
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Read a summary of Danielle's ever-growing problems here.
In other shocking news, Danielle admits to making gout with Don Johnson. I'm not sure what that entails, but it sounds illegal.
What did you think of the Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion, Part 1?
Reader Comments (28)
I haven't seen it yet! AGH! As soon as I get home this evening I will be watching it on Tivo!!! Can't wait!
I was annoyed with Jacquiline. I don't think she is as innocent as everyone makes her out to be and she should have had Dina's back throughout the show and I don't truly believe she ever did.
Was it just me or did it look like, for the entire episode, Danielle was attending her own funeral?
I think that Danielle is an aspiring actress. She did say that she had roles on Third Watch and the Sopranos. I mean how far can this woman take the poor-me victim role. I feel more for the people that she supplied drugs with, I'm sure there were teens since she does like them young, or the teen that her boyfriend kindnapped and tortured. How do we not know that she took the money and claimed to her boyfriend that she was robbed by "masked gunmen". Everytime they panned to her long, pitiful face it made me dislike her even more. From bringing up her broken bubbie to crying about her gay-the-only-father-figure-I've-ever-known friend of 27 years who didn't even know about her arrest in the news that happened 24 years ago.
Her comments to Jacqueline on her blog about everything she did for her and then ending with "but I don't want any credit for it", then why devote such a long paragraph with the need to let us know? And her comment to Caroline about Caroline saying "before I like you I dislike you", hypocrite, I believe in Danielle's show intro she herself says "you either like me or don't like me, there is no in between".
If Danielle's past really is in her past then why the comment in the Last Supper episode "I'll be knocking on your door and I won't be alone!" Hmm, sounds to me like her past isn't in her past as she'd like for everyone to believe.
Was I the only one that was bored to tears?! I was so un-impressed. But I did like it when Andy Cohen retaliated against Teresa for Joe's "Gay" comment. Good for him!!!
Danielle looked heavily medicated and miserable. Jacquiline was a little to giggly for me. I don't know, something weird was in the air.
I was TOTALLY bored over part one. Theresa made me laugh the entire time. I love her, she doesn't give shit what anyone thinks! I can't wait for part 2, apparently thats when all the good juicy stuff shall be revealed!
Caroline is intrusive. I liked her until the recap. Why was she answering questions directed at Teresa, for example?
wow. Danielle is just becoming more and more of a train wreck. I hope she is regretting her decision to be on the show but sadly I suspect she LOVES all the attention.
her poor kids.
ummmm NYC Prep...I think that has a NUMBER of coffee mugs coming out of it.
the horrific things that come out of teens mouths amplified with truck loads of money.
what is up with the two girls with lazy eyes? I mean they have cash to deal with that shizzle get it done if you're on TV.
I still can't believe that their parents allowed this. And what up with all the alcohol? who are serving these kiddies?
jeez I totally sound like a crabby old lady.
I think Bravo should start a fundraising drive for Danielle's children's therapy bills. Those girls are either headed for the stripper pole or the psychiatrist's couch. Or both, frankly.
My favorite line of Andy's: "I'm gay and I was offended." Weeee! I felt a little sorry for Theresa. "Everyone says 'That's gay.' " Really? Even Hillary Duff says that's JUST NOT COOL. Theresa is sweet, but dumb as a post. Seriously. And her husband is a total ape. His skin is stretched so tight against his bulging muscles it looks like he could pop any second.
Dina is still the best EVER. I would totally wear her like last year's Versace. Although she's more next year's Versace.
The reunion was interesting because Danielle came across a bit more intelligent than she has in the past. But what was with the "I'm sucking a lemon" face? She's a total disaster. Drama queen, attention-hog disaster.
I was bored the entire time. Their lives are boring. Danielle's petty drama is what makes the show. If it wasn't for her, the show would be a total disaster.
Totally boring - Best part of the whole show was when Andy said he was offended by the gay comment. Joe was talking about the dance instructor and it was offensive. Not that I am a big fan of Danielle (pretty sleazy), but the ladies were making a fuss about keeping their kids in the room for the book confrontation, but saw no problem with keeping them in the room for Theresa's explicit sex talk? Hypocritical, I believe. And Caroline needs to shut up - how many times do we have to hear you drone on about your perfectly wonderful, innocent family and how close you all are. You protest too much. Probably mafia along with Joe, but really who cares? With Danielle's tame behavior, there was no drama and it was a yawner.
The best was when Teresa was trying to explain the not living in other people's homes because they are dirty. What was the word she said? Cleansiness? I can't remember, but it was hilarious and Andy just went with it. Classic!
Just waiting until part 2!
I could care less about what someone did 25 years ago.
Danielle is such an easy villain it's just boooooring. You're not tired of the easy, sanctimoniuos pile-on by a family with mob ties and considers Bernie Kerick in their circle of friends?
Lay off Danielle. The girl has daughters. She's no saint, but continuing to rip her only further destroys her kids.
And bring back Atlanta! That shit's FUUUN!
Danielle is such a lonely and damaged person, I can't help but feel badly for her even though she creeps me out.
Danielle's eyebrows called me and said they are sorry for making me stare at them in disbelief.
What a yawn fest. I really don't like any of them. They don't make me laugh.
NeNe and Dewight, on the other hand, have a zest for life that is infectious. Jill and Bethany offer the same type of entertainment.
The NJ woman are boring and have nothing to offer the viewers. They certainly haven't left me wanting MORE.
Ok, this is going to seem really silly compared to all the other "serious" comments regarding the NJ housewives, but the thing that bugged me, maybe the most, about this series was this: with all the creative minds working behind-the-scenes at Bravo, they came up with an amoeba-like map of New Jersey as the show's logo? The OC ladies have oranges, NY has apples and Atlanta had peaches, but NJ gets a blob? New Jersey is "the garden state', right? They couldn't use some kind of flower? A cube of marble or onyx maybe? A symbol that means "we're NOT in the mob (as far as you know)"?
Danielle is f'in gay. and an attention whore.
Dina needs that bubbie reduction. and she's a lot more interesting with one of her wacky sidekicks, Lexi or Grandma Wrinkles.
Teresa is so much funnier than Bethenny.
Jacqui, oh Jacqui, so glad you are back in the fold.
And Caroline is a Rockstar. I think I cried a little when she did. And I totally covet her Kay Unger dress.
I confess, I didn't even watch the whole thing. I did crack up at "cleanziness" but other than that, it WAS a yawner.
I like the "zest for life" theory. I think the NJ women have seen the wreckage that previous housewives have produced and as a result, stay reserved (with the exception of fame-hungry Danielle and Table Flipper, but even their outrageous moments seem calculated). I'll watch Part 2, but I'm over it.
I kinda feel bad for Danielle, kinda not. I think she is sincere in the way she feels about Jacqueline (however the hell you spell that) but at the same time, MEGA controlling. Danielle could never survive in a friendship with someone like Dina, or Caroline, or SGM. The only way she can function is if you are like Jacqueline with no brain and your mouth hanging open to take whatever shit she wants to feed you. Still, I think she really cares about her.
I didn't really get Caroline's rant about her family, why did her husband propose on the day his dad was found? Does that make sense to anyone else? Sounds like he was afraid she'd run for cover when the truth came out. No mafia my ass.
Dina remains my fave, I want to hang out with her. She has a cool sounding voice, even though she doesn't talk a ton, she is smart. Theresa makes me laugh, I totally felt for her when she flipped the table. I would have gone off the fucking reservation too if I had to sit there and listen to Danielle act like it's Dina's fault that Danielle was on coke and kidnapping etc. So what, she exposed the book. It was no secret they didn't like each other! If you have such giant fucking skeletons in the closet, close your mouth and try to keep everyone happy, not digging for your shit cause they hate you.
Just my humble opinion.
Caroline is super annoying and self-righteous. We get it already... Family is everything, blah blah blah. God bless her future daughter-in-laws - she's going to make them suffer like nobody's business. She's so overdramatic with the "italian family" thing. I pretty much hate her guts.
I think Jacquiline is adorable.
I think the one with the homophobic husband is retarded.
I think the blond is the only one with a brain.
Jaqueline overdid it with the lips. Her top lip looks like a duck's bill.
Fairly boring episode and Bravo is milking it for all it's worth. From the previews it looks like Part 2 has drama.
I hate the Atlanta ho-wives and will not watch them. Not crazy about OC either. New York is still my favorite.
Yes! That "zest for life" theory is right on! And THAT is what is missing from the last OC and NYC HW. They used to have it, but now they are so petty and snippy and bitchy and self-posessed in a very wierd, self-conscious for the cameras way. And that is also ONE of the problems with NYC Prep. THese kids get no real joy from life! They have the world at their feet and are totally uninterested and uninteresting. They are playing at being adults and are exchanging privilege and things for experiences. They are bored and boring and probably half-retarded. I couldn't get through the whole thing because I couldn't stand listening to their voices and could hardly even follow the stories because they are so boring. They aren't excited about ANYTHING. It will not be a surprise when they all turn out to be raging alcoholic/drug addict losers with unsuccessful marriages and dysfunctional relationships behind them by the time they are forty. And they'll have nothing to show for their lives but a fabulous wardrobe purchased by mom and dad. They are missing out by being so 'over' mundane experiences most teenagers get the privilege of enjoying. Where were the parents? They probably don't even KNOW their kids are on the show because they've done such a terrible job of raising them that THEY can't stand them long enough to pay attention either. Bleh. I could hardly even pay attention to that show. Won't watch again.