Speaking of The Lewis,

You're going to need at least one of these:
Can't you just hear his voice? What a little bitch. God, I just want to squeeze him to death. In a very tender and affectionate way, of course.
Designed by the uber-talented Richie, buy it HERE.
UPDATED: There's also a travel mug HERE.
(If you aren't in on the "Is this 140?" joke, please read this recap and fall in love with Jeff all over again.)
Reader Comments (7)
AHEM. You are STALLING. Get your little buttookus back here and review the finale of RHNJ! Nowww!
I need some funny today. :(
Read it and weep SGM:
Chloe, I KNOW.
Lucinda, OH SHIT.
While I'm waiting for the recap I'm going to go back and read the last year's posts. I didn't discover you until recently and your recap of Flipping Out from a year ago seems just like yesterday!
hey, sweet little e.
you AND the richie in one post? had to kirtsy that mug. genius.
i visit, like, once a week for an hour to get my telly and sgm fix. don't freak out when you check your stats. {insert 'i am not a terrorist joke here.'}
Can't wait for soem Jeff love!!!!!
Can NOT wait!