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    "So then I told her that she was being inappropriate and that she should just go fuck herself, hahahahaha!"

    The recap is coming, but I want to talk about this NOW and I know you do too--let's hear it!

    Reader Comments (65)

    I thought B won this one HANDS DOWN! Why is it that everytime Kelly opens her mouth ..she seems so ignorant?(and she's a WRITER! it pained me to watch her interview Jill Sander) I can't believe how she changed the story to make herself look like the victim! She knows for a fact that what she did was absolute shit and pointless. What a damn fool.

    March 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkik

    Bethenny CLEARLY came off the winner with calm grace, class and dignity.

    And a hell of a zinger.

    "With your imaginary boyfriend? Okay."

    March 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterleslie ruth

    oh gawd, I'm so behind on my good trash tv

    March 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRichie Designs

    What a day for the RHWNYC. First off reading about the 'Countess' splitting with her absent hubby in the Post but is going to retain her title (lol), then to see Kelly in the NY Daily news for her court appearance for punching out her ex-boyfriend. Then to finally watch tonight's episode. It's all too much of a good thing! I love it!
    Kelly tried to bully Bethanny but came off as a hyper jabbering idiot (and she remembered B and her boyfriend from years ago!) Even Luann found it surprising that K set up a meeting to chastise B and then showed up late.
    And what's with Mario becoming a prissy jerk? First at dinner w/Ramoner then at the Page Six Mag. party with Jill then Simon. He seemed a little drunk at the party, all red faced.
    Go Bethanny, Jill and yes, even Alex and Simon.

    March 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJilly in Idaho


    March 31, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhello gorgeous

    I think this show was the best yet...It was goooood all around. That Kelly made me proud. I like B, but I think it was time for kelly to step up and let her know..i wouldnt give a damn if a chick didnt want to befriend me so i dont get that with who cares if kelly doesnt think your "cool"..move on from it.

    March 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTamstyles

    Uh like Kelly looked uh like, fucking crazy.

    March 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Congrats Kelly for telling off Blunt Bethany- she deserved being put in her place. Her shitty upbringing is no longer an excuse for why she is so rude and snarky- get into see some good counselor Bethany and get happy with yourself... in so doing you won't feel compelled to be so cutting whenever you feel insecure. Life is about getting to a place called "happy" and we are each responsible for getting ourselves to that place. Bethany get out of Bitterville and start your journey to happy.

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    I don't think Bethanny cares whether Kelly likes her or not. Kelly is the one who has been rude or ignored B numerous times in the past and now B doesn't want anything to do with her. She has moved on from it and doesn't want any fake shit from K now that K is on the show.
    Kelly doesn't fit in with the first housewives and can't believe that someone would have the audacity not to be impressed with her. She's the one that needs to move on, permanently.

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJilly in Idaho

    Kelly Crazypants. For real.

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter♥ Chloe

    Okay, I just watched it.

    Oh my god.

    Kelly is unfuckingbelievable. She is so delusional. I could actually understand where she was coming from before her little sit down, but she lost me within ten seconds once she showed up at the bar. And she has the audacity to go around acting as if Bethenny was some big bitch at their meeting.

    And I agree with the comment about Mario. When did he become such a whiny douche? He and Ramona bitch and moan about it all being for fun and they don't care, then he throws this massive rude hissy fit over it.

    Was this episode's title/theme 'Raving Lunatics' or something? The only people who didn't come off as insane were Bethenny, Jill, Silex, and even the Countess. Okay, that's more rational or semi-rational people than I originally thought--color me impressed.

    (Sorry for such a long comment!)

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterClaire

    Is this show scripted now?

    First, we get the conversation where Ramona asks Kelly for advice on dealing with Simon and Kelly gives the obvious advice, "smile & move on when you see him."

    Next, we get to see Kelly totally ignore her own advice in dealing with Bethenny.


    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOld House Junkie

    The fact that Kelly constantly shows up late, especially when she's summoned someone to meet her, tells it all. She's more important than everyone else. Why can't Bethenny just understand that?! Sheesh!

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    I cannot wait for your recap on this episode. I was holding my breathe during that fight. I love that they showed the fight and then immediately showed each of the girls telling their side to one of the other housewives. I knew something was off with Kelly...but jeeze, what a looney. I'm not even Bethany's #1 fan, but I thought she handled the situation very well.

    Oh, my favorite parts were when Kelly's hot date told her to stop talking about it in his sexy accent (If this had been the Atlanta version someone would have said "move the f*** on b****") and secondly when she said "Oh Max, I don't know what happened with Max..." clearly implying that they had sex....

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

    tmz has video posted 3/31 of Simon exposing Alex's thong-
    such a gent.

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    "Kell-amity" was my favorite, Go B!

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Well I must say I do love to check at the SGM much fun! Last night reminded me of one of the Mad TV skits in the office where the supply monitor was always looking for "Sneaky Snakes"....Hisssssssssssss!!!!!
    Also, love the post above, I too am a Yes girl!!
    lamaisonfou blog

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLeslie Rowlands

    Kelly just embarrassed herself completely. She asked B to meet her to talk about something that is clearly bothering her and was, basically immediately, unable to express any kind of clear, thought. I don't get her. That whole scene at the bar made her look dumb and I don't believe for a second she went to columbia.

    Please, SGM, stop whatever you are doing and recap. Its all I've been able to think about. I can't sleep, can't eat, I'm behind on work, and I'm stalking your web site like its my j.o.b. occupation.

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Who else thinks Bethany and NeNe should get together and put the smack down on all those other hizzos? They could take out stupid Kim and Kelly at the same time.

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Amazing!!! Not since high school have I heard anyone rage on like Kelly - and it's been 25 years. It gave me the creeps.

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    I can't wait for your recap - this was one action packed episode. I dislike Kelly so much, B moved on from the "meeting" Kelly just kept beating that horse, get over yourself...

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDobbygirl

    Kelly grew up in a WT city about 45 minutes from where I live. When I told my mom, she goes "Well that explains everything!"

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKelly

    Where did this Kelly person come from??? I will tell you....Rockford Illinois! has anyone ever been to Rockford? In terms of sophistication, class and elegance Rockford comes in a close second to Peoria! Who does she think she's kidding? I find her immature, impulsive, aggressive, arrogant, delusional and narcissitic. I also don't think she is very intelligent. What a complete train wreck. Bethanny was strong and composed and sharp as a tack.
    I think Bethanny was total grace under fire. kelly should find a good therapist!

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

    Oh my lord! what an amazing show, the best yet. It made me love Jill and Bethanny even more. Um, Kelly is a grade A nutter, I just wanted to reach through the screen and slap that condescending lunacy out of her. It made my blood boil the way she was talking. Mario is a douche and RamoneR needs to up her meds. I'm glad Alex told her she was rude, I wish she had continued.

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMeg

    This week's show was an A+! Ditto what Laura said...and I was actually impressed with the Countess for a change when she was sticking up for B. Go B!

    April 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkatiedid

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