What's going on with She by Sheree?

I thought you'd never ask!
Remember when Sheree claimed to the world that she'd be debuting her She by Sheree fashion line at New York Fashion Week? I think we all did a collective "bitch, please. Do you think they just let anyone in?"
Well, New York Fashion Week is upon us and I just thought I'd confirm what we already knew: she's not there. In an interview with essence.com, the wily Sheree explains:
No, I’m not showing at Fashion Week. My line will be in stores in the fall and my Web site, ShereeWhitfield.com, is up. 2009 is a hot year. Barack is going into office and Michelle Obama is by his side. She’s awesome and is a great example. 2009 is Sheree’s year, girl. Let my haters be my motivators.
Brilliant move, Sheree. Just randomly throw the Obamas in there and no one will remember all of the total bullshit that comes out of your mouth in regard to your non-existent fashion line. GOOD GOD, do you really think we are that stupid?
You know what else, Sheree? I love the fact that you ended your answer with your trademark cliche, "let your hater be your motivator." !!! Sheree, as one of your haters, I shall respond in turn with another tired expression: don't hate the playa, hate the game. If you didn't make these grand statements about how She by Sheree is going to be on the runways in Milan and Paris, your number of haters would be reduced by half. Well, maybe not that much--you attract haters like Lindsay Lohan attracts lines of coke. It's magnetic.
For more of Sheree's lame cliches (bizarrely categorized under "photos") and meaningless hype (a new workout dvd), visit Sheree's website. Actually, don't. It's a complete waste of your time.
Oh my GOD, I have a headache. Thanks a lot, Sheree! I'm going to go pop some Advil and eat a box of Girl Scout cookies. Don't forget the Real Housewives of NYC premiere tonight--are you ready? Check back in later this afternoon for an update on why I (almost) feel sorry for the Countess.
Reader Comments (7)
And action Michelle Obama picking up the phone to take care of this.....
You ruined it! You ruined my joy!
I love how these women grab on to their own tag line and RUN with it.
Vicki: "woo, hoo!"
Tamra: "I am the hottest housewife..."
Bethenny: "oh no you di'nt" {as if she coined it. but whatever, I let that one slide because I'm team B.}
Did she really think that fashion week would just let her in??? Carolina Herrera, Marc Jacobs, Oscar de la Renta, She by Sheree...I don't think so. I give her propos for thinking big but fashion week in NYC usually doesn't involve elastic and polyester.
Oh, shit - I'm so glad I checked this before going to bed. Once again, you've given me a big laugh before bedtime. I'm gonna follow suit and say that Sheree should check herself before she wrecks herself. Wait, too late. Snap!
"you attract haters like Lindsay Lohan attracts lines of coke"
Hey if she can get Michelle Obama to wear those clothes that would take it over the top.