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    1.  Worlds collide:  Kelly Cutrone is coming to Bravo.

    2.  Anyone watch Launch My Line?  I tried (gave it a good solid 2 minutes) but ... no comprende.  What did you think?

    3.  Top Chef.  I won't spoil it for anyone, but please feel free to spill your guts in the comments.

    4.  RHOC.  Saw about 10 minutes of it last night.  This Thursday night time slot is not working for me.  But guess what?   I now like Gretchen and Slade.  I KNOW.  Who's with me?  Anyone?

    5.  Andy Cohen gives the BEST quotes:

    "I am writing this from a train rolling through Rhode Island en route back home. I love a train. Nene loves a crawl, and I love a train...."  !!!!!

    I think Andy is much smarter than we give him credit for.

    (Andy portrait by the lovely and talented


    Reader Comments (19)

    Andy's smart; he's just wasting it.

    December 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    I am excited about Kelly joining Bravo, but not as excited as I am about the new show on MTV, Jersey Shore.

    I can't get into Launch My Line. It is trying too hard.

    (Not acknowledging #3)

    Love RHOC and really like Slade & Gretchen together. They both seem kind of pretty and slutty. Match made in Heaven.

    December 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersarah

    1. MTV apparently wouldn't have her.

    2. Watched it until I couldn't bear the voices of DSquared any longer.

    3. Regardless of the outcome, I have a job for Michael when his current gig ends.

    4. I want to be in the middle of their sandwich.

    5. In regards to a good train, I have a feeling Andy Cohen is one "Lucky Peter"

    December 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergayhooker

    I thought Launch My Line SUCKED! Ew. Top Chef rocks. I would be happy with any of them winning, but I'm on Team Kevin!

    December 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLaurenW

    1 Tthat should be interesting

    2. The dsquared guys I am fascinated with, which I am sure after a few shows that fascination will wane, its something to watch, plus I love it when people who think that they are all it, fall on their face ..hahaha I know, I am mean

    3.. Totally heart broken for Jennifer, there should only be one Volt brother in the final 3 go Kevin

    4. Oy vay the housewives, would you let your mother invite a blind date to your house to stay for 3 days??? Alex, her hubby with the jewelry gift, what is that about, showing off or is he hiding something??? and He can be a little mean to her.
    Tamara honey, Ryan is living a life of a rich kid, and I don't think he is, so you may want to explain that to him


    December 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

    The one word I would not use about Kelly Cutrone is "interesting."

    December 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    andy cohen? dopey.

    the RHOC new husband? i counted "seven carats" come out of his mouth five times in the one minute segment of him giving that fugly "seven carat" necklace to his wife.

    i wish they'd found a whole new cast for the OC "housewives". I am so tired of Tamra's middle school taunts, and 'look at me' behaviors. lynne and her husband need a "teen life coach" or whatever they call her? hello? just be a parent, set some limits, say NO to BMWs and plastic surgery for teenagers - -> the same for Tamra and her son. what is WRONG with these people? and Gretchen, hello? jeff's kids have a mother, and

    i am BORED with this show. and finally, what kind of mother fixes up her girl with a weekend-long blind date? Ugh. Brianna is the most sensible woman on that program. she is normal and mature.

    andy cohen is a bimbo. that's what he is.

    December 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjeannie

    Just want to second everything Jeannie said. "Blech" to OC housewives these days.

    December 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterblisterina

    1. Kelly? Samantha Jones you're not.

    2. Launch My Line is like cotton candy: you think you're getting something SO awesome and cool, but one bite and it just disintigrates into hot air. Look, Bravo, there's only one Project Runway, even if it SUCKED ASS and lost its mojo this past season.

    3. Oh Top Chef: in the first 5 minute, like delicious foreplay, you taunted me with Brian's bastardly snark. And then...absolutely NOTHING. Tease. Game show platform aside, Jen's genuine talent will take her far and she'll be just fine. I think Kevin's gonna win; it will be great to see Brian get spanked. And I don't mean by Gayhooker.

    4. Can't even go into RHOC. They're like taffy: nothing but a hot sticky mess.

    5. And, Andy Andy. If only you would learn to use your smarts for good instead of evil...

    December 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTiffaney

    RHOC is the one Real Housewives series I've given up on. Nothing to see here, folks, just keep moving...

    December 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    EEEw, Vicki. Leave Brianna alone! That necklace wearing meathead was so gross. I can't believe she'd want her daughter to go out with someone like that. Oh, wait, it's Vicki-- I forgot. Brianna's appearance on that show always contrasts so sharply with the ridiculousness of everyone else.

    That new woman-- bleh. Is her husband the California version of Teresa's overtanned husband? I can't stand that style of dress-- he is so, so creepy. There's something weird going on in that dynamic-- it's uncomfortable to watch them together.

    And now that we know Tamra's financial situation, she just seems so desperate, jealous and hateful. And her son-- what an effing loser. Grow up. He and Lynne's daughter in her dumbass trucker hat should go out together so they can talk about themselves and lack of goals incessantly while they spend the money their parents don't have on alcohol and drugs.

    No, I am not with you on Gretchen and Slade. They definitely belong together, but I think they are gross to watch.

    This show is really starting to bore me with all the fake sponsored shopping trips where no one even buys anything. Although I guess the only one who really even owns her own home at this point is Vicki, so that cuts down on easy filming venues.

    December 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    Agreed that Orange County has seen better days (as had much of the players)... Probably should have ended two seasons ago.

    December 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoveHateOrangeCounty

    well, i just about managed to drag my burned out little bottom through the pathetic saga that is the OC housewives! and like you all, I am so done! Does anyone really care about any of them anymore, and Slade, he just needs to go away! Seeing as my darling DVR decided to commit suicide sometime after watch what happens and this morning, i cannot even watch all the other shows I saved! and I was so looking forward to enjoying this week's new crop of the sublime meets the ridiculous. Thanks to bravo online, I did get to see a tad of the Launch laddies (yes, that's not a typo), Dsquared? I always thought what a cool name, now I am not so sure when i see who it belongs to! and as for that kelly Cotrone piece of work, she is going to be sumthing else!!!! If she is so "into fashion" what the heck is up with the "stringy, unkempt black hair and enormous bags under the eyes?" maybe all that baking with her daughter doesnt leave time for the hairdresser? Just asking! Anyway, with all the links SGM, I spent about four hours all over planet Bravo and then some, so best get me some shut eye and talk to you soon my dear!
    PS- every caught any of the I want to Work for Diddy mess at MTV! Unfreakinbelievable!

    December 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertink

    It's hard to watch the Housewives show anymore. The eventual fallout from their lifestyles has begun. Spending not saving, not rasing your kids, not tending to your marriage, it's all to sad to watch now. I'm on my way to tuning out all together.

    December 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBloggers Abode

    FYI: I have stringy, unkempt black hair

    December 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergayhooker

    But gayhooker you carry it off so well.

    December 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersarah

    I'm with tink. Why won't Kelly wash her hair?

    (And why does she talk like a 21-year-old sorority girl on cheap speed?)

    December 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    I heart Tamra.

    There, I said it.

    December 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzakary


    There, I asked it.

    December 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

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